I dont believe In Evolution Do You?
Marcus Ariel
2007-03-24 06:27:53 UTC
The reason being is that scientifically, the theory of evolution is not consistant with the basis of existence. (If life, being conscienciousness) started spontaneously, and we humans evolved from such, to be the rulers of the planet, for the purpose of prepetuating "life", why do most of us do the opposite of our "nature" then? If, we evolved from a spontaneous reaction breeding conscienciousness, most humans have tendancies to delve towards unconsciousness. Therefore saying that it is a physical law that all things which exist have tendancies to behave like thier origin, if we originated from natural selection, and basically sponteneity, why are we driven toward self annahilation? Furthermore if evolution where true, why do we seem to be de-evolving? Most people first of all arent very smart, and havent learned the basic fundamentals of co-existing in a physical world? Explain that. And dont be complicated, go to the point.
25 answers:
2007-03-24 07:08:54 UTC
I'm disturbed by how many people are willing to believe in evolution without doing their own research on the topic. That means researching BOTH point of views, and not just accepting evolution because "it's better than the Bible idea" or because "if it's scientific then it must be true".

evolution is a THEORY, it is not a FACT.

It's not a fact because there are many loopholes that scientists cannot figure out. Do a search and see how scientists are struggling to explain how evolution works at the molecular level. One example: No two humans have the same DNA. How did evolution know to allow humans individual DNA, but still keep the physical shapes of every part of the human body?

Let's be honest, using the evolution THEORY to say that all animals came from a single cell and then evolved from each other sounds like a bad science fiction novel.

and let's not forget the age-old question, lol: If humans evovled from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? Other animals died out after they helped the evolution of subsequent creatures....right???
2007-03-24 07:07:17 UTC
I believe in evolution. Things (people, animals, plants) adapt and change as the environment does. We won't notice it in our generation. These changes are subtle in animals, but maybe more noticable in plants in the way they adapt to environmental stresses. I don't think that one day everything just magically appeared as it exists today. Maybe the earth is just a biosphere and we're all sea-monkeys for an advanced alien race (JUST KIDDING!!!)

As for things having tendancies to behave like their origin...behavior changes over time as evolves whether the change is good or bad.

Here's my thoughts on natural selection. If we as humans were wild animals and not in the society we have come to know today there were probably be less dumb people (as you say) or people that aren't as "smart"

Growing up watching Wild Kingdom, National Geographic it doesn't take a brainiac to realize that nature isn't kind and survival isn't easy. Only the strong animals survive, get the food and are able to continue their bloodline. The weaker and animals of that species are more often than not left behind if they cannot keep up with the pack so to say.

The slower & somtimes sicker zebras, elk, etc...either die off or are picked off by a lion or some other animal or diesease.

With humans the way things are now, we care for our sick and the not so mentally gifted. So the gene pool (again no offense) is more diverse than it would be say if we were not civilized (which can be questionable at times)

Just my thoughts...
2007-03-24 06:46:01 UTC
First off, life is not consciousness. Mushrooms are alive, but I don't think in any sense could they be called conscious.

Second, the theory of evolution says absolutely nothing about the start of life - that is a separate theory called abiogenesis. All evolution states is that the allele frequency in a population will change over time. Selection of those alleles that are favourable for an organisms' survival will make those alleles more common in the population, while alleles that are not favourable die out. Over time, this results in physical shifts in the population that have led to the diversity of body types and ecologies seen in the organisms today. There is no intention or will to evolution - no selection for the 'rulers of the planet', or a pre-determined 'nature' to any creature, ourselves included.

There is no physical law that says that all things have tendencies to behave like their origin.

We are also not driven towards self annihilation. The vast majority of people on Earth do not commit suicide. If they did, that would indeed seem to be a maladaptive adaptation, and would likely be weeded out of the allele population through natural selection. Creatures who commit suicide will probably not have as many offspring as those who don't.

I see no evidence of humans 'de-evolving'. Even if people were getting stupider (which I do not see any actual evidence of, despite how most people drive on Monday morning) that could very well be an adaptive trait. If people are able to survive, thrive and breed while using less brain power, and therefore do not have to use the energy to power their brains, and can put it towards making babies, that could well be a favourable adaptation to modern environments. This would not be 'de-evolution', but an example of evolution, as the intelligence trait is selected against as being non-conducive to producing successful offspring.

There is nothing about the trait of intelligence that makes it a superior adaptation, or mean that we are 'more highly evolved' because we are smart. Evolution selects whatever makes the most babies - not what's the smartest. Mushrooms get along very well without intelligence.
2007-03-24 07:02:42 UTC
I believe in evolution simply because the scientific facts that have been laid in front of us all point to a suggestive form of evolution.

