Creationists: Why can't you just believe that God created the 1st living cell, and the rest is Evolution?
2006-08-10 21:27:30 UTC
I mean if you don't accept evolution as fact then why accept creationism as fact? Can't the two work together? I mean the Bible can't be 100% right when it wasn't even written all at the same time. Why's it okay to question evolution, but not creationism? And if God used His powers to keep the writings of the Bible intact after all these centuries, wouldn't that be effecting freewill? Why would He be so tricky? He wants to give everyone a fair shot at Heaven right?

Really sorry for being the 5000th person to ask this.
24 answers:
2006-08-14 18:24:42 UTC
Because evolution didn't happen. Science itself refutes Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution is still only a theory, it has never been proven, and thanks to modern science it is now being disproven. It takes far more faith to believe in Darwinian evolution than it does to believe in creation and intelligent design. There is a lot more evidence for creation and intelligent design than there is for Darwinian evolution. A lot of people believe in the theory of Darwinian evolution because they were (and are still being) taught this theory in school. This theory should no longer be taught in school now that modern science is continueously finding more evidence against it. At the time Darwin came up with the theory of evolution, science was not able to disprove it. Darwin's theory of evolution has not been proven. Only 9% of the population now believes in Darwinian evolution.

Scientific evidence casts serious doubts on the theory of evolution, for example:

*Perry Marshall vs. 30+ Skeptics:

From August 2005 to July 2006, he has successfully defended the Information Theory argument for Intelligent Design on Infidels, the world’s largest atheist discussion board.

* The Problem of Information

for the Theory of Evolution

* Information Theory and the Origin of DNA: Frequently Asked Questions

* Biological Evidence

Evolution - Fact or Faith?

*The Case for Intelligent Evolution

* If you can read this, I can prove God exists

* Do real scientists believe in Creation?

Partial list of Creation Scientists

* New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God

* How the theory of evolution breaks down in the light of modern science

* Famous atheist now believes in God

* Darwinism's Rules of Reasoning

* Darwinism Is Strongly Rooted But Is Being Challenged

* Evidence for Intelligent Design

* Scientific arguments against evolution:

Science itself refutes Darwinism

* Creation Science

* The Origins of Darwinism

* Irreducible complexity

* Anthropic Principle

* Biological Evidence

* Darwinism is Racist

* The Fossil Record (Updated 3 July, 2005)

* Living "Fossils"

* The Cambrian Explosion

* New T.Rex Discoveries (Updated 10 June, 2005)

* "Missing Links"

* The Moon

* Earth's Fight Against Solar Attacks

* References

*DNA and the Origin of Life:

Information, Specification, and Explanation

* Evolution - Fact or Faith?

* Looking for more information on Intelligent Design?
2006-08-10 22:13:18 UTC
People really need to understand that creationism fallows a completely different basis than evolution. It doesnt say that God created a small cell during the first week of creation in the Bible, instead it sais He went straight to the point and created Animals, plants, etc.... That is a contradiction to the statement "Evolution and Creationism can agree". In this case creationism could never agree with evolution. They are completely contradictory statements.

See for yourself:

God created everthing that is living about 12000 years ago and nothing has change meaning that homosapiens have always been homosapiens


Evolution which states thier was change and that we werent the same, and we continue to change over long periods of time (hundredthousands years). What everyone should do, is try to be rational, by continuing to research on the vast and complex study of evolution vs. the struggling ideas of creationism.

About birds evolving from dinosaurs: Yes, the must have evolved from a prehistoric creature.

Dinosaurs are definately not that old, more like millions of years ago old. Dinosaurs did not coexist with humans, that is a fact. Life could have existed before our time, but they probably didnt believe in the same God as you, or probably didnt believe in God at all. To back up my statements, as we all learn in history, the greeks, romans and many ancient tribes, such as incas, and aztec believe in a different god or different gods, they even believed that god was a mother and not a father, there was a god for plants a god for water etc... So this human life before us, probbably worshipped a different god aswell.
2006-08-10 21:37:40 UTC
The creationists who denounce evolution decide to interpret Genesis very literally. It's their choice if they wish to do this, but the Bible has been proven wrong more than once on matters like science and history. I believe we do have copies of Genesis written in the original Hebrew, so it's possible to see just how much translation has changed its meaning.

By the way, if someone says thermodynamics disproves evolution, you should keep in mind that those laws don't apply when it comes to open systems. For example, if the Earth wasn't right by the sun, then it WOULD be ridiculous to suppose life evolved automatically. But the fact is that the sun introduces a lot of instability because of all the energy it sends to the Earth. In fact, energy from the sun is exactly why anything can survive.

