How can Atheists.. or anyone for that matter.. honestly believe this all happened by random chance ?
2015-07-12 20:15:19 UTC
.. and you can say "we don't believe in random chance" all you want.. but if you deny intelligent design.. then yes, you are essentially saying this happened by random chance.
84 answers:
2015-07-13 14:14:20 UTC
First of all it wasn't some kind of magical explosion that happened by random chance. The Big Bang was a rapid expansion of matter throughout the universe. Some could look at it like an explosion, but this was something much bigger. In fact we're still learning about it, and searching for more answers. We probably won't ever stop trying to further our understanding of the universe, and I hope we never do. It's quite simple really, most religious people are religious because they were born into it, or don't want to take the time to really understand what we believe. There are over 4000 gods presently being worshiped by humanity. The only thing that says yours is the right one is the book that you're reading. Which every other one says the same thing. If God was real then all that happens around us could be fixed, and everything could be how he wants it. I don't have much more room to write, so I'll just say this. Take some time, read a book about the Big Bang (with an open mind).
2015-07-13 23:16:07 UTC
Some people just don't have any interest in religion. It's like not having any interest in bowling or golf or what teams are playing in the World Series. Bible stories are exactly that.. stories. In point of fact most of the stories were old long before the Old Testament was written. Even the Jesus story was predated by Mithraism, and even that story had an even earlier edition.

As far as random chance is concerned, almost everything IS random chance. We don't know all the science and we may never know all the science at least until we have more advanced technology. Did we know germs existed before the microscope? Did we know that Jupiter had rings before the telescope? Someday we'll learn more. Meanwhile, just try to be a good person and help others when you can. That's all the religion anyone will ever need.
2015-07-14 17:05:59 UTC
When you design something, surely you try and figure out the simplest way in which the object can serve its purpose, not the most complex. So surely a universe as complex as this is more likely to be random chance than intelligently designed? Plus, there are a lot of flaws in the universe that an omniscient God would have ironed out, again pointing towards 'random chance' rather than a creator.

I've also seen a lot of your responding comments saying that things can't just "poof" into existence, and everything must have been created. Then, pray tell, where did this consciousness come from if it didn't just "poof" into existence? You may say because any creator would be eternal or whatnot, then why can't somebody believe that the universe has always been there, eternal, and there was no need for a creator to begin with because there was no beginning, there was no creation? That's just as believable, or more believable to me, as a creator.

It's not that ridiculous to not believe in a God, nor do I find it ridiculous to believe in a God. There's pretty much no way to prove it either way, so live and let live and try your best to understand.
2015-07-13 11:24:19 UTC
I'm personally an Atheist, I was born to a Christian family and I still sort of believe in God, sometimes. But to be honest, I think of God as of Santa. I don't know how it's hard to see our point of view, because it's simple. We just don't believe that there is a mystic being out there and we believe in what science shows. We believe that the universe was created by a Big Bang. And let's face the facts, if God was real, then wouldn't animals worship him also, and if Christianity was the true religion wouldn't have it been existing across every place on earth. I mean like there are so many religions out there, and I believe Christianity was some story made in Europe somewhere and was being spread throughout the world. I mean like why didn't the Asians, the native Americans, or the Africans not know about Christianity before they were converted into it. If there was a God I would believe that everyone would know about him without being told by the travelers.
2015-07-13 11:45:26 UTC
Science does not hold all the answers, it falls apart without its mathematical constants. As admitted by the 'mighty' Brian Cox 'science is always wrong'! It is simply a way of understanding Gods work whilst we reside here. There is room in my heart for both science and religion, and no religion does not cause world problems, people do, just as there are bad scientists. The trouble is with humans is we sometimes struggle to embrace the illogical once you do you are free, the only constraint is ourselves. What makes us so arrogant when this is the only existence we have ever known? we wasn't around at the time of creation so how can we be sure of what happened? Just because someone comes on the tele and tells us the way things are doesn't make it right, go out and do the experiments, do the calculus, read the religious texts and then you will be better informed on your opinions, don't just take it all as gospel. Anyway science is just a new form of religion expecting us to believe in things we cannot see! I am 41 and a student of environmental science and I also have no friends as I have been thinking about this too much!!
2015-07-13 20:29:43 UTC
In any aspect, atheist do believe in some higher power. Many believe in science as their higher power. Also, it didn't happen by random chance. Any logical person who has taken a science class knows of the Big Bang theory. People who have religions believe that their god or gods created them and the world. I am personally a Catholic and I have learned about other religions, they all have a basis of a higher power creating mankind and giving us a rule book of sorts. I guess, in a way, atheists' rule book could be science, not everything just randomly happening. They believe there is a logical and simple reason for why people and earth was made: evolution. Genetics are also a huge part, like natural selection. WE evolved from apes and a genetic mutation in at least one ape was helpful so that mutation was passed on, eventually having those apes become us. But I'm not a theologian or anything like that.
2015-07-12 20:43:47 UTC
It's not hard to understand atheism. It's the lack of belief in a god. That's it.