I also believe that there could possibly be other explinations for how we as humans came to be, possibly even the theory of creationism, but, if someone wishes to argue that the theory of evolution is false, and the theory of creationism is true, they cannot simply take a quote from the bible and call it fact. Back up your argument with something other than "faith."

If I wrote a book that said, "Ron created everything" and then mass distributed it to every human being on the planet, would people believe it? Also, If some people did believe it, would that make it true? I would know it wasn't true, because I wrote the book to say what I want so that people would believe what I say.
2016-10-20 12:21:31 UTC
The term 'evolution' is many times used to describe how the international began and developed (developed) over an exceedingly l-o-n-g span of time. i think of that's refered to as Macro. Micro evolution / progression is over a short span of time. i'm questioning that technology / drugs can be conscious how extremely some illnesses exchange into proof against drugs over a era of 30 - 40 yrs or so provide or take some years. organic decision / survival of the fittest isn't comparable to how extremely some animals crossed the line to alter right into a different animal. An occasion i'm questioning that's a horse and donkey that can mate however the end results of it won't be able to reproduce. A pelican and a robin, in spite of the indisputable fact that the two are birds / won't be able to mate and convey yet another chicken. Animals of an identical type and comparable community area can mate and reproduce. A dogs and chipmonk are unlikely to mate and convey yet another form of animal. of course guy and animals are right here. guy needs to describe those with out giving God credit for it. That way mankind isn't responsible to a a techniques better potential. yet while a guy or woman takes time to think of approximately it -- there has been no % for animals Or guy to have 'developed'. there grew to become into no % for a huge Bang the two.
2007-03-24 12:05:15 UTC
E=mc². Energy is equal to mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light (in cm/s). Neither energy nor mass can be created or destroyed, only change state or form.

I took AP Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Math in high-school. My first time in college, I was a double major: Physics & Math. I am now a Computer Science Major. I once believed that evolution was a fact. Then I grew up and started to learn more.

I believe in an infinitely powerful God, a God who exists outside our understanding of time. If you add a finite number to infinity, you still get infinity. Conversely, if you subtract a finite number from infinity, you are still left with infinity. If there is a God (which I believe) who is infinitely powerful (and has infinite energy), then God can, using E=mc², take some of the energy that is his, and create a material universe.

Which is Science and which is Religion? Believing that a "Big Bang" appeared out of nothing and the universe was created and over billions of years we evolved from some sludge in a pond? Or believing that E=mc² was used by an infinitely powerful God to create all that we see and all that we cannot see (at least not without help from telescopes, electron microscopes, etc.)?

You are right - we are de-evolving. I once saw a graph of the rate of genetic mutations (none of which has ever brought about any positive change in humans or any other plant or animal, as far as we know) in humans is increasing in an asymptotic curve (exponential growth). The billions of years that the earth supposedly existed doesn't make any sense either. Take into consideration things like the moon's drift away from the earth at about 4" per year. That means that the moon has drifted away from the earth a total of 126 million miles (assuming a relatively constant drift rate) over the earth's 4.6 billion year lifespan. But the moon is only 238,857 miles from the earth. Something doesn't add up.

But, if the earth is less than 10,000 years old (let's say 6 - 8K years old), then the moon would have only drifted away from the earth about ½ mile.

Let's not even get into the shrinkage of the Sun, the jagged edges of the rocks which make up planetary rings (eg. the rings of Saturn), scientists ability to make crude oil in hours in a lab, something which allegedly takes millions of years, and the absense of any certifiable transitional forms from our museum displays.

Let's not even get into the evidence of the intelligence of our ancestors... Mummies and skeletons unearthed showing evidence of having had brain surgery and other invasive procedures performed and healing thereafter (which is evidence of having survived surgery - dead bodies don't heal), A recently recovered celestial clock (found in a very old shipwreck), The pyramids, the Mayan calendar (its accuracy puts even our "modern" Gregorian calendar to shame), and so forth.

I believe that an almighty God created the universe and us. God gave us intelligence. We are slowly dying (as individuals, and as a race). IMHO, Our only hope for a future is faith in God, eating living food (fruits, vegetables, and a little fresh - unprocessed - lean meat) and conservation of our natural resources.

Critter Lady
2007-03-24 06:45:17 UTC
I choose to believe in evolution for one simple reason......the present facts substatiate it much better than the alternative. The idea that we, as humans, just suddenly appeared (or were made) does not explain anything, other than misunderstanding at the time that idea was written.

Considering what we know now, VS what was known when the Bible was written, it's easy to see how they came up with the idea. However, with today's knowledge, we would be fools to continue to think that a 6000 year old theory is more accurate than one of today. They simply didn't have the information needed to make their statements, other than stories passed down from generation to generation.

