Do people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory?
2016-12-04 05:28:26 UTC
It seems to me that when I speak to religious people they think that evolution is more like a ladder, instead of a tree.
One species turns into another species and there is this idea that one species is better than everyone else, more evolved if you will. That being humans of course. This is the impression I get.

But that is not at all what the theory of evolution says. I have no problem with people believing in God. But I do have issues with people that are intellectually dishonest, not only to others but to themselves. The fact of the matter is that the only reason evolution must be wrong is so that you can be right. You can attack evolution all you want but at least do it with proper understanding.
64 answers:
2016-12-05 05:54:13 UTC
Do people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory?

The truth that all are getting old and died...even the universe.

Life has neither meaning nor purpose except merely "being" and to live consciously in the awareness of that reality

Mother earth gave birth to us.Father Sun give light to see the beauty of our mother.

And You and Me created some stories.Hmm. It is about Competition. This is my entry, the TRUTH.Just close your eyes.

You will see a black background, that is the beginning and there are red balls passing around, those are the heat and become the stars.

If holy spirit is in you, You will see it. Heat is the beginning and the end. Where heat come from?

It come from energy. God = negative and positive. Positive alone can not create power, without power no energy, without energy no heat, without heat no life.

Life on earth is only story so is the universe. It is also easy to predict the future,

it will be hotter and hotter and more disaster to come more unpredictable weathers it will be more difficult to control

the food supply because of drought and there will be a big war.

We are going to be place on test by our Father because you let Jesus suffer more. Who is Jesus? It is You. You alone is God.

Please create an advance story and move your ***, if you want to solve the problem. Anyway the end of the universe will be white 100%, everyone is going to see it.

*God created the universe by word and so the stories.Heat from the head and heat from the heart. That is what really matter most.

The question is this, are we 1 or 0? (^-^) Note: Big Bang, string, finger print,dark matter, wave and vibration effect theory will not occur without Heat.

In every story there is beginning and an end, right and wrong play a big roll on it.🙌🏼
2016-12-04 11:19:47 UTC
Do people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory?

I do. I also understand that there are far too many holes in the evolutionary tree to make it count for anything.

"...if Darwinian evolution does not explain as small a step as evolving a new version of a single protein, then why would anyone expect it to explain the evolution of all the new proteins required to transform a protozoan into a person?..."

"... Genomes fall apart, but they have never been observed to fall together. The...patchwork of genes found across the world must, by virtue of sound inference from scientific data, have had its inception in the mind of an all-wise Creator....."

Iow- the only rational explanation is that there is a Creator

I'm sorry there are just too many holes in the evolution Theory, with no rational explanations for me to take it as it is. Not to mention the fact it contradicts scripture. I've never been one to care much if I am in the majority with my thinking. Regarding anything.
2016-12-05 09:33:00 UTC
Even among the scientific community they continue to doubt and question everything - that is how it should be. What puzzles me is why so many 'Christians' do not understand the meaning of the English word 'theory'.

It's The Theory of Evolution - not The Fact of Evolution.

No one is forced to accept anything in science. Even dear Albert Einstein had is own doubt. When once asked what he did for a living, he replied, "I am a male model". Quite right too.
montez a
2016-12-05 05:35:56 UTC
In fairness I must state that I don t believe in evolution. However, to answer your question there are those who don t understand theory or even their own beliefs. These are ones who are going off of what they hear and are clinging to what is comfortable. Others have been taught the common view of evolution which had been taught in schools for many years and is illustrated as an ape evolving into a man as shown on many shirts and posters. The "tree" version of the evolutionary theory is something that has come along relatively recently. I say "relatively" because I am over 40 and it came after I was in school meaning sometime in the past 20+ years or so.

The reason I myself don t believe in evolution is because it completely skips over the part where the theory cannot explain the origin of life. That is technically "cherry picking" is it not? Glossing over a major logical flaw and clinging to the part that conforms to our own view? Also, the first life had to start off as a very complex organism in itself. It had to begin (not evolve) with a reproductive system in order to pass on life. So, the theory begins after life started "somehow" and then says that life evolved in a tree like manner leading to the various species.