I don't deny that some things are intelligently designed. Machines. Antibiotics. Art. Clothes. These are all things that have designers. And the best of these things, made by masters of their craft, have FAR fewer flaws than humans do. If humans can make machines that last longer than they do, we can design more effectively than your god can. That's why intelligent design is as unintelligent as you are. It makes as much sense as your talking donkeys and seven headed dragons.

It's not our fault you don't understand basic physics. There was never a state of 'nothing'. The only reason we assumed there was for so long is because of religious bullshit. Energy only changes form, it doesn't just disappear. As far as we know, anyways. We have yet to see an example of energy disappearing permanently, so until we do, that's the safest assumption.

Update: Nature IS random. There's no intelligent driving force behind it. It's completely logical to assume there's no conscious force driving the universe. We have no evidence of one. Until we do, assuming there is one is ENTIRELY illogical.

Update 3: No, it isn't. Complexity does NOT mean there's a creator. Especially when said complexity royally ***** up. Often. Nobody knows why the universe exists. You're the one assuming there even is a 'why'. It's entirely possible that there's no purpose to anything except what we give it. Stop ******* lying. You're refusing to accept an alternative to this debunked garbage because in your mind, it's what validates the comforting lies you've been told since childhood the most.

Believe it if you want, that's your right, but don't for one bloody second pretend that it's the one undeniable truth. It isn't. Even the people who CREATED this theory admitted it was fallacious. You should too. You're losing every argument here.
2015-07-13 17:08:18 UTC
Atheist or religious is a good question many answers from both sides but all the time the light is on for us as a life we will always ask the questions the Big Bang / god / people say they see things when they die and come back to life but I think that's because we can the big question is where do we go if a disastrous situation happens like if the entire life form of every living thing gets made extinct with in a second of a massive impact from a gigantic comet you think we will all be dead they won't be a proof that we were here in the first place now that is what makes me think about life a creator / space / will all be non excistant
2015-07-13 18:38:19 UTC
By "all this" what do you mean? Do you mean the world? The whole existence of the universe? Because although I don't necessarliy believe or think that God or a god or multiple gods exist, I don't think that "all this" happened by random chance. Because when you really think about it, there could so much more to the world than what a human mind could even comprehend. Things crazier than 7 headed beats and talking snakes. Our life as a human could be as insignificant as an ants life is to the majority of people. We really don't understand or know so that's why people love religon and believe in it so blindly. Which i dont have a problem with, most people would prefer to think that their going to heaven if they do this or that so they know what lies ahead. I mean who wouldn't want to know?

But heres the thing, we don't know, and we probably will never know until you know, you die. But then it's too late to tell anybody. I'm open to religon being real and it being completly false. I'm more agnostic than I am athesist but I'd rather not be categorized. I would rather live my life than worry about what i'm gonna do after i'm done living because then what's the point of tliving if all you think about is death.

And the whole "random chance" thing you say I believe in doesn't really make sense either. I believe that "all this" happened becuase it was supposed to. Whether God created the world in a set amount of days or the world just popped into existence because it felt like it, I really don't care all that much. The whole topic is overwhelming and quite frankly I view as useless because just wait and find out when you die. Or maybe you never will know, and I personally am content with that.
2015-08-04 16:42:30 UTC
I encourage you to take a college level biology course and have an open mind about it. I use to think evolution and scientific origins of the universe were BS, but do you know why, because I was misinformed by people who were as ignorant of the subjects as I was. When I was young and reading a science book on how the earth is believed to have formed, my father told me it was BS, as God made the world with trees and such. This is interesting, as this man has never read the bible. He also told me that the world was suppose to end soon after Y2K and that the earth would end in fire. I HAVE read the bible (that was the second biggest reason I gave up religion by the way, first being education), but I must have missed those parts. What I didn't miss, was how on the first page it says that the sky was put in place to separate the higher and lower waters. I always though there was space above the earth but I guess I was wrong and it is water because I bible says so. Think about it.
2015-07-12 21:00:35 UTC
Dismissing Intelligent Design does not imply a belief in biological evolution being purely random. You have been ill-informed. While random mutations do occur, it is natural selection which drives evolutionary processes. If the mutations are not suited to the environment they have a greater chance of dying young and less chance of passing on their genes to their offspring; a point you should - at least if nothing else about evolution - be very aware of.

If we are intelligently designed, why do I have a coccyx? Why do I as a male have nipples? Why is our pharynx designed for eating as well as breathing if not to make a certain Mr Heimlich famous throughout the world's restaurants? Why can't I synthesize my own vitamin C like other animals? Why are our eyes so poorly designed (Retina inside out? What's that all about?)

If we are intelligently designed, then the designer needs to have a good look at its blueprints.
D g
2015-07-13 14:38:53 UTC
I find it funny that you dont understand random.. if something is random and there is a time frame of forever.. then it is CERTAIN to happen... at least once in that timeframe.. so there is NO RANDOM about it.. the randomness is only regarding ONE MOMENT IN TIME.. OVER ALL TIME EVEN The most remote thing will eventually happen..

