After reading this do you agree with me that god is not real and the bible is made up?
2008-05-05 23:52:16 UTC

Reasons why he is not real:

NO BODY was around to write the bible. They said it was written years later but no one was around before that to know the truth to write the bible. So it has to be made up.

1. If god created us who created god?
2. If god created humans, who created animals?
God can't just make animals.
3. If god created white people how did black people come alive?
4. If god was the first person on earth, how did he make everyone else without a female?

This means we evolved from apes, because then animals evolved too.

Adam and eve evolved from apes and they made everyone else. Thats why we're all inbreds.
Seventeen answers:
Writin t
2008-05-07 11:39:32 UTC
So I'm going to guess that you believe in the Big Bang Theory right?

I can only answer just a few of your questions.

Starting with numner one.

1). If God created white people, How did blacks come to exist? Well if you did not know in the bible it does not say that God had ceated white people. It was not the spacific.

All it had said was that God created Adam and Eve. Now back a long time ago in egyption times. People try'd to make a pyrimid to reach the heavens. in the bible God tell us that for trying to reach heaven. He seperated peolple made them speak different tounges. (Languges). So they could not communicate so they could not work.

3). If god was the first person on Earth, how did he make everyone else without a Female. Well in the Bible it tells you that God had taken one of Adams ribs laid it in the sand. And made wemon from his rib. (Why wemn have one extra rib than men do.

If we evolved from apes, Than there would be no apes nor monkeys on Earth. Because all of them would have evolved.

And about the Big Bang. What caused it to go BOOM?
2008-05-06 14:34:23 UTC
There's a lot of false logic in your arguement. First off, there was definitely Divine Intervention with the Bible. If God IS real, then He wouldn't let His Word be written by humans, he'd come in and work through the people writing it.

And, in response to your questions:

1. If God created us, who created God?

-If God could be created by something, He CAN'T be God. God is made of a substance different from what's apart of this physical world. It's called pure spirit, which is not created.

2. If God created humans, who created animals? God can't just make animals.

-If God can make humans (as the first part of your question implies) then why can't he make animals? As a biology student, I can tell you humans are MUCH more complex than animals.

3. If God created white people how did black people come alive?

- The bible doesn't say what kind of people He created, it just says 'man.' The answer has to do with microevolution (read Darwin's Black Box by Michael J. Behe), and goes beyond the scope of your question.

4. If God was the first person on earth, how did he make everyone else without a female?

- We are not offspring of God, we are CREATED by God, which doesn't happen by sexual reproduction.

Now, some questions for you. If there ISN'T a God, then why:

Is there anything at all? One of the laws of matter is that all matter comes from pre-existing matter. Where did that original matter come from? It can't have come from nothing, that goes against ALL science.

The the chances that the very first atom that caused for the universe to come in to being (an atom that came from WHERE? Again, matter cannot be created or destroyed) are one million times one trillion times one billion (the guy who figured this out won the Nobel Peace Prize. His name is George Smoot and his book is called Wrinkles in Time). The chances of this happening without Divine Intervention are approximately .0000000000000000000000000001%; never mind the chances that life would begin on earth. The chances that a single celled organism (never mind humans) being formed on Earth is less likely than a tornado ripping through a junkyard and making a 747 out of the debris. Now multiply THAT number by the number I just gave you. If you want to play by the odds, you'd have to be pretty dumb NOT to believe in God!

p.s. Even the most hardened of atheist biologists will admit that we don't evolve from apes; that's not how evolution works. You clearly haven't researched this much!
2008-05-06 03:09:17 UTC
The Bible was written because the Holy Spirit. :]

1. God was never created, he simply IS, and has always been.

2. God created animals. If God made humans (which I believe he did), then wouldn't he be able to create animals which are much less ...complicated (for lack of a better word)

3. Who said God created white people anyway? It doesn't say what colour they were in the Bible. Besides, we all have adaptations.

4. God is not a person. He has always existed.

Even if I wasn't a Christian, I would have thought your points were poorly displayed. Please read up on stuff before you decide to talk about it.

And where do you suppose the apes came from?

