2009-10-07 03:15:39 UTC
Darrwin seminal book was called
The Origin of Species. by Means of Natural Selection
natural selection only selects for genes/traits already present
Natural selection is not responsible for new genes
you dont need a PHD in genetics to see -any half wit can
the logic is irrefutable
new species have new genes/traits
if NS does not generate new genes
NS cant generate new species
thus if natural selection is not responsible for new genes then it cannot be responsible for the origin/generation of species as colin leslie dean has shown
"Now NS is invalidated by the fact of speciation as NS only deals with triats already present and cant deal with the generation of new species
. A new species has completely new traits which were not in an antecedent so the antecedent species could not have passed them on
NS is all about the transmission of already acquired traits
if evolution can take place by speciation i.e. a new species has new traits that are not present in the antecedent species thus NS is invalid as it cannot account for speciation "
Natural Selection is not responsible for new genes there fore natural selection is wrong as an evolutionary theory for the generation/origin of new species as colin leslie dean has shown
NS does not generate new genes it only passes already present genes on
thus NS is wrong as an evolutionary theory for the origin of new species ie new genes/traits