There is always a *fundamental* flaw in these 'irreducible complexity' arguments:
Namely, they always assume that the intermediate stages in the production of some function had to also serve that *same function*.
They just completely ignore (or fail to understand) the idea that a class of proteins, or biochemical components, can evolve in incremental steps because they serve some function A, but later develop side-effect B that ends up providing an incidental advantage. That would cause improvements in the ability to do B until it can overshadow A as its primary function. And the same thing can occur with a newly discovered function C. And then later, the components that serve functions A, B, and C, when combined, can serve complex function D, and so on. So very very complex functions can evolve from much simpler ones, in incremental steps.
Advocates of Intelligent Design seem incapable of understanding this rather simple concept, and always insist on looking *only* at the finished product D, and saying "any removal of a component no longer serves function D ... therefore it could not have evolved."
The second mistake they make is *starting* with a finished product, and then *removing* a single component. Of course removing any existing component would disable final function because all those components *evolved together*, not piecemeal. Nature does not work by creating complete building blocks to their current state, and then assembling them ... so removing a completed component in no way would represent a prior state claimed by evolution. So this argument is not refuting evolution, it is refuting some bizarre caricature of evolution.
It's like saying "how could the human body have evolved, because if you remove the neck, the head and torso no longer function!"
So for the details in the case of bioluminescence, I highly recommend ya7te7uja02's answer ... especially the links he provides.
If you are *genuinely* interested in the answer, and not just using the typical "post and flee" tactic that seems to be the modus of Intelligent Design advocates (i.e. ask a question, and then ignore the answers, as if asking the question was enough to "stump the evolutionists"), then you will read the links in his outstanding answer.
>"Also how the mutations that gave so many combinations did not affect all the other micro biological systems and degrade them to the point of non function I.E. death."
Because there is no reason to assume that all these different combinations that led to bioluminescence would have any effect on other systems.
And second, natural selection *protects* existing systems from degrading. If some mutation degrades an existing necessary function (i.e. leads towards death), then natural selection quickly culls it out of the population.
In short, evolution by natural selection is a *ratchet* ... at every stage it cannot get worse, it can only get better.