Even if evolution is considered by many to be a factual event it still leads to the conclusion that there must be a God of some kind. I wasn t always a person who believed in a "higher being or god" of some sort but reasonably and logically it makes the most sense when taking all things into account.
2016-12-05 14:09:32 UTC
Firstly, I would suggest being careful with the use of the word "believe". Saying "i believe" in the context of a religious discussion implies that that there is some "leap of faith" in the statement. Evolution, and science as a whole,makes no such leap. Some might call this semantics,but its a small nuance of the discussion that, if not handled properly,often leads to miscommunication.Being very precise with your speech is very important and often overlooked when trying to have these discussions.

To your question, yes.I find that the vast majority of those who do not accept evolution as a valid model for the way life changes on earth are often the least educated about it.Evolution is not directional.One species can rarely be considered "more evolved" than the other, and this is a common misconception about what evolution is.It is a model for how life has changed on earth,and has mountains of supporting evidence.It is unlikely, at this point, that a better model will ever be needed.
2016-12-04 06:09:13 UTC
I don't think it's that important, but I understand what evolution is, it was unavoidable at times in biology class when I went to school . Th thing is, people will disagree on far more important things. Evolution isn't what I think is important. I can even be a Christian who believes in Creation and Evolution at the same time.

So . . . so what? It isn't anything, not really.
2016-12-05 06:59:37 UTC
Simple Although many will say they do, they really don't, because if they actually DID understand the theory of evolution, and how overwhelming the evidence is for it, they would understand that it's not a matter of belief, but only accepting what is demonstrably true.
2016-12-04 19:05:18 UTC
You can learn something but not agree with it

well there are two theory of evolution actual one is darwain evolution where animals evolve slowly over millions of years because of mutation and genetic drift the other theory was purposed by the Stephen Jay Gould that organism evolve quickly he called it Punctuated equilibrium. He purposed that organism stay stable for long periods of time and evolve very quickly

Evolution is the idea that organism change over time into new organism because of changing in DNA

I'm a creationist I believe God created the earth Peter said man will one day forget creation and noah flood Deliberately

If you can't accept creation or noah flood it's ok cause if you believe in Christ God still accepts you even the pope believes in evolution

There will be people who accept all things and there will be people who can not accept all things God accepts them both Romans 14 we are not judge each other faith cause only a man and God knows a man heart
2016-12-05 01:37:22 UTC
No, they only dishonestly cut and paste answers from creationist web sites. Having read several creationist science papers, they tend to break down into four types.

The first is rare, they are valid science papers with an irrelevant aside referencing creationism in some way. One example was on how an artificial intelligence system designed to do one job is not so good as doing another, with an aside about the beliefs of the author. I believe that was by WLC himself.

The second is also not common, but are valid papers that appear to have been written for the deliberate purpose of being dishonestly used by creationists. For example on the slow production rate of a certain protein that was later used to demonstrate this protein could not develop naturally. There are other, quicker processes that produce the same protein, which the paper never mentioned.

The third, and most common are just bad science. The one where the probability of several thousand atoms randomly forming a specific molecule by random chance is the classic example, not only is evolution not pure random chance, but the mathematics ignored the science of Chemistry completely.

The fourth are not even science, but are also rare. One I saw was a paper with over 80 references to names such as Einstein and Bohr, all irrelevant to the idea of the multiverse. The actual part of the paper were the science normally goes was devoid of any science, it was just the opinion of the author. But eh, 80 references from the likes of Einstein.

Laughably there is a fifth category that is technically not creationist in origin. These are valid science papers supporting evolution that are put forward as evidence against evolution, but this tends to be done by the dishonest, or the stupid who don't actually read science papers.

If you are science literate it is worth looking at the papers, and even if you are not, it is sometimes worth looking at the conclusions.

For the dishonest just dismissing this without any evidence. I have looked at both sides of the argument by reading creation papers (something YOU have not even done), so you don't get to dismiss the time I have spent by lies and insults, just because I have demonstrated your beliefs are based on lies.

If you want to prove the above false, you need to take the Plottingeoe test by PEER REVIEWING FIVE creationist paper, listing which ones they are (with a link so I can verify your conclusions) and then telling me which, if any, of categories they falls in. Failure to do so will mean you have nothing but unfounded opinion, and means you admit to be a liar. Any avoidance of the above means you admit to being a liar.
2016-12-04 05:36:26 UTC
Do people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory?