Example ..if I have a 1 in 10,000 chance of getting hit by lightning in a storm.. and I walk in a storm for 10,000 years.. what do you think i would be hit once in 10,000 pretty high..

now if I have a 1 in 43 million chance of winning the lottery.. and I play every day for 43 million draws.. what you think the chances are that my NUMBER WILL COME UP... especially if I play the same number..

how is finding the truth illogical..

religion is a simplistic way to find truth.. it has no rules it doesnt follow logic.. and it bans any kind of questioning of the religious ideas..

galileo was prinsoned by the church because he said the earth was NOT the center of the earth..

galileo used observation and logic and many years of looking and recording locations of objects to come up with the idea that planets orbit stars that the planets move as if they crcle the sun..

the rules of our universe didnt always exist time may only exist in this universe and may be different or non existant in others..

there is a saying

AN INTELIGENT MANS ACTIONS will be misunderstood by a person who is not inteligent because the person puts the actions into things HE UNDERSTANDS..

you put things into your limited religious views and therefore you will not understand a person who doesnt have to SEE that phrase DOES NOT HAVE TO.. believe in a supernatural being

the earth came from an explosion called a supernova after many super novas.. from the start of the universe we have what we call earth.. it was NOT JUST poof into existance as is..

random chance... I can walk outside and by random chance a meteor can strike me and kill me... without any intervention from a god..

when then if i can be KILLED by something without gods hand involved or anyones why cant I be created bya simple random set of circumstances..

you also say you will always beleive in a god .. why .. what proof have you of a gods existance.. how can a god exist before the universe exists.. real thinking LOGICAL people dont believe in monsters in closets and if you sail to far you will fall off the world..

but these are things that were believed ..

your bible was written 2000 years ago to explain the existance of everything...

who do you think had the time to do anything but work and strive for food back then except religious people. it was religious people that taught and religious people who studied.. this means everything they wrote or taught will have the basis in religion..

it wasnt until much later when others had free time that non religious people started to think.. and started to ask questions like why why do we say the earth is the center of the universe..

why do we think that the sun revolves around us..

lets look at how things work like HOW BIRDS fly and learn to fly ourselves

there is another saying.. ignorance is bliss.. means if you dont know the real reason then you are happy
2015-07-13 11:21:05 UTC
Mutations occur by random chance to create variability within a species. Natural selection selects from the slight differences within the species so that the individuals who are best suited to the current environment survive and reproduce creating offspring that carry the gene that gives the competitive example. An example would be genetic mutations within humans have created many differences between individuals. Some a tall and some are short as both can survive equally well. Now imagine climate change results in an environment so polluted that any individual over 4 feet tall dies because of the pollution whilst those under 4 foot tall are not affected. End result is all humans within a short period are under 4 foot tall. Thats natural selection; it is not random. Genetic mutations are random but they are not natural selection.
2015-07-14 11:54:35 UTC
believe is a optional matter ,each single person can choose what to believe or what not to believe.

The fact is some thing that does not do any thing with believe.

You can believe that will rain ,this is a fact that will happen and dos not do any thing if you believe or not.

Chance are event or happening that are happen at the right time in right place for right person an event that it get shape cause of every thing is ready to that chance be happen .Now if you belie ave or not ,nothing will happen unless all the matter for that happening be ready by some one or by accident .

there's telecommunication system between all the life path around you ,hearing,seen ,feeling,,etc.that are act like sensors one cause other sensors to act and respond .Now your believe it can not change any fact that is part of the path .,If we believe one day earth will rotate opposite ,according possibilities chance is 1 in billion but is possible cause of reason that will effect the earth to do so ,this it does not do any thing with your believe or if all the humanity believe on ..Knowing is believing. you know that if you put your hand on the hot metal ,your hand will burn ,and if you do will happen ,this is a fact that you know it .Now if you believe you can hold the molten iron in your bear hand without burning your hand that will not happen even 1 in trillion .You may trick or fake it but in reality it is impossible.

What we call chance it's good or bad happening that all are connected and cause each other to an event take place at a moment in a particular place or time or person .A lottery winner it has that chance at the winning time ,the chance was 1 in billion ,ball in the basket ,amount the air blowing ball and person that it turn the basket all they together cause those particular numbers getting out of the basket and one person ticket was lucky to have the same numbers ,now if that person believe or not ,is depend on happening that it happen at a time for a person at a place ,now if that person be late about 1 minute to purchase that ticket and another person at that moment get that ticket ,it may computer give another number or it may basket threw different number or may person turn the basket one more turn ,these are all those billion possibility that will change the fact at that moment .Now your believe will be divided in to billion possibility .A person must be a lucky stupid to believe things are happening as he/she believe ,Now if the same person that was walk to the store to buy the ticket it pass the street with rush to get the chance and hit by a car and die ,is that chance too .which the possibility of that is 1 in thousand (more than winning the ticket) .