Once upon a time there was nothing, one day, nothing suddenly exploded into everything and there was life....

2008-05-06 01:26:56 UTC
You obviously are misinformed.

2. If god created humans, who created animals?

God can't just make animals.

God DID create animals. Go read Genesis Chp 2. If God can create man, then why can't he create animals? He is an omnipotent being.

4. If god was the first person on earth, how did he make everyone else without a female?

Again...go and read Genesis Chp2. God created the woman out of Adam's rib.

If you want to mock the Bible and Christianity, get your facts straight first.
2008-05-06 00:20:35 UTC
All right, let's check your premises one by one.

NO BODY was around to write the bible. They said it was written years later but no one was around before that to know the truth.

Are you talking about the first book, Genesis? Since the second book, Exodus was all about the travels of Moses and the Isrealites there were certainly plenty of people around to write about it. Genesis is said to have been written by Moses, who heard it directly from God.

If God created us who created God?

Well, no one created God. That's the whole point, he was always here. He is outside the rules of the universes and needs no creator.

If God created people who created animals?

Um, God also created the animals. Why is that hard to understand? If he can make people out of nothing he can certainly do the same for animals.

If God created White people how did Black people come alive?

In actuality, Adam and Eve were probably closer to Black than White. There are very few blonde, blue eyed persons born anywhere near northern Africa and what has been termed the fertile crescent. As to why we have different looking and colored people now, look to evolution. Gradual changes to a common orginism over millions of years is very well explained there.

If God was the first person on Earth, how did he make everyone else without a female?

Once again, God is not a person bound by physical rules. He did not "make" humans by having babies, he created them, from nothing, out of thin air, by magic if you will.

Now look, I'm not a fan of the Bible, I don't believe it's accurate or real. But your arguments are silly and specious. Besides that, there is no reason to argue about it. You can't prove the non-existance of ANYTHING, only its existance. You can't prove that there AREN'T little green men on the moon, maybe they were just hiding when you looked. You can prove that there ARE such aliens, just find one and show it to me.

The Bible states that God will never allow himself to be seen which means we can't prove his existance or nonexistance in any way, ever.
Bob D1
2008-05-06 07:33:40 UTC
This god/devil thing is just a bunch of foolishness. You make some good points but you need to think your arguments through.

1. No body was around to observe the writings of the bible; thus, no one has firsthand evidence of its authenticity.

2. What evidence are there that god was and always was, besides just what is taught by faith?

3. If god and man are intrinsically different, then where does the responsibility lie for man's inability to understand and serve the will of this god? Does the responsibility lie with the creator, or the created?

4. Where was god for the Jews in the Nazis concentration camps when they were being worked to death, experimented upon, gased and cremated in ovens? Was that god's plan for their lives?

5. Did the bible story god respect the free-will of his creation? The bible is full of stories where this god manipulated people's free-will just so he/she/it could drive home a point. How is that for a perfect god?

6. If the bible story god is perfect in every since of the word, why did he/she/it set Adam and Eve up for the big fall, then punish all of humanity for it there after?

And on and on ... Under careful analysis and scrutiny, bible stories simply fall apart at the seams. Believers are left with nothing but attempts at making excuses for their god; thus having to rescue him/her/it at every turn.
2008-05-06 00:17:42 UTC
Well since I am a true evolutionist, I already asked those questions in some part of my life and it is not bad in respecting other opinions regarding origin.

Since nobody could explain everything. Science can explain some phenomena but not all of them. Religion has its own explanation on spirituality and faith.

Combining their concepts could make you believe that this world is really complex and it is not very easy to really explain all of these. Like me, I don't easily believe in something unless I perceive and experience that.

So in this argument on believing god and proving evolution, I believe that God exist and evolution really takes place.

If you have some inquiries why I believe such, email me for me to share why. I hope everybody here respect each other.
Mike S
2008-05-05 23:58:58 UTC
No. Your interpretation of history and the Bible is severely lacking unfortunately. As is your understanding of what God is.

You should also go see Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, in theaters right now.

