Evolution is BOTH a fact AND a theory.
Just like *Gravity* is BOTH a fact AND a theory.
To understand this, you need to know what 'fact' and 'theory' mean in science, and why the same word can refer to both kinds of concept. Then you need to know what 'evolution' means, and why it would qualify as both.
In science, a 'fact' is something that is observed to be true. Note that a fact is not "proved" to be true ... it is *OBSERVED* to be true ... something we decide is supported with observations.
A 'theory' is an EXPLANATION for facts. It is a common misconception that the word 'theory' means "in doubt" or "not yet proved to be a fact". This is a COMPLETELY WRONG understanding of what a 'theory' is, and why it is such a central concept in science. Since a theory is an EXPLANATION for facts, a theory can never "become" a fact. Ever. Never. Ever. Ever.
So as a warm up, consider the word 'gravity'. When we say that "gravity is a fact" we are referring to the familiar facts that objects fall to the ground, tides rise, and planets orbit the sun. Those are the observed *facts* of gravity.
But the "Theory of Gravity" is the EXPLANATION for WHY those facts are true. The theory of gravity holds that there is a gravitational *force* that exists between all matter, and the greater the mass, and the small the distance between two objects, the greater the effects of this gravitational force.
So Gravity is BOTH a 'fact' AND a 'theory'.
So what about evolution? First, what does the word 'evolution' mean? In a nutshell it means *change*. Evolution is the change in the traits of a population (like a species) over generations. That's it.
It is an observed FACT that species change over time. We can observe this in the way that dog breeds become more differentiated over generations; in the breeding of racehorses, dairy cows, corn, wheat and championship tomatoes; in the way that antibiotics bottles have instructions to "finish all your antibiotics" because otherwise the bacteria can develop resistance to the antibiotics; in the way that you need a new flu shot this year because this year's flu viruses are immune to last year's flu shot; and yes in the way that we observe changes in species over geological time in the fossil record.
What we call the THEORY of Evolution is the EXPLANATION for WHY species change. This is Darwin's theory of Natural Selection ... individual born with some advantageous traits, will tend to leave more offspring that inherit those traits ... so that is WHY populations change over generations.
So the misconception is that the "theory of X" means, the question of whether X occurs. It is not. The FACT of evolution (that species change) is no more "in doubt" than the FACT of gravity (that objects fall to the ground). The Theory of X is the EXPLANATION for WHY X occurs.
Bottom line ... anytime you hear the words "just a theory" (or "only a theory" or "still a theory"), this is a *red flag* that the person uttering those words DOES NOT UNDERSTAND SCIENCE AT ALL.
Would they say that "gravity is just a theory"? Or refer to cell theory, atomic theory, photon theory, heliocentric theory, the germ theory of disease, the theory of relativity, quantum theory, etc. etc. are all "just a theory"???