Why are different peaple's eyes different colors?
2006-04-06 09:25:51 UTC
Why are different peaple's eyes different colors?
Six answers:
2006-04-06 09:31:19 UTC
recessive and dominant genes determine eye color. Here is a brief easy-to-read explanation:

the article gives a list of links at the bottom if you'd like to learn more about human genetics.
2006-04-06 16:32:15 UTC
most people know of the concept that evolution is driven by natural selection - a trait is passed on if it provides some form of survival advantage. What is less fully appreciated is the role of sexual selection - those traits that are appealing to the opposite sex are selectively passed on to the next generation. Since men are usually always willing partners, it is usually the sexual preferences of the females that are reflected in evolution - this is why male birds are more colorful than females - the male's coloring reflects the cumulative impacts of generations of female sexual preferences. So - I'm assuming that eye color does not offer humans a survival advantage - so one day a guy with blue eyes was born and he was very popular with the ladies. He had 100 children - many had blue eyes - and they were popular too !
2006-04-06 16:28:57 UTC
Genetics-usually dark eyes are the dominant gene...not always though.My kids prove that--2 have my husband's brown eyes,1 has my green eyes,and 1 has blue eyes like his grandpa.
2006-04-06 16:36:40 UTC
it is because of the presence of the humour liquid in front of the cornea this gives the colour.

the carrying of these traits arre genetic.

and not specifically so too.
2006-04-06 16:28:54 UTC
if they were all the same, don't you think it would be a bit boring?
2006-04-06 16:27:06 UTC
its genetics

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