Also, you have to keep in mind, organic material formed on Earth a long long time before life did. Organic material doesn't necessarily mean life, and the original isolated organisms would have consumed nonliving organic material.

Finally, I think I have an interesting point when I say: We should not be asking where life came from, but instead we should be asking where consciousness came from!

Now, all of that being said, of course evolution is only a theory. It really cannot be proven scientifically, and neither can the creationist theory. It's all a matter of what makes more sense to you.
You'll Never Outfox the Fox
2006-08-10 21:39:15 UTC

Don't be sorry, it's a good question. Actually, it's several good questions, and I'm not sure you want a book here. So let me try to give you a basic sentence or two for each of your questions. If what I say sounds interesting enough to hear more, feel free to contact me.

Question 1 (the rest is evolution): Creationist cosmology and Evolutionary cosmology is at complete odds with one another, they are not compatible.

Question 2 (why accept creationism): The scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports a creationist position, despite what is filtered down to you.

Question 3 (ok to question evolution, not creationism): This really requires a longer answer.....It's not a question of what's ok/not ok. In reality, creationists welcome questions, it reveals a mind open to at least hearing our point of view. It's the evolutionists who adamantly oppose any open and honest discussion on the holes in evolutionary theory.

Question 4 (Bible writings and free will): Free will refers to our decision whether or not to submit to God, not to His communication with us; He has told us so much already that people of all generations openly reject, so the two don't really correlate at all.

Question 5 (Tricky): This referred back to Question 4, which I have already demonstrated is really an invalid question to begin with.

Question 6 (fair shot at heaven): Yes, He wants to give us all a fair shot at Heaven, which is precisely why He DID communicate with us so clearly through the Bible....He wanted to make sure that we would know that the price has already been paid for us to get into Heaven, if we'll just act upon that.

Good questions, I percieve you have asked them honestly. Again, if you want me to go further into something, I'd be more than happy for you to contact me.


Thanks for the follow up.

I do not believe birds are descendants of dinosaurs or vice-versa. A creationist cites the Bible when during the Creation week it describes animals being made "after their own kind"; in other words, dogs always make dogs, horses always make horses, etc., which is another example of the abosolute incompatibility between Creationist and Evolutionary Cosmologies.

A Young Earth Creationist (YEC) believes that if you take Creation week as literal 24 hour days, and assuming no gaps in the Bible's geneologies, you come up with an age of the universe around 6,000 years old. And as far as the age of skeletons, dating methods have far more subjectivity attached to them than you might think; a lot of the data you get has a lot to do with the presuppositions you go into the examination of the evidence with.

No, I believe "life" (defined as humanity) did not exist until the creation of Adam, and immediately following, Eve.

I wouldn't really call them "rules" of Creationism per se, but the point is, there are answers to all your questions based from scripture, and the evidence is actually far greater for a Biblically-based historical view than an Evolutionary one. It's not even close.
Michael M
2006-08-10 21:43:28 UTC
I am a creationist and a Christian.

I don't accept much as a fact, but I believe in creationism because of evidence that I've received. You apparently haven't been given enough evidence to convince you of creationism.

I am a creationist and I have no problem with evolution. I think that it's possible that God used evolution as a tool to create human life.

I don't think that the Bible is completely correct. I think that there are many errors during the many transcriptions and translations.

Everyone will have an equal shot at heaven because everyone will be judged according to their own circumstances.
2006-08-11 09:23:04 UTC
As an evolutionist, I wouldn't suggest pointing that route for creationists. One, its not a matter of believing in evolution as it has facts to support it. If you wish to denounce evolution scientifically, then provide evidence against it.

Creationist, as they claim, are not trying to make a standpoint from religion but rather from science. So if they were to make a scientific stance, they should not take a "belief that God created the 1st living cell". They should come up with proof that a higher power created the 1st living cell or life in that matter. I'd like to point out that some creationists are not religious either and the scientific proofs that they bring up do/did contradict evolution and that is respectable. It is through scientific scrutiny that theories are formed. And while many creationist arguments are now proven to be false, there are many that have to be looked at.

Secondly, its not a question of science and religion working together; they can't work together because they come from different approaches. Science needs evidence and provable experiments and through these evidences, provides a concept of what happened/how it happens. Religion requires belief/faith in which the Bible does say that it is the word of God and the truth so in the belief sense, it is 100% accurate. But it is a losing war to reason with something that requires no reason and faith alone.

While I do not argue that the Bible has many historically accurate facts (based on archialogical findings), that doesn't mean the entire text is true. Each event needs to be proven individually.