Also, take this into consideration.....The Bible, and it's stories, date back to about 6000 years ago. HOWEVER, the first written words (cuneiform) date back to about 7000 BCE....predating the Bible by 3000 years. They tell many of the same stories as the Bible does, which supports the Bible being just a retelling of the same old story.

Then you consider in caves dating back to 30,000 + years ago. Obviously, people had capable thought much earlier than the Bible wishes to admit, but since the writers of the Bible DIDN'T know about that, they obviously couldn't use that knowledge, could they? Just like they didn't know about dinosaurs (but they had found giant bones, and used those to create the stories of the Nephilem, to explain where they came from).

Evolution fits far better than anything else offered so far, so I will use it to explain my world until something better comes along.
2007-03-24 06:39:31 UTC
Well...I think some evolution did and still does today take place, I'm not sure that I believe humans however evolved from some single celled thing in the ocean. The way I see it, all creatures can adapt over time to their environment, after enough time, the creatures have changed so much they are now diffrent, and they have evoloved, that's basicly the way I think of evolution. But also another comment about the behaviors...I don't understand why you say evolutiuon and behaviors have to be linked. While we would assume that as creatures evolove they would get smarter, they really have to?
Ernest p
2007-03-24 14:06:45 UTC
Evolution is indeed "survival of the fittest". I cannot answer the question "Why are we not evolving if WE should be the rulers of this planet?" because we should not take for granted that WE should rule. A T-Rex's fossils tell a good story, It is not the strongest who is the fittest because strenght, speed, and just plain power are only some factors if being fit to evolve. Other factors include natural harmony and "social" tolerance (tolerance of other races, spiscies, etc.) Earth IS evolving. We may or may not.
2007-03-24 07:03:01 UTC
ok dude, you are confused. First of all conscientiousness is different than consciousness which you seem to be using interchangeably. Evolution is probably one of the most simple and intuitively pleasing scientific concepts ever. Natural selection is the process by which evolution occurs. It is based on three principles:

1. Within a species there is individual genetic variation

2. Some individuals because of their differences are more adapted to their environment and more likely to get limited resources like food.

3. These more adapted individuals are more likely to survive to pass on these qualities to their offspring who will likely have the same adaptability as their parents.

I think you should read a scientific text book. Evolution has been PROVEN to exist no matter what you think.

"Therefore saying that it is a physical law that all things which exist have tendancies to behave like thier origin"

Ok, I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make here. What origin are you refering to? We didn't originate from "natural selection", we originated from other species. Chimpanzees and humans have 98% of the same DNA. That is a pretty strong indicator to me that we evolved from them.

"Furthermore if evolution where true, why do we seem to be de-evolving?"

You mean turning back into monkeys? What are you talking about?! You need to be less complicated and get to your point. What are the "basic fundamentals of co-existing in a physical world"? HUH?

We don't have many environmental pressures anymore meaning we don't have to hunt with primitive tools to get food or gather nuts and berries and live in caves. We have grocery stores and houses and medicine. We cure the people who are evolutionarily less fit instead of letting them die like they would in a world that didn't have hospitals and surgeons. I don't think we are evolving in the same way as we used to. Maybe we will have to adapt to the polluted air and water we have to breathe and drink now or become more aggressive to adapt to the competition of the corporate world, who knows? People who have a natural tendency to not have lung cancer will survive in a polluted world better than those people who have a genetic history of the disease. Right?

We won't see the effects of evolution in our lifetime, it takes hundreds of generations, thousands of years for changes to occur in species that have a lifespan of seventy plus years. Fruit flies have a life span of a few weeks at most and scientists use them constantly to prove that evolution does exist and do experiments on how natural selection works.

My suggestion to you is to actually read something that explains evolution in more than a few paragraphs because it is really interesting. You should read a whole book about it. Take a biology class even. And then take a writing class because I couldn't understand half of what you were attempting to say.

And anyone saying stuff about God: GOD just may have created evolution himself. It is a very smart idea. Evolution and God can coexist. Evolution has been proven, God hasn't been, so I believe in evolution. But maybe I also believe in God. USE YOUR OWN BRAIN INSTEAD OF TAKING THE BIBLE LITERALLY.
2007-03-24 06:43:55 UTC
A couple points.

You say you don't believe in the theory of evolution because it is not consistant with this other idea you call the basis of existence, so, you are putting all you eggs into some other equally arbitray idea to say you don't believe in this particular arbitrary idea.

Your perception, however accurate in its own right, that we are de-evolving is a judgment, layered with a belief that evolution has an innate direction. Evolution in one since simply means things change. The factors that affect that change are open to interpretation. And the quality of that change doesn't have to always be for the "better". The concept of "survival of the fittest" biases our concepts of evolution. Not all evolutionists are Darwinist.

If we originated from spontaneity, then I believe self-annihilation would be almost like an ultimate act of spontaneity, even if you pondered on it forever, because in that last moment, you are throwing your hat indelibly in the ring of self-destruction.