No John, they don't. Not because they are too stupid (for the most part anyway), not because they are denied access to the vast array of knowledge out there (unless home-skuled) but because they believe that wilful ignorance is a virtue!

It is pointless to attempt to use reason to dissuade them from this foolishness - better just to point and laugh!
2016-12-04 05:49:16 UTC
There's everything wrong with the wording of your question and it also shows how far you are from understanding evolution. Now, is evolution to be believed or to be understood? But you are right because beliefs are applied to things that are unseen/have no physical evidence and that's what evolution is- believe with whole of your heart that a fish turned into lizards and you shall be saved.

And where is the evidence?????
2016-12-04 06:18:29 UTC
A Simple Proof...... ....... and .… God does not lie.

Look at the issue of population. In 1804 there were 1 billion people,

in 2012 there were 7b, and in 2024 it will be 8b, and in 2048 it will be 9b.

That means it only took 208 years for the population to go from 1 to 7 billion.

Working forward from the accepted date for Adam & Eve (about 6000 years

ago) there should be 2.2 Trillion people. We all know that did not happen.

OK, add in Noah's Ark with about 7+billion lost in flood. From 6 people (Noah's 3 son's and

wives) over 4000 years it works out to 7 billion+ today.

These SIMPLE facts (dates and numbers that have already happened) are ignored by evolutionist,

they want us to believe that our ancestors have been around about 1 million years (do the math).

Google the facts.

Even with all this some will not believe

Luke 16:31

But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’”
2016-12-04 05:39:16 UTC
If they did, they wouldn't do what they do would they? " Why doesn't my goldfish turn into a dog" is not a valid question about evolution. They don't want to learn of it, as it debunks their silly superstition. Christians necessarily have to deny reality to be christians.

Evolution is just a fact of life, and it proves the dullard to argue against established facts.

Odd we don't hear them complain that gravity is "only a theory", with less to back it than evolution.
2016-12-04 05:42:54 UTC
They think they do. They think it's dogs giving birth to cats or something idiotic like that. They don't know how much they've misunderstood it.

Some of the slightly more educated ones might make assertions about barriers in the DNA, or say no new information can be added to a genome by random processes, or that mutations are invariably deleterious. They haven't misunderstood; they're just ignorant of the facts that disprove their assertions.
2016-12-06 19:31:43 UTC
They usually try to argue that it doesn't even happen, but I won't paint everyone as being the same. Some get the Theory and simple don't accept it, but most (in my experience) simply do not accept that things evolve, including life, or perhaps particularly life. So, no, they usually do not understand it, do not want to understand it, because they don't want to accept that reality is what it is.
2016-12-04 05:32:18 UTC
The vast majority have made no attempt to understand it. They believe in whatever deity they've chosen and everything that challenges that belief is wrong to them. I think a lot of that goes back to how evolution is taught in schools. Just about every class I had in grammar school was preceded with "I don't believe this but you can if you want." As far as the public voices against it are concerned, many, if not most, are making a nice little living espousing their non belief in evolution. Ken Ham and his family for example, bring in over a million dollars a year from their creationist propaganda theme park.
2016-12-05 13:43:57 UTC
Is this an ironical question? The most outspoken atheist of our decade, Richard Dawkins, was interviwed l in Expelled --No Intelligence Allowed. Bein Stein asked him to explain the source of the first cell. Being a smart scientist Dawkins obviously knew that the default answer would not do here since he was talking to an intelligent well researched man. So he mentioned that an intelligent source must have started life on earth. Dont take my word for it, research. Unless one lives in the sterilized environment of media bias, where the only scientific literature is pro-evolution--where anything to the contrary is considered creationist--then you should know that these days one cant logically advance any argument for evolution (in its classic form) without being counter-argued from all corners with hard facts from math, astronomy, biology..

Have you ever seen a real debate between evolutionists and real scientists--not the usual choir going creationist woman?
Ken Rosie
2016-12-06 17:35:44 UTC
Evolution is no more than a state funded Religion. All that's ever been observed is Micro which is a slight changes within a kind. Macro evolution as never been observed. We have moved into the age of the Information Enigma. Its information that drives the development of all life, not stupid mutations. Mutations do what mutations do, it's scrambles the information, and biologically degrades our DNA which in time will kill the human race.
2016-12-05 08:23:49 UTC
No. The theory (Theory definition, a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction ) is at it's basic level, easy to understand. The specific details really do require a certain level of scientifically literate background.