Chance is combination of the matters that they must be at right place ,right time and for right amount to be take shape or place .Now if bit amount of any matter change ,then happening will change to .Experience are what we use as believe (knowing that we experience) but again these experience it can go wrong if some thing in the matter change miss ,or replaced .For example : in an algebraic problem if value of a X or Y change ,then whole the result will be differently and you will have new experience or should I say you must change your believe .

So believe is possibility of a happening ,we do not know the time ,we do not know the place ,we do not know any other things about it ,but we know is possible to happen ( which is go to 1 in billion chance) .

. .
2015-07-13 04:45:19 UTC
Murphy's 1st Law: Given enough chances, anything that can happen, will happen. No matter how rare the chances are."

So, given time and space, random events occur. Sooner or later a "good" outcome occurs and nature keeps it. ====> The chances of hitting the PowerBall Lottery is about 130 million to 1. But, some one does hit it. Do you suppose the lucky person that has a winning ticket throws it away?
2015-07-14 13:29:22 UTC
So you're using the old random chance or intelligent design argument. How about natural processes or something else? And no, natural processes don't equal random chance, truth is we don't know everything about the big bang and we don't know everything about evolution, how life began. how the brain works, etc. So your idea is to believe in a religion where most of the beliefs in that religion contradict modern science instead of just accepting that you don't know than you're beyond help from anyone. Either give some evidence to justify your beliefs or move along.
2015-07-22 10:10:11 UTC
Some scientists are starting to endorse intelligent design. One of the reasons is that evolution is unlikely the cause of DNA due to it s complexity. Even basic life has complex DNA. It s funny how recently everyone was excited by the pyramid on Mars because it would indicate life. It turns out that it s a rock but even if it were a pyramid like the ones in Egypt, nobody would argue that someone didn t build it. If a house appeared on Mars, you would be considered a lunatic if you said it just formed spontaneously. However, when you look at DNA which is thousands of times more complex than either of these structures then it evolved randomly over billions of years. Right? I guess you have your religion and I have mine.
Tony R
2015-07-12 20:55:28 UTC
Well when I realized the bible was most likely an evolution of stories evolving before written down on paper and losing belief it was true, I did go through a period of being a Deist, or thinking there was a god, but he just didn't tell his backstory or desires to anyone. However, in those few weeks I looked at the history of life on earth, as scientists have pieced together from fossil records and such. I didn't see a god in all of that at all. Let's say he stirred the "DNA soup" over those millions upon millions of years, directing evolution. I'm scratching my head wondering why a god would develop these larger land animals, only to wipe them out with these world wide catastrophes? Like the wiping out of all the dinosaurs and most animals with a meteor, or before that great extinction when hundreds of volcanoes erupted poisoning the atmosphere causing another separate great extinction. I just don't see intelligent direction in any of that.

So I lost any belief in god I had left.
2015-07-13 11:55:47 UTC
You are entitled to believe as you like.

If you want to believe some deity designed everything, that is your choice.

Evolution has nothing to do with atheism - the fact that atheists tend to accept evolution simply proves that rational people require evidence. Since there is no evidence of intelligent design, logic suggests that evolution is the more likely reason for life we see around us.

You make "random chance" sound like something evil - it isn't.

Random chance in terms of the universe means that there is no guiding entity making decisions. It means that everything that happened was the result of non-intelligent statistical variants.

If you want to believe in God, that is your choice.

Atheists don't agree, and that is our choice.

If God exists, prove it.

If you can't prove it, then leave atheists alone.
2015-07-13 15:15:19 UTC
Because their minds are narrow and limited. It is an affliction called Atheism and it is as if they are trapped in their own mind prison by their egos and it is the only truth they know. If they experienced anything close to a spiritual experience, they would write it off as a hallucination. They only believe what they think which is a very limited way of seeing the world and reality. There's nothing that can change such a restricted and narrow viewpoint. Nothing about this amazing planet takes their breath away because they also lack a sense of wonder. Someone likened them to lost souls.
2015-07-14 06:11:29 UTC
I personally can not believe in God. Sometimes I meet religious people and I envy them. It must so simple at times in an ignorence is bliss kind of way. But I, personally, can not believe that the world is what it is and God or whatever does nothing.

If he can not do something then he is not God, if he chooses to do nothing then he is evil. No matter how you twist and turn it it's not a being that I want to believe in, let alone worship.

You believe in God because you want to believe in God. If aliens landed on the planet tomorrow you would still believe in Christianity. You are not open for other views of the world, no matter how much you say so. Of course atheism makes no sense to you. It goes completely against your beliefs.