Also, one shouldn't use reverse reasoning to follow religion/God: if there is no proof that it happened, then there is also no proof that it didn't happen. At best, one can only be unsure until proven otherwise.

Reply to Chefgoudah - Yes, science is ever changing in its thinking based on new evidence. I ask you, what evidence does it say that God made everything? No proof, only statements made in a book. I give you this example: A purse with unknown round objects in it.

Scientist: Its a purse, we can assume that it carries coins. Shake it and see if there is more than one.

Believer: (without analyzing) God tells me there is 50 cents made up of 1 dime, 1 quarter, 1 nickel and 10 pennies.

Scientist: Feel it to see how many shapes there are and how many of each kind .

Believer.God tells me there is 50 cents made up of 1 dime, 1 quarter, 2 nickels and 5 pennies.

Scientist: From comparing the shapes of the coins and how many there are to sizes of known coins, I deduce that there are 75 cents in the purse made up of 1 quarter, 5 nickels 2 dimes and 5 pennies.

Believer: God tells me there is 50 cents made up of 1 dime, 1 quarter, 2 nickels and 5 pennies.

In truth: There are only round plates of metal that imitate the sizes/shapes of coins inside the purse. In this case, both the scientist and believer is wrong. However, the redeeming factor is that scientists continuouly come up with new evidence suggesting it might not be 75 cents, such as doing IR-scans to see through the purse and see whats inside. The fact that the believer is firm on his statement doesn't make it true; you need evidence.

Also, I dont have to believe the earth is billions of years old, fossils and half lives tell me the earth is more than 6000 years old.
2006-08-10 23:22:08 UTC
If we can agree that evolution really did happen, and IS happening, then there's one problem: Evolution doesn't leave the door open for much else. There's still room for the idea of someone -- someTHING -- creating the first living cell and kickstarting the whole evolution trend. But you can't say any more than that. That doesn't prove that the Christian theory of creation is correct, and it DEFINITELY doesn't prove that the Bible is correct. A Muslim could look at that and say it proves the existence of Allah. Someone following one of those obscure African religions could look at that and say it proves the existence of their god or goddess. Hell, if evolutionary theory had been around in ancient times, an ancient Greek could have looked at that and said that maybe Zeus planted the first cell, and evolution continued from there. See what I mean? Sure, something may have started everything, but that something could have been anything. It could have been a "god" or "goddess", it could have been a force, it could have been something else. Who knows?
2006-08-10 23:05:48 UTC
Creationists comfort themselves that when they die God is waiting for them in heaven - atheists, or evolutionists, comfort themselves that when they die they are simply dead and have no more life than a stone - both schools have their brownie points and both are easily conceived by the intellect. These two schools however are closer than first considered - they are more like the two faces of a coin because the one is based upon blind belief and the other upon... well, I guess the word would have to be blind disbelief. I say this because neither school can prove that their theory is right, nor that the opposing theory is wrong.

but consider this now for a moment - there is clearly something in a man while he is alive, that is suddenly missing in him when he is dead - let us call this suddenly missing element 'LIFE' - if I was an athiest I would not take comfort from this simple observation because it proves that there is a difference between a dead man and the stone I mentioned above - the difference of course is that the man once had life, but now that he is dead, that life has clearly left him - while our stone never had any life to begin with. The stone thus remains a stone while the living man has lost something that now makes him a dead man. Where did that missing bit of life go to? Did the personality of the once living man go with the missing life upon his death because it sure ain't there now like his gold watch and silk tie?

Let us now also rename God and instead, now call him Life. This very simple renaming exercise does away with so many pointless arguments. For the sake of brevity I thus conclude that we and God are indeed one - but while we (the individual life) do not represent the sum total of all life, we are at least a tiny portion of that whole.
2006-08-10 21:56:20 UTC
Think carefully: the earth was without form and void. Just think about a space ship travelling through space. The earth would be without form and void. I have read the Old Testament 5times and the New Testament 3 times. I am convinced that we were brought here by superior beings. In the Bible it says "the evening of the first day" not the morning of the first day. Once again if you're travelling in space that is what you will see.

I am sorry if my answer troubles you. I am an Anglican, not a born again christian, and I believe that we have not been told the truth. Just remember the benzene ring. It was in a dream. God gives us the answers and technology in dreams. People who get these information keep it a secret and call it their ideas.

God is real. I was saved by an angel off Santa Catalina Island.
2006-08-10 21:45:01 UTC
Darwinists, why can't you believe in a Creator God? It takes a whole lot more faith to believe that, "billions" of years a ago, there was just a little pre-protoplasmaic ooze floating in a pool of muck, and then, just at the right moment, a flash, a bang and whaddya know - LIFE", than it does to believe in Intellegent Creation.