And BTW, nearly 100% of well educated people of faith do indeed accept the basic science of evolutionary biology, the "conflict" (there isn't a real conflict, actually), is not between people of faith and some imagined monolithic science organization, it is between the educated (those with a religious belief and those without) and those of low levels of education.
2016-12-04 07:38:40 UTC
Just as is true of people who DO believe in evolution

- some do understand the theory

- some do not understand the theory
2016-12-04 05:31:57 UTC
Yes, people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory. They realize that the fact of evolution proves the Bible is all wrong, so they try to deny it.
2016-12-04 08:26:47 UTC
Do people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory?

- No, because, as you said, they "believe" and evolution takes intelligence and thinking, which they run from.
2016-12-05 05:20:41 UTC
Of course we understand the theory of evolution and that's precisely why we don't believe it because we do understand it, you old silly.
Special EPhex
2016-12-04 14:11:51 UTC
Yeah, I get the same sense. I also see the same thing from people who are skeptical of faith. Although I was exposed to religion growing up, it was never forced on me. I was told what or how to believe, so I was allowed to draw my on conclusions. I always assumed God created the dinosaurs, so I never really saw a conflict with science and faith. The idea that you have to be limited to one or the other doesn't seem logical to me. The intellectual dishonesty gets to me too. Over simplifying evolution as "man coming from apes" isn't such an sophisticated understanding. I also find it pathetic to assume that people in biblical and post biblical times weren't capable of expressing themselves metaphorically.
Obi Wan Knievel
2016-12-05 05:56:08 UTC
Understanding something and believing it are two very different things. And there are lots of people who believe in both.

The only people who insist on the classic creation story are the hardcore fundamentalists, also known as the true religious nut jobs. Hardcore fundies can be found in any religion, but they're most commonly found in certain sects of Islam, and in certain large sects of Christianity. And not just the Southern Baptist Convention, but they didn't get their reputation by accident.
Doug Freyburger
2016-12-05 13:30:14 UTC
It's clear that most denialists have never learned what evolution is.

I don't think understanding what evolution is will help. Belief is more emotional than it is rational for most humans.
2016-12-04 10:49:31 UTC
Do people who don't believe in evolution understand the theory?

I think I do.

You start with nothing - then nothing had a ‘big bang’ and something appeared.

Over vast amounts of time this something that came from nothing formed itself into a solar systems.

On one particular orb in one of the solar systems, over a vast amounts of time, something caused unrelated partials to come together and form the basis of life.

To cut a very, very, very long story short –

Over even greater amounts of time this basis of life developed its self into the life forms we see around us today.

These life forms are so interdependent on each other that if one life form disappeared the others would cease to exist. They need each other for their existence.

Many of the life forms need other life forms to reproduce themselves.

They have built up such a complicated relationship that if the chain is broken no offspring will be produced.

I acknowledge that there are exceptions we call them Hermaphrodite.

However nearly all life forms whether plant, animal, birds or insect who live on land or in water, need a male and female of the species to enable them to reproduce.

If you examine the complicated processes they go through to produce offspring you can only come to the conclusion that they were designed to act in this way.

That life was achieve by random events and natural selection seem very unlikely when you consider how complicate life is.

I have no doubt I will receive many abusive comments. All I ask is that my readers think about complexity of life on this planet. Then acknowledge it could not have come about by chance.
2016-12-04 20:22:20 UTC
There is NO evidence of any creature EVER transforming and crossing the borderline of its own genus.

Some things adapt to their environment by "speciation" - but always remain within their genus.

That's why Darwin's theory never progressed any further than a THEORY - no evidence to substantiate it.