But let me ask you a very old and boring question. Out of all the thousands and thousands of religions why should I believe in yours? Every single religion says the exact same thing. Which is my God has a bigger d**k than yours. How do you know that?
2015-08-03 02:48:44 UTC
Atheists believe that no gods exist despite no evidence to support this, which doesn't sound particularly scientific to me

I'm not saying the big bang did occur (although I'm not denying it either) but if everything was created by design, how did the designer come to existence? Were they designed too? Just because science hasn't found the answer doesn't mean god did it. Religions can leave a lot of questions unanswered too.
2015-07-14 15:32:20 UTC
The big bang theory, an explosion created the universe. There is evidence of the big bang, more than there is of God and him creating the universe. Light, like sound, travels in waves. Red shift is when the wave is spread out over a long distance and spreading out farther. The whole universe has redshifted over time and we know this because planets and stars have moved further away from the earth. Because the galaxy continues to expand, it suggests there is one point of origin, the big bang. There is also a thing called background microwave radiation, which is basically the energy left behind by the big bang explosion. Because there is still energy it tells us there was an explosion. These are facts proven by science, however you can believe whatever you want. Just allow others to believe what they want.
2015-07-21 16:29:40 UTC
To answer this in a meaningful way I have for you a thought experiment.

Imagine that you're a dinosaur. Not just any dinosaur, but the very pinnacle of 300 million years of dinosaur evolution. You have a brain the side of an apple, say. Your dino-mom and dino-dad taught you that the Great Dino created the universe for all dinosaur kind. But you heard one of your dino-friends at school talk about evolution so you posted a question like this one on Dino-Answers.

Now skip forward a hundred million years - you're a person again. Knowing what people know about the dinosaurs and what happened to them, how would your answer your Dino-self's question?
2015-07-15 23:11:15 UTC
The reason why is simple. Look at the answers here. People should have a right to their beliefs but in this country and across the world, you better believe what science believes or else! Don't worry about atheists. Worry about yourself. I'm more concerned with getting their beliefs to not be taught as fact. Evolution is a theory and if anyone thinks that it is a fact that evolution in regards to speciation took place, then they don't understand the science.
2015-07-12 20:54:53 UTC
Natural Selection is the opposite of random chance.

Suppose you have 100 monkeys, only 1 of which has flat feet good for running, and the forest they live in burns down.

Random chance says that the flat-footed monkey probably dies. Whichever monkeys happen to survive later reproduce, and the next generation is all normal monkeys.

Natural selection says that the flat-footed monkey is able to run away before the trees collapse on her, and later she gives birth to several monkeys with flat feet.

Design would be just having humans instead of monkeys in the first place, with not only flat feet but also longer legs, upright necks, color vision, and other traits good for running that were useless in the forest.

Evolution works by trial and error. It's not design - it doesn't only make the product that is expected to work best. And it's certainly not intelligent. It makes several variations of the product, tests them, and then makes more of only the ones that actually do work.
marius speider
2015-07-29 18:33:32 UTC
I believe the universe might have come about due to random chance, because I understand statistics.

Take 4 decks of cards. Shuffle them together for as long as you want, and lay them out in the order they have become arranged.

The chance for any such combination of cards randomly becoming the exact lineup you end up with, is less than one trillionth. Yet, whatever combination you end up with, is staring you in the face.

So, does that mean that your random shuffling was really a master plan by yourself to end up in that exact sequence? Did there have to be an intentional force? No. Depending on the number of card decks you put together, you can end up with a sequence that has less chance of happening by, than the chance of an airplane randomly assembling from individual parts in a windstorm. Yet it's easy to do with decks of cards.

How is it possible? By learning what statistics and random chance actually means, before using it as an argument for any kind of intelligent design.
2015-07-12 20:58:39 UTC
I don't see much intelligence coming from a supposedly perfect and all-powerful designer (according to some).

How can people make the argument that the human eye is evidence of design when 1) it has a blind spot, 2) there are animals that can see things we can't, and 3) our eyes are essentially built in such a way so light has to travel past a bunch of blood vessels before hitting the part that actually processes the image and sends it to the brain?

Tell me how those things are intelligent. Please. And that is just ONE example in nature of the inefficiencies that a designer would NOT use in his design!
2015-07-13 14:18:00 UTC
Actually atheism has nothing to do with any of that. It's just lack of belief in a gods or gods. For all you know there could be some atheist who believe that we're in the matrix. Not a good explanation for why we're here but people believe all sorts of stuff.
2015-07-12 20:46:29 UTC
Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.

The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind

According to the Bible, God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.

The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.
2015-07-14 06:44:12 UTC
Sexual reproduction is actually one of the rarest forms of reproduction on our planet. Most of the Animal Kingdom is populated by single-celled organisms that reproduce via regular mitosis or cell-division.

Most fungus and some plants reproduce via spores and various life-cycle states.

The reason most Atheists are saying that humans came to be is "not random," is because of the concept of Survival of the Fittest. Certain events are definitely random-ish, such as mutations or geological/climate shifts, but the species that can adapt to those changes and events are the ones that survive. Adaptation can come from traits already present in the species, or new ones that succeed through a mutation or "natural selection" in which individuals of a species with favorable traits out-live and out-reproduce compared to those without them.

