You are making an athropomorhic mistake. You assume that we are better off than our cousins in trees.
1. Apes do not envy us our 10 hr. work day that ends in running to the grocery store to settle for food that someone else has foraged.
2. Intelligence is a two edged sword that comes with the promise of future expansion and the threat of total anhilation.
3. Peaceful huter gatherer lifestyle is an equal not lesser, path to evolve along.
In general Chimps, though containing more than 98% similar DNA, are adapted to life in the trees and good at it.
Our anscestors took to the plains and had to deal with more formidible predators. So we stand upright to see lions over the plains grasses. We develop tools to fight off predators and become predators ourselves. With the same DNA as Chimp we decided to take the way of the sword. It may be a case of dead end evolution for us.
SO just like the Finches with long beaks and the Finches with short beaks
1. we do not impinge on each others habitat.
2. We are both well suited for our habitat and not under severe evolutionary pressure.
3. We don't compete for the same resources.
We can live together and evolve along different lines happily.