The "intellectually dishonest" people are the ones right here - who ridicule and blab on with WORDS but

never cite a reliable scientific reference with empirical evidence demonstrating stages of gradation as one

creature ~ ANY CREATURE ~ has crossed over from one genus to another. Why? Because there is none.
2016-12-10 12:11:00 UTC
Evolution is one of the processes which biology shows as an explanation of the diversity of life on our planet. People who "believe" in it or who "don't believe" in it are missing the point. Those who think that evolution is somehow opposed to religion should pay more attention in class. Those whose preacher tells them that evolution is somehow opposed to religion should stop giving him money.
2016-12-06 18:53:14 UTC
I understand it. That's why I don't believe in it :P
2016-12-04 05:43:50 UTC
I understand the theory but it's a stupid theory
2016-12-04 05:34:13 UTC
So you always ask "are you religious/' -- do you think maybe that shows that YOU don't and won't understand an objection unless you are comfortable dealing with someone you can 'write off'. ?
2017-03-27 21:38:17 UTC
if they did, they wouldn't do what they do would they? " well, why doesn't my goldfish turn into a dog" is not a valid question about evolution... they don't want to learn of it, as it debunks their silly superstition... christians necessarily have to deny reality to be christians...

evolution is just a fact of life, and it proves the dullard to argue against established facts...

odd we don't hear them complain that gravity is "only a theory", with less to back it than evolution...
2016-12-04 11:13:19 UTC
Are we evolved from the monkey ?

In this evolution stage there must be something between a man and a monkey.

I haven't seen a monkey man. Have you ?

Are we all created from amoeba?

Amoeba created the most complex machines on earth like humans and remained themselves amoebas lmao
the re - chosen one
2016-12-04 05:46:18 UTC
Science will only lead to proving that the missing link in the chain of evolution has been our Intelligent Designer named the God of Abraham.
2016-12-04 07:25:54 UTC
no they think they have a BOOK of ANSWERS in RELIGION which are IDEAS and Explanation of possibilities .. from people 3000 years ago void of investigation or tools technology and advancement to find answers DNA .... None of which they present are DEMONSTRABLE , and promote FAITH as a VIRTUE

. Evolution is Change over time its a TRUTH and a REALITY demonstrable it happens in small increments that add up over time ... Its not SPONTANEOUS nor MAGIC ABRACADABRA My Hamster becames a mountain lion .

the usual question is if man came from Monkeys why are there still MONKEYS ? the stick word is Came from they think in terms of a Monkey today gave birth to a human . the answer if Americans came from Europeans why are there still Europeans ?

Humans evolves from a collection of small changes over a vast amount of TIME to have changes adaptive change due to environmental pressures from our ANCESTORS called to EVOLVE examples a larger brain less hair altered bone structure walk erect millions of years... its odd that can not comprehend changes over MILLIONS of YEARS

, Yet promote some idea of ETERNITY for themselves and a god
2016-12-06 19:34:28 UTC
There is a video you would like by Douglas Adams on Youtube. It was a talk at UCTV, called Parrots the Universe and Everything. As for the others: they are self delusional and argument is futile.
2016-12-04 18:02:04 UTC
Yes, which is why they don't believe in it.
2016-12-06 17:12:56 UTC
I guess I am weird. I believe in God. I also believe creatures of the earth evolve. Isn't that something.
2016-12-04 11:43:58 UTC
Yes I understand doesn't work without an active/guiding intelligence.
2016-12-06 13:58:17 UTC
So you really believe/understand it all. You explained it quite well without much more to say -- "theory of evolution."
2016-12-06 03:55:21 UTC
i've never encountered a creationist who had even the most elementary understanding of evolution... they all believe these ridiculous lies they're fed in church...

i do know two creationist teens who decided they were going to learn science in order to counter evolution more effectively... what they actually learned is that the theory makes perfect sense and really is supported by the evidence... i asked one of them if he resented being lied to for so numerous years, and he refused to call it lying... he would only say that the leaders who taught him creationism might have been a bit misguided...
2016-12-04 07:56:04 UTC
It makes sense that someone,

who puts a lot of mental effort into

denying that some natural process happens,

would not have a clue

how it actually happens.

Your ladder versus tree example

is pretty good.

"Fittest means most vicious and selfish" is another.



John Popelish
2016-12-04 05:31:56 UTC
I am sure, if we evolve enough, we will find there to be many forms of evolution going on right now and forever. Our stage of evolution is not quite there yet. Otherwise we would see that.
2016-12-05 04:52:56 UTC
The world is filled with idiots who buy into evolution without checking into the scientific validity of it. Forget religion, just weigh it against true scientific scrutiny and it fails miserably. It breaks the 2nd law of thermodynamics (law of increasing entropy). We see evidence all around us the gene pools are degrading. Evolution is the opposite. Mathematicians shot it down many decades ago. Have you ever seen a missing link? Darwin said they had to be common for the theory to work. They are not.
2016-12-04 06:01:50 UTC
Natural selection is the purest form of evolution .
2016-12-08 21:36:47 UTC
Some do and decide to ignore it.