An analogy: "If you put a bear in a Northern, pine forest, it will thrive. If you put a bear in a Southern, dry desert, it will die. Therefor, if all the Earth was a desert and no bears were kept in captivity, bears would either have to change their physiology, or they will all die out."
2015-07-12 20:22:58 UTC
Evolution is not a random process.

And any process where chance is involved, if *an* outcome is possible, the probability of *an* outcome occurring is 100%.

And there is zero evidence for design.

In fact, we KNOW "intelligent design" is a deliberate fraud dreamed up by the Discovery Institute to get around the establishment clause.

Read the transcript of the Dover trial.
2015-07-12 20:23:56 UTC
Get a copy of The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond . He published this book in 1992 and the Christian community has still not discovered it. He does not promote Atheism or a non belief in God He simply tells You about this World We live in. If all the Persons who ask the questions on this site would read this book most of this site would disappear within a short time. It's a enjoyable read and totally fascinating.
2015-07-13 11:43:08 UTC
I DON'T "Believe" this all happened by random chance, that is just how it APPEARS.

Given EVIDENCE of a finger that pushed a start button, well then I would accept it.

Read up on OCCAM'S RAZOR, where the SIMPLEST EXPLANATION is usually the RIGHT ONE.

There is no point in adding extra complexity when it is not needed.

If "God" or "Aliens" or "The giant computer" or whatever started it all off, it is COMPLETELY UNIMPORTANT to the theory of the Big Bang to explain what happened AFTER IT STARTED.
2015-07-15 15:49:17 UTC
Do you have any idea of the huge quantity of possibilities are in the univers?

Decidely no. That's why you think the random chance is not possible.

The elemental matter for life is spread all over the universe and the possibilities on random chance are huge.
2015-07-13 07:29:03 UTC
I believe that god is the result of human dependency on a leader. They believe in this one being that controls all to ease their poor human minds from the fact that there is no sole true leader to lead mankind and they are all in denial that they have the freedom to do whatever they want as an individual being because people are afraid of complete freedom. God is a just a stake planted on the ground to support growth of plants which are humans. People rely on this "god" for mental support. Eventually, believing in god made people feel pure for all the sins that they committed. After all, going to church doesn't necessarily make you a good person.
2015-07-13 03:56:29 UTC
I am open to God not being "A magic man in the sky". I am open to every religion being false.. but to deny intelligent design or at the very least the existence of a conscious force in the Universe is completely illogical.. and IS believing in random chance.
2015-07-13 21:40:57 UTC
All I can say is that humans tend to think in terms of language. We try to grasp ideals and concepts by the power of our brains. While we consider ourselves to be aware, we may just think we are aware, thus opening up another can of worms; which is, how do we know we exist and how do we know a higher being doesn't?

Not here to make anyone doubt their belief system. I just think we don't know our own existence and we definitely don't know that a higher power exists.

That said, my own thinking here is ironic as I attempt to rationalize what we don't even know. That itself is flawed; a never ending loop.
2015-07-14 03:54:31 UTC
If you want to eat pizza you can buy in random pizza stores. If you are sleepy, you can sleep in random beds. If you are sad you can cry in random places. But who/what started the event first? Maybe this first initiator called god. but who created the first initiator and the ones before and the ones before? A neverending things to fathom.Just enjoy life and what you believe in. In my case, I am a believer of Jesus teaching about compassion yet I don't believe in christianity or churches as they are political organization which live in boxes they made. Faith is faith and religion is religion and Jesus teaching gives me comfort.
2015-07-12 21:29:06 UTC
My story about this is.......

lets say you chop up a 747 jet plane and put it in a huge wind tunnel for a million years, when you open the doors, will there be a 747 sitting there because it randomly got put back together? Instead it will be a hot mess.

You can believe in God and Evolution at the hand of God.
2015-07-12 20:35:13 UTC
Natural selection is not random chance. This is a basic fact of biology but uneducated morons like you don't get it.

Your "intelligent design" are code words for "The Magic Man Did It". If you call magic "design" it's still magic and you're still an uneducated retard.
2015-07-12 20:18:03 UTC
Atheism and evolution are false..because everything is much too complex to have "just happened"- same as the big bang theory. Earths' position in space is close enough to the sun for warmth, but far enough that we're not Frying (unless you live in TX). If temp. in the Ocean change 2 degrees if affects everything from plankton to Blue Whales (smallest to largest). The human body is no different; balances between blood pressure/blood sugar & the effects of these things being thrown off. It is a foolish man who says there is no God. The human body is too complex & balanced to have evolved from a lesser being.
2015-07-14 19:56:04 UTC
Actually, Christ is the only logical answer, for no other faith, if followed fundamentally, would bring actual peace to the world. It would bring anarchy and suffering to some and elitism to others.