Hmmm, something from nothing - how is that possible??? By the way, all organisms need organic material to live and to reproduce. If there was only one single-celled organism at one time, what did it eat to give it the energy to multiply?
2006-08-10 21:37:37 UTC
Im not a creationist, but agnostic. I think many creationists have the same idea as myself. I sum up everything into this one short and to the point sentence:

"There is something out there, I call it god, and thats it" Did he make the universe and everything here? Possibly. Did it happen from a big bang? Possibly. Did he just go poof, and here we all are, or just made everything, and started the single cell organism to let things get going on their own? Possibly. I dont know how, but there is something out there, and he got this all started, however he did.
2006-08-10 21:57:23 UTC
because thats not how it the bible GOD didnt CREATE one living cell first he went & CREATED THE WHOLE THING MAN GOD IS GREATER THAN ---lil ole evolution-- HE dosent take millions & millions of years to CREATE GOD IS THE BIG BANG HE JUST SPEAKS THE WORD & IT HAPPENED actually you know in the Bible man it mentions DINOSAURS & UNICORNS & HOW JESUS CHRIST CREATED ALL OF THESE CREATURES AT WILL you see thisevolution adoctrine of satan, so yea i can see how you believe & things take millions & billions of years to happen your father satan is a liar & he is a retard so it takes that long i can see that happening so questioning evolution when its filled with burnt holes & rips thats why it get questiones it is constantly changing but THE WORD OF GOD CAN NEVER CHANGE no one de-bunks it because it is TRUTH & anyway the HOLY SPIRIT moved upon these Men gave them THE WORD & then they wrote as instructed byyyyyyyy the Holy Spirit!!!! and it is 100% ACCURATE & your father satan knows it is so thats why satan placed unbelief in you its not your thoughts it is satans because satan knows this for sure man IF you know the TRUTH & THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE you can do very real damage to the kingdom of satan & its already a defeated kingdom when Jesus died & was ressurected. YOU! must keep an opened mind my mind is free & open man so think about it !! PEACE
Arch Teryx
2006-08-11 01:38:32 UTC
Doesn't the bible go into detail how God created plants and grass and then decided to create the sun stars and moon. I was wondering on what day before creating the sun did God make his grow lights, because I challange anyone to take a plant and put it in a closet and see if it lives without the stars, moon and sun. I don't care how good it may have been. You gotta make the sun before the plant.
2016-10-02 02:32:02 UTC
i think of that's a marginally extra logical mindset than organic elementary Creationism. I somewhat have slightly extra know for Christians who think of alongside those strains. nonetheless, you have yet to grant evidence of a God. you're blending theory with technological know-how. Why not in basic terms pass each and every of ways, and go away the God section out of it? you're in basic terms some steps remote from actual atheism.
Vitamin C
2006-08-10 21:35:21 UTC
Not all creationists disbelieve in Evolution. Some think Evolution is a process by which you came here.

One example may clear things out: God created you but you actually came on earth through a process - in which your parents had sex (u can deny it in your head but it's true) and gave birth to you.

So there are creationist who believe in Evolution. I, myself believe in both God and Evolution.
the last ninja
2006-08-11 01:15:09 UTC
I completely appreciate what you are trying to do... but do you really have to attract these creatures to the biology section?

They should be kept locked up safely in R&S and although they do occasionally find their way over here, feeding the critters in biology and giving them the ridiculous notion that their "belief" is scientifically valid is not a good idea...

I suggest throwing them some scraps back in R&S, to draw them back...
2006-08-10 21:32:53 UTC
I believe the two go together. I mean if God really did only create Adam and Eve. How in the hell are there so many races? We aren't like puppies and some of us came out black, white, asian, indian, and hispanic.
2006-08-10 21:32:52 UTC
They are not smart enough. But there is no reason to invoke a god to create the first living cell either. Furthermore, it is useless to do so, because the idea cannot lead to any useful prediction. (Provable.)
2006-08-10 23:22:18 UTC
"Do you believe that life existed before our time, and if so why did it exist when life was only created to worship God?" -- By you

The above statement is false.
2006-08-10 23:35:59 UTC
My old Geology prof said it best, he was Christian

"The bible doesn't say how God did it."
2006-08-10 21:34:14 UTC
i've always said that god created evolution and that darwin just figured it out
Rob G
2006-08-11 04:51:53 UTC
because being a creationist means being a moron who bases all logical assumption from a fundemental lie or myth.
2006-08-10 21:32:44 UTC
Because, that's not what the Bible says.
2006-08-10 21:32:01 UTC
it's alot more than five million.

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