Some don't and decide to ignore it.
2016-12-06 01:57:59 UTC
Evolution is really meaningless to most fields of science including most biological disciplines. What does evolution really say? What survives, survives... apart from the obvious tautology do you really need to take a class to figure that out?

What use does evolution really have? It provides atheists with the ability to pretend to be scientific. Beyond that it is really useless noise and has no real place in any science curriculum.

Micro-evolution falls short for two reasons. 1. It selects genes, but genes are not what makes a genus a genus. This has been experimentally demonstrated (actually observed) with cross species cloning. 2. The end result of natural selection is a net loss in information, the exact opposite of what needs to happen for Common Descent, this also is experimentally demonstrable (actually Observed). Anybody asserting "Macro-evolution" is just Micro-Evolution + lots of time is making a claim directly contradicted by the observational evidence!

The observations and experimental evidence demonstrates with reproducible results (empirical evidence) that natural selection invariably produces a net loss in information over time and so is not only incapable of supporting Common Descent, it operates exactly opposite of what is needed for Common Descent to work.

For a definition of genetic information that is based on the laws of science, see W. Gitt, In the Beginning Was Information (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2006).

According to biophysicist Lee Spetner, “All point mutations that have been studied on the molecular level turn out to reduce the genetic information and not to increase it.” [Spetner, Not by Chance (New York: Judaica Press, 1997), p. 138]

Darwinian Evolution fails to meet the minimum criteria for Fact, Theory or Law and so is none of the above.

It appears that people (mostly atheists) whom DO "believe in evolution" don't understand logic or scientific method. Neither has an atheist confirmed their ASSUMPTIONS because they have no responsibility to truth, and have thus destroyed science as an alibi. Worse, they have no evidence in fact to confirm anything, yet believe they "know" something. This is delusional, much worse than false belief or misunderstanding.

Atheism is an irrational, unfounded, unsupportable, illogical position, but gives them license to commit hate crimes like trolling the Christian section, call names, and slap dissenters of their fabricated OPINION, the more lies the better. Idiocy.

Those saying evolution is a fact are confused and generally point to natural selection. Natural Selection alone is insufficient to result in Darwinian evolution.

Despite the claims of evolution, the appearance of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, pesticide resistance, and sickle-cell anemia are not evidence in favor of evolution. They do, however, demonstrate the principle of natural selection acting on existing traits, the Creation model using many of the same principles, something we agree on. But as a result of the Curse, genetic mutations, representing a loss of information, have been accumulating, but these do not cause new kinds or a new genus to emerge.

There is no current explanation or hypothetical mechanism for Darwinian Evolution that has not been discredited by observation or experimentation..

The observations and experimental evidence demonstrates with reproducible results (empirical evidence) that natural selection invariably produces a net loss in information over time and so is not only incapable of supporting Common Descent, it operates exactly opposite of what is needed for Common Descent to work.

If you wish to convince me you need the same thing that all legitimate sciences require.. Empirical Evidence. Any student of the philosophy of science will confirm this standard!

Can science be completely trusted?

Why do many creationists demand observable evidence for evolution but not for creation?

What do you believe in? The Big Bang or God.?

Evolution: How did life come from non-life?
The Lightning Strikes
2016-12-04 05:33:44 UTC
I understand it perfectly, I just disagree with it, that Tree you spoke of is in the below video

Go to 12:20 in this video
jon pike
2016-12-05 12:33:05 UTC
Not only do I have no idea what you mean by "believe in," but neither do I know what you mean by "better." I'm admittedly not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but your question is unanswerable.