1. God is and always was. He is something that transcends creation.

2. God also created the animals, please read the Bible.

3. God created both white and black people. Again a Bible history class would be beneficial for you.

4. God is not a person. A person is a corporeal being, God is not, though he can appear as one if he wants to.

Really, i would look into some Bible theology classes. You are forming your opinion with a real lack of understanding and facts. check into it for yourself. Because if you are wrong about this, it's a huge error.
2008-05-05 23:57:49 UTC
I've asked myself the first question also. I'm not a bible buff nor am I a practicing Catholic (does celebrating holidays count?) but I believe in God because thats how I was raised. Say that this was really all bullsh!t, whats the negative of believing in something that doesn't exist? People who believe have something to look forward to (heaven) while athiests go through life looking forward to being buried in the ground and nothing else. Is it wrong to imagine something better? When we're dead what does it matter? We can't tell a kid Santa doesn't exist but we can tell devote Religious people that their God is a fake....does that make others feel good? Believe in what you want.
2008-05-05 23:59:18 UTC
I agreed with you before you wrote this, which should be in the R&S section, not biology. Respect other's beliefs- you trying to convert others to atheism is just as offensive as someone quoting scripture at you to try to convert you.

I don't think you actually wanted this question answered, just an affirmation of what you already think. Grow up.

PS- We didn't evolve from apes ( we had a common ancestor) - Maybe you should learn your evolution theory before pushing it on everyone.
2008-05-06 00:01:10 UTC
What came before space and time?

Also, evolution is not proven. It's what scientists THINK from observing the world, but there's no proof. There is no proof and that's why you've never seen any.

I'll stick with the Bible... it makes a bit more sense than space combusting from a tiny dot of nothingness and eventually your whole family and people are here before my eyes.
I love my bro Jimbo!
2008-05-06 15:32:06 UTC
Heres the answer to the 4th question he made female by taking a rib from adam and thats why we have an extra rib!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and thats also why we have females!)

The first question was always my question that i would ask my uncle whos really religious!!!
2008-05-06 00:34:48 UTC
based on those points, i dont agree with you.

you could easily come up with counter arguments yourself
2008-05-05 23:56:04 UTC
seriously ive done will never know well until you die I guess so dont drive yourself mental and just live what life you have. Each day is one day closer to dying so live each day fullfilled and happy.
2008-05-06 00:36:36 UTC
NO, you are entitled to your opinion even if it is wrong
2008-05-05 23:56:11 UTC
No way.... If that`s true,,,where are we come from??? A rocks??? God is REAL and GOD Is not being created.....
2008-05-06 01:50:19 UTC
I do not agree with you...

First, i wont say god is real or not. Because God is not an issue to be joke about. There is no such thing as real god and fake god. God have to be honoured and spoke with high respect above everything.

I am a muslim. so i shall address god as Allah. However, there are nothing offensive here. just sharing and helping this poor kiddo who post this question.

And bible is not made up. I only know that bible today are manipulated version. I only believe on the original bible that was given to Jesus.

Here i quote your sentence:

"NO BODY was around to write the bible. They said it was written years later but no one was around before that to know the truth to write the bible. So it has to be made up."

My answer:

You obviously do not know what you are writing yourself. Your words are all haywired.

Do you know the first person Allah created was Prophet Adam? Prophet Adam was brought down to earth because he go against Allah's warning. Allah has warned him not to eat the fruits from this particular tree in heaven. But because devils and satans are always there to destroy people from serving to god, This devils persuaded Adam to eat the fruit. So Allah sent him down to earth as a punishment. And Allah is all kind. Allah provide Adam with Eve. And from adam and Eve, humans are borned. During Adam and Eve, their own children are allowed to marry one another because they are nobody else on the earth except for them. So from the children of Adam and Eve who married, then more humans are borned on these earth.

Bible was given to Jesus by Allah to guide his followers to the right path. Before Jesus, there are in fact other Prophets before him. Jesus is the Messenger of Allah. He is just a prophet who sent the message of truth just like any other prophets before him and after him (Prophet Muhammad s.a.w). So bible do exist except that as generation goes by, sadly, the bible has been manipulated by those irresponsible man.