Now, understand, if you're a Christian or understand Christianity at all, you know that Catholicism is not representative of fundamental Christianity because they have a lot of non-biblical practices and religious practices.

Fundamental means the very basics, taking it fundamentally as it was given fundamentally. For Mormons, that means following Joseph Smith directly as he said too. For Islam, it means being a terrorist because terrorists do what Muhammad taught and did.

For Jews not accepting of Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah, it means following the Law of God passed down through Moses and further clarified through the prophets.

For Jews accepting of Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah and gentiles who also accept Him as the Messiah, it means following the Bible as it says as best as you can, and not only accepting that which suits you or that which you want to believe, but rather seeking Christ for what something means. The very Bible says that the Word of God is NOT carnally discerned. That doesn't get dismissed simply because you think the Bible means something because you might be wrong.

In fact, in fundamentally-followed Christianity, there will never be a consensus of 100 percent agreement on what the Bible means in many places of the Bible because the Word of God was specifically spoken in a way that would cause us to always be reevaluating why we believe what we believe.

And all of that aside, the fact is, those who embraced Christianity almost exclusively became free, and all those who did not struggle with freedom to this day, and those who outright rejected Christ became the most inhumane, deadly, and oppressive nations human history has ever known . . . except for Israel, but then Israel suffers in other ways, especially when the world's gentiles start rejecting Christ for their politics and religion.

Oh, and that's another thing, the Bible since 2,000 years ago has rejected religion as being from Satan. It specifically says in the Bible that the only religion acceptable to God is that which helps those in need and keeps one uncorrupted from the world. All other religious practice aside from those two items are unnecessary burdens and mean nothing to God.
save us
2015-07-15 03:29:09 UTC
Only ignorant creationists believe atheists believe everything happens by random chance.
silver d
2015-07-12 20:20:47 UTC
If you know the starting conditions and all the variables in a system (no matter how large that system happens to be) it can be predicted. The sheer number of variables present in the universe gives the illusion of random chance. "Random" is just the name we've attached to a system that has too many variables to reliably predict.
2015-07-13 21:57:56 UTC
If you think god created everything.. then who created god?

For all of your clarity atheists never believe in random theories. Actually they believe in their work.

In ancient days there are no trousers.! they all are naked .

An empty mind is like a devils workshop. That's how it started.
2015-07-13 11:53:37 UTC
Why can't it be random? The Earth 's core cooled...the sun warmed the surface and microbes burst into life in the primordial swamp...and the rest is history! Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2015-07-16 04:37:54 UTC
whenever you ask a question about atheists, you open a huge can of worms. absolutely nothing any human being says, EVER, will ever cause an atheist to believe there is a God. there is NO debate, NO logical explaination, NO hypothetical situation, NOTHING. nothing will ever give faith to the faithless. only a PROFOUND personal, spiritual experience will do that. basically Jesus has to show up and say "dude, I'm real" save yourself from their IRRESISTIBLE urge to mock, humiliate, and condescend to anyone who believes in God.
2015-07-13 16:46:19 UTC
Uhmmmm, that is the most uneducated claim an individual can make. Before you start claiming that your point of view is more "right" so to speak. Please do us and yourself a favor, and educate yourself on how physics work, how the mechanics of the universe operate. Find out, what zero point energy is, how virtual particles pop in and out of existence creating an energy field in empty space.....and so on. Then, once you have all your ducks in a row. Come back to the forum, and make a more educated guess on what is right. Its simple.
2015-07-15 18:07:12 UTC
It did not explode into existence it reached a critical compression point in which it began to expand. Also natural selection is a thing it means the weak don't survive so only the strong pass on genetic code therefor improvements are made.
2015-07-12 20:16:17 UTC
Random chance? That's a strawman fallacy.
2015-07-12 21:18:38 UTC
Sometimes it feels like we live in a wined up clock that every once in a while someone has to wined it up again. Without that one force the universe would stop. We will never understand how or when, but in only theories that we understand. It better to read between the lines then to erase Him.
2015-07-14 02:04:13 UTC
People just do not have any real feel for how long a period 4 billion years acrually is nor how much can happen in the stretch of time.
2015-07-12 20:42:18 UTC
How? Because what you call "random chance", given enough time...say a few billion years or so...can develop anything and everything. As it did.
Billy Butthead
2015-07-15 07:54:04 UTC
A process doesn't have to be intelligent ,it can happen as random with the quantum effect being unpredictable.
2015-07-12 20:16:31 UTC
I see nothing wrong with believing in random chance. I bet all those Powerball winners do, too.
2015-07-14 07:41:31 UTC
This is a great question. You are absolutely right. It doesn't seem like anyone here really understands what you are saying. I am not religious but I am truly a thinker and your point is totally valid.
2015-07-13 09:13:23 UTC
Because to some of us, it happening by chance makes more sense than what we read in theological texts.
2015-07-22 00:25:24 UTC
Your question: "How can Atheists.. or anyone for that matter.. honestly believe this all happened by random chance ? .. and you can say "we don't believe in random chance" all you want.. but if you deny intelligent design.. then yes, you are essentially saying this happened by random chance.""