Do people who believe there is no God understand who God is?
PS3 Styana
2016-12-05 08:03:48 UTC
My mom does. I told her it is true we have been evolved from monkeys or apes! But she doesn't believe it. She said "God created us, we are valuable humans, that what holy book says." I guess it is kinda true, I have to believe it cuz it is my religion. :/
The White Rabbit
2016-12-04 06:11:03 UTC
Judging by some of the idiotic questions and comments on this forum from creationists, no.
2016-12-04 06:12:41 UTC
Evolution cannot be found in nature, but kind after kind is.
2016-12-04 06:17:19 UTC
Many people want to think stupid thoughts and say stupid things. They admire like-minded stupid people. They love to deny science and rational thinking. These people are usually angry at society because they are constantly losing and getting scammed.
2016-12-06 14:32:10 UTC
If one species turns into another species then where did the first cell come from?
Voice in the Wilderness
2016-12-04 05:32:58 UTC
Of course we do. Sorry your theory has no solid ground.
2016-12-04 09:21:23 UTC
Yes, we understand the "THEORY".
2016-12-09 12:04:16 UTC
Be careful
2016-12-04 13:18:09 UTC
2016-12-04 06:38:09 UTC
Is the atomic weight of cobalt, 58.9?

Is the gravitational constant, 6.67408e-11 m^3/(kg*s^2)

Does e^iπ = -1?

Does Bigfoot wear a size 32 shoe?

Is Richard Dawkins an athee-evo?

Does Donald Trump have hair?

Can “Crooked” Hillary set off a lie detector with a cough?

Are you kidding?! Absolutely without a doubt. THAT'S the reason why they DON'T believe in evolutionism. It's those who have a limited grasp of all the nuances of the theory who continue to believe in it.

Would you like to be an expert on the theory of evolution and how it really works? You can be. Just continue reading.

The fundamental key to having a complete understanding of the theory of evolution (aka evolutionism) can be found within the first ten seconds of an episode (S1E2) from the slavishly pro-evolution TV series “David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities” (see script link below since YT has removed the vid because of copyright). There the famous naturalist unwittingly spills the beans with this question: “How did two small animals ... **change** our understanding of evolution?” (** emphasis added).

Well who would have guessed? It turns out that evolutionism itself has its own built-in survival mechanism: evolution. It evolves as necessary to adapt to ever new contradictory information. When evidence again and again is found against the failed theory, it just maneuvers, dodges, twists, weaves and “changes” as required to accommodate the new evidence. Below are some examples.

Almost immediately after Darwin wrote his nonsense, evolutionists touted fossils of the strange looking coelacanth fish as proof of evolution. All were told the 65-million year old seagoing vertebrate was a clearly recognizable precursor to animals that walked on land based on its obvious foot-like fins--that is until 1938 when they found one swimming around in the Indian Ocean. It was just a weird-looking fish. With any other theory, especially with such a setback, scientists would at least consider the prospect that the theory is fundamentally flawed and maybe should be relegated to the dust heap of other failed theories like bloodletting and the flat-earth theory--but not with the theory of evolution. All you do is “change [the] understanding of evolution” which is code for “evolve” the theory. (Since everything else evolves, why not the theory itself?) So scientists came up with the idea of “living fossils”. They changed the theory from all animals evolving to only those that had not met an “evolutionary dead end” where they were so perfectly evolved, they no longer needed to evolve any further. (Huh? So even if the theory is true, how do they know with certainty that all animals haven’t now met their evolutionary dead end, and therefore there is no more evolution? You’re not supposed to ask questions like that.)

Later as more and more fossils were dug up it became more and more obvious that the fossil record was NOT replete with transitional-intermediates as theorized by Darwin, but rather if anything, showed animals NOT evolving; staying relatively the same for supposedly “millions of years”. Such was described as the “trademark secret of paleontologists” by famed evolutionists such as Dr. Stephen Gould. Again, not a problem for the ever evolving theory of evolution; Dr. Gould and others changed the theory and invented the idea of “Punctuated Equilibrium” where evolution happens so fast when it does happen, it rarely or can’t be found in the fossil record. What once was a “problem” for evolution, with the writing of a new book, instantly became “proof” for evolution. Now NOT finding transitional-intermediates in the fossil record was proof of the theory (huh?).

A more recent example of the dodging and twisting was when soft tissue was accidentally found in dinosaur bones in 2005 by Dr. Mary Schweitzer. Mainstream scientists for decades had told everyone that there was no sense looking for soft tissue in dinosaur bones because they were so old, it would be impossible for such to be found in them. Although at first those biased scientists dismissed her evidence as faulty, with more and more testing and it being determined that in actuality, soft tissue is the rule rather than the exception in dino bones, the theory “changed” once again and asserted that soft tissue in dinosaur bones CAN continue to exist for even hundreds of millions of years after the death of the animal. Thus at one time what was proof that a bone was young, now is also proof that it may be old--all according to the latest version of the theory. But that’s not all.