1. If god created us who created god?

In al-Quran, the holy book of Islam, There are explicit words of Allah in Quran, which tells us that god exists.

In Chapter 112 of the Quran, in Surah al-Ikhlaas,

Say(O Muhammad): God is Allah, the One and Only (112: 1)

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute (112: 2)

He begetteth not, nor is He begotten (112: 3)

And there is none like unto Him. (112: 4)

Meaning of verses:

If i were to explain what each verse means,

Verse 1 means that Allah is the one and only god on earth. There is no other god, only Allah.

Verse 2 means Allah is the only one whom we turned to, worship and hope for something

Verse 3 means Allah DO NOT give birth, nor he was given birth. (therefore Allah is not a father of anyone including Jesus)

Verse 4 means there is nothing on this earth (in a form of animals, statue or human or anything they used to make their god) can resembles Allah or His level of Greatness.

This only show that Allah stand on Its own...He is the creator of the heaven and earth and all in between(including animals, clouds, sun, moon, mountains etc). The proof is stated in the Quran Chapter 5:

In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ the son of Mary. Say(O Muhammad): "(Their claim is false) because Who then hath the least power against Allah, if His Will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all every - one that is on the earth? And(remember) for to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. And(remember) for Allah hath power over all things." (5:17)

(Both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of Allah, and his beloved." Say(O Muhammad): "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him we will return." (5:18).

And from the Surah al-Ikhlaas that i posted above, It also say that Allah is absolute. Therefore He created everything on this Earth BUT He do not created by anybody. Allah stand on its own.

2. If god created humans, who created animals?

Aren't human have the same characteristics like animals? Both feed the young, protect the young from danger, and in order to produce generation, the male and female have to have sex, for humans, of course get married first then produce children. Both species(humans and animals) search food when hungry. Both died without water but not without food?

So what makes u think that humans are the only one created by God? Allah, creates EVERYTHING on this earth. HE even creates human with black and white colour, chinese and malay, indians and others. all this with Allah's Great Knowledge for HE is All-Knowledgable. What makes you think God can't create animals?

3. If god created white people how did black people come alive?

From this question, i know you are a racist. You mean, only WHITE deserve to live? THe BLACKS do not deserve to live? For Allah want to show us His Greatness of being able to create anything He wants including white and blacks. Allah do not judge a human by their looks nor by their skin colour nor other disablilities.

Allah creates people of different skin colour and behaviour are so that we learn to be tolerant towards one another, learnt to love each other and learn to live in one society with peace and harmony. In US, there are blacks and whites, Allah wants you people to love one another, not to hate each other because of stupid reasons such as skin colour. that is childish. Allah wants to see if who are the loving one among you people. Who are the ones with good deeds. Being kind and helpful towards the Blacks are good deeds too.

And Allah judge a human not by a person's good deeds, but by his real intention inside. For example, Do the person donate money to the poor because he wants to seek Allah's blessing, or deep inside, he want people to know he is generous and want to be praised? Thats why Allah judge a person by their real intentions. Allah do not judge a person on how he died but how a person live his life. Whether this person follow and practise the teachings that Allah have given him?

4. If god was the first person on earth, how did he make everyone else without a female?

This was answered in the first question. Allah create Eve so that Adam won't be alone. And from Adam and Eve, thats the starting of humans life on Earth.

"This means we evolved from apes, because then animals evolved too.Adam and eve evolved from apes and they made everyone else. Thats why we're all inbreds."

Do you KNOW that APES are animals(monkeys)? and Adam and EVE are HUMANS? How can animals give birth to humans? That cannot be accepted by anybody who is with clear thinking and logic. CAn you try giving birth to a monkey or any other animal? NO!

Humans and animals are two separate species that Allah created on Earth.

Well, unless u want to believe that your ancestors are from animals of APES, by all means, do so.

But for Muslims, we know the real story. perhaps some christians too. Our ancestors from the first were humans.

And i hope this is enough to educate you and knock some sense into you for asking such questions. That only show how shallow your thinking are my dear...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.