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim and in that case it is you, apparently attempting to promote creationism in the guise of intelligent design.

In case you don't know, not all alleged gods are creator gods. See for yourself:



But no gods are favored by atheists because by definition an atheist is someone who does not believe in at least one god in the real world.

You apparently believe that there is or was some creator god, or if not that, some undefined thing that you refer to as intelligence. You can believe anything you want for any reason or for no reason at all. But one thing that you cannot do is convince a reasonable person that your belief must be true solely because someone else does not believe it.

So far that is all you have proposed here.

Yet more just so you know I actually read your post:

" .. and you can say "we don't believe in random chance" all you want.. but if you deny intelligent design.. then yes, you are essentially saying this happened by random chance.

Update: I want to understand Atheism.. but if you deny intelligent design of any kind.. I'd believe in Christianity over what Atheists believe any day. Yes.. even talking snakes, giants and 7 headed beasts, (as much as you like to mock them).. are a more likely possibility than everything all of a sudden just exploding into existence.

Update 2: I am open to God not being "A magic man in the sky". I am open to every religion being false.. but to deny intelligent design or at the very least the existence of a conscious force in the Universe is completely illogical.. and IS believing in random chance.

Update 3: How Atheists believe the Universe came about is about as likely as to have happened as a man impregnating a woman by having his trousers randomly fall down, and he accidentally falls on top of a woman and his penis just happens to perfectly land inside a womans vagina and he ejaculates inside her. Intricacy and complexity is proof enough to suggest the only logical explanation for the universe's existence is intelligent design."

Atheism has nothing to say about creation, or about cosmology, which is the greater topic unless you are referring to only the space around you that you can see as you sit at your computer station. Atheism also has nothing to say about evolution, about science, or about anything other than the alleged existence of one or more gods in the real world. Atheism does not propose to explain anything at all.

Some scientists may be atheists, but atheism is not science and not even related to science. Some people became atheists after learning that scientific investigation of some phenomenon they previously believed to have been caused by a god turned out to have a physical, testable explanation.

Others became atheists for entirely different reasons. For example, some occultists may also be atheists or not, but atheism has nothing to say of occultism. An atheist can--just like you--believe anything he or she wants to believe for any reason or for no reason at all.
First name
2015-07-16 01:28:03 UTC
Let me ask you this..If you were to go for a walk in a park and see a piece of toast lying on the ground, would you assume that it was intelligently designed specifically for you to eat?
2015-07-12 20:31:04 UTC
Not believing in a god does not mean I believe all of this happened randomly. It just means I don't believe in a god.
Tom S
2015-07-13 11:30:25 UTC
How can any adult in 2015 still believe in magic and ghosts? Try to study facts instead of ancient "beliefs".
2015-07-12 20:16:49 UTC
atheists dont believe in random chance, they just dont believe in god.
2015-07-13 16:46:44 UTC
since 'atheists' are non-believers and most of the science you dislike was started by religious people, your question makes no sense.
2015-07-13 12:44:32 UTC
But you are determined to be ignorant. The world is not 6000 yrs old, much much older. Even tree rings show that. Can you count?
2015-07-18 23:32:34 UTC
Is intelligent design not one of the most horrifying ideas that there is?

For there to be intelligent design would we not be dealing with the worst beings in existence?
2015-07-12 20:24:05 UTC
Well, no, we aren't. Go get an education before you starting making such vapid accusations.
2015-08-02 08:32:53 UTC
Because magical gods who smite you or throw you into a Lake of Fire sounds like major bull ****.
2015-07-29 01:59:17 UTC
Because Athiests are doodoodunderheads
2015-07-13 19:46:57 UTC
Religious arguments are so stupid, that I have to assume people who ask questions like these are either trolls or simply unintelligent...
2015-07-13 02:13:25 UTC
I'm Catholic but when a puppy is born how does it know to go to its mother without any help to get milk? its just instinct. (that is to your 3rd update).
2015-07-13 11:20:40 UTC
I do not believe that at all. Neither does anyone I know.
2015-07-12 20:17:58 UTC
I deny intelligent design because that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence......
2015-07-29 21:57:12 UTC
2015-07-21 15:47:37 UTC
well I don't know but no wing no prey
2015-07-13 14:52:57 UTC
Is the Anawer by james saying there is god?
2015-07-13 13:23:58 UTC
so f*cking tired of seeing **** like this from christians
2015-07-25 08:26:43 UTC
Do you know how long a BILLION years is?
2015-07-13 01:40:04 UTC
how does having a god make sense. no way
2015-07-14 09:30:49 UTC
Because there is no proof of God.
2015-07-15 14:26:54 UTC
We have an education...
2015-07-15 10:16:51 UTC
do not care with them trust in god
2015-07-14 10:29:30 UTC
Because they're dumb.
2015-07-14 04:04:22 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.