So what's not to believe about evolution. Things change, we see some form of this all the time. Our taste buds change, we believe dinosaurs used to exist, we see new strains of foods and flowers that never existed before. And unless everything that exists today just burst into existance all at once, over time it appeared.

To me that is evolution.

I don't believe evolution has anything that ultimately guides it, because what could existance base itself off of? And what would that base itself off of? And so on. I would say the only common denominator is that evolution has only itself to refer to, which makes it appropriate that evolution, in my eyes, means change, because change is a self-referential observation that you are somehow different than you were before. Easy for me to believe.

2007-03-24 06:59:23 UTC
I agree. Many scientists nowadays agree that evoulution is to inconsistent to ever be a scientific fact because even the fossil record only gives us a small picture. For instance imagine you are watching a movie and only got to see 1 frame for every 1000. Thats what it is like with trying to peice this mystery of life together with the idea of evoulution. Therefore evoulution will always remain a theory-excuse for ignorent human beings always wanting to throw the idea of God out of the picture. They ignore the evidence for that. They don't want some guy in the sky bossing them around, they want things their own way. Yeah.. so anyone out there who diagrees with me I respect you.. but do remember if their is a god somewhere out there in the expanse of time and space who laid the foundation for your little insignificant exsictance than I'm sure he isn't happy that you would go so far as to say he doesn't even exsist. Good day
2007-03-24 06:32:24 UTC
There is no such thing as devolving, it is just evolving in a different direction. Evolution is just a change in the species, or even single humans. Any change.

It may be difficult for some to reconcile existance with science. But science is based upon math and facts, so no matter how hard yoou deny it, it will still be there. Sorry. But the truth is not malleable.
2007-03-24 07:32:55 UTC
I believe God made man. Not evolving from some amoeba swimming in the ocean but in His own likeness. DNA certainly backs up the belief that we all came from one female. That would mean we all came from one male as well.

Keep in mind that evolution to this day has not been's only a theory.
Joan H
2007-03-24 06:50:35 UTC
don't "believe in" gives you away. Evolution is not a belief. It is looking at evidence and facts and making a judgement about that evidence, then looking for more evidence to support the judgement or to not support it - in which case science would move on and come up with a different idea. Evolution is supported by evidence and facts, it is not belief.

If you are really interested and if your mind is not closed, will you read a book or two about evolution? May I suggest starting with "Climbing Mount Improbable" by Richard Dawkins?
2007-03-24 06:48:59 UTC
I believe in evolution because everything has to go through it in some way. Even minor changes are apart of evolution. Besides not everyone is going to be a genius in every thing or a genius at all.
Casey Lynch
2007-03-24 06:49:02 UTC
No, I do not believe in evoloution, like you said; why aren't we still evolving today if evoloution were true? If everyone read the bible, you would know that all the answers are right there in God's word, like God said in Genesis 1:26 "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Read for yourself if you don't believe me. That verse clearly says that we were made in God's image; not the image of an amobea, or a monkey, and that we are to rule over animals; not evolve from them.
Micky D
2007-03-24 21:08:25 UTC
i belive in evolution but I also belive in god creating everything but as conditions changed and continents began to drift we had to adapt or evolve to become better suited for new enviroments and how can you argue with the fact that homo erectus has the exact same bones as us and walked upright and used tools and the only difference is there skull which was slightly bigger to support a bigger brain but that was belived to be because they had a relitivly smooth brain and that over time our brain relized with a more wrinkled surface area it could fit a bigger brain in a smaller area with out compromising any intelligance
2007-03-24 06:39:48 UTC

but good point

i guess the 'de-evolving' individuals though must just be cleaning out the gene pool (no offense to anyone who may read this).

the only evolution i believe is personal evolution.

the idea that man can change his life if only the right choices are made and the rest of his life will change and his way of thinking about himself will even evolve to a greater potential than what could have been if he had just been one of the 'de-evolving' individuals.

of course this 'personal evolution' process goes per person. it does not get passed on

2007-03-24 09:08:06 UTC
I don't believe in it its fact. look up Typhlichthys subterraneus Now how do you suppose that happened?

Happy Caving Carroll
2007-03-24 07:15:43 UTC
i also don't believe it. this is because i can't accept that our origin is from ape or monkey. it is ridiculous. furthermore, this theory also can't explain very well about it. without concrete proven evidence.
2007-03-24 06:47:29 UTC
well i think there r some evolutions we must beleive b but few r not like tht!
2007-03-24 06:32:35 UTC
yes i belive in evolution! it has to be one of the most resonable way to show how humans became how they are now.
2007-03-24 06:37:45 UTC
I definitely believe in it!
2007-03-24 06:31:32 UTC
i don't believe in it...but it sure is one good bedtime story

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