After soft tissue was found in dino bones, some inquisitive testers tested the bones for carbon-14. Because of the relative very short half-life of the C14 isotope, no remains of dead animals should have any C14 in them if they have been dead over 100,000 years. Well guess what. C14 testing of dino bones routinely shows the isotope in them revealing them to be 40,000 years old or less. As with the soft-tissue problem above, most mainstream scientists have initially dismissed and ignored this evidence; however, this problem continues to linger and is becoming more and more problematic. For one thing, dino bones can be bought online and sent to labs for date testing for only a few hundred dollars, so that almost anyone with a little cash can see the evidence directly for themselves--without ever having to even leave their own house! (See vid below of some who have done just that.) Some scientists, recognizing the problem isn’t just going away, have already started to “change” the theory again. In desperation, a few are asserting circular-reasoning nonsense: C14 works for mammoth and saber-tooth tiger fossils because they only died out a few thousand years ago, but it doesn’t work for dinosaur fossils because they died out millions of years ago (again, huh?).

In a nutshell, the basic logic for evolution goes something like the illustration below:

Person A: Rocks evolve from water.

Person B: Prove it.

Person A: Here we have simple water. Over here we have complex rocks. That means water evolved into rocks.

Person B: How can you say that? Have you ever seen water become a rock?

Person A: No. It happens so slowly you can’t see it happening.

Person B: Then how can you say water evolves into rocks if you even admit you can never see it happen.

Person A: Look at this. I’ve drawn a picture*. Here on the left we have simple water. Here in the middle is an arrow pointing from left to right. And over here on the right we have complex rocks. That obviously means water evolved into rocks. What better proof could there be? I mean you have to admit this is a well-drawn picture.

Person B: What?! I still don’t understand.

Person A: Hmm ... Let me see. Oh here’s some. See this?

Person B: That’s mud.

Person A: No, that’s what we evolutionists call a transitional intermediate.

Person B: Huh? I still don’t understand.

Person A: You must be a retard.

Knowing how the theory really works, one can easily surmise what would happen if a fossilized T-Rex sitting in a rocking chair, smoking a pipe and reading “The Saturday Evening Post” was found. The next day headlines from all the science journals would read, “Startling New Evidence Shows that Rocking Chairs, Smoking Pipes and even ‘The Saturday Evening Post’ Are at Least 65-Million Years Old!”

So now you know how Darwin’s failed theory works and continues to survive even to this day. The theory of evolution itself evolves. Because of that, it is impossible to disprove the theory to an avid evolutionist. No matter what credible negative evidence you presented, some sort of ad hoc explanation would be invented to counter the evidence, and the theory “changed” accordingly.

Many, many people do not believe in the theory of evolution because of the mountain of overwhelming evidence against it (maybe even most people if they didn’t have to deal with inevitable ridicule--or even losing their job--for expressing their true beliefs on the matter). There are too many flaws in the theory to cover in this puny forum. For those interested in a more exhaustive list, I would suggest seeing the appropriate section on the website. In the meantime, enjoy the vids below.

*For those who wonder what imaginative picture drawing has to do with evolution, see the vid below starting at about the 7:38 mark.

And who best to prove Darwin’s theory untrue, but the famed naturalist himself.

Major premise: “If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all of the species of the same group together must assuredly have existed... Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains” (“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin, Chapter 6, “Difficulties of Theory”).

Minor premise: Numberless intermediate varieties have NOT been found amongst fossil remains. In fact, the lack of intermediate transitional fossils has even been described as the “trademark secret of paleontologists” by famed evolutionists such as Dr. Stephen Gould.

Conclusion: Darwin’s theory is NOT true.

Finally -

“Debating evolutionists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon which keeps changing the rules of the game--except only another evolutionist would even contemplate trying to play chess with a pigeon.” - David@YourService.
2016-12-04 19:27:13 UTC
So you do?
2016-12-05 14:26:35 UTC
2016-12-05 03:49:44 UTC
2016-12-05 08:07:14 UTC
they are dumb

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.