Same sex attraction seems to be in part , indeed genetic. Not entirely , but this inclination towards that seems to be genetic , and where do your genes come from? Your parents. So some where along the line this genetic inclination for same sex attraction got into the gene pool , and rather quite early in humankind's genome history.
Like anything sexual , intercourse , etc,. that is consensual , it is a decision we make who and whatever we choose to act that out on or with. Never having had those feelings of same sex attraction I cannot comment on what it would be like. I can imagine , for some it is quite conflicting and a big big part of life. All the things that would go with making the choice to identify and go with what your nature is inclining you to do. I can see where people would not want to be seen nor feel different from anybody else. Yet they are compelled and attracted to those of the same sex. Some people repress it. How lonely that must feel. Even if they felt that for some reason they must repress it , but never telling anyone how they feel and what they are going through. Others seem to celebrate their sexual orientation identity , feel compelled to 'come out' and either be accepted by those they are not sure would accept them , or suffer the consequences of possible
alienation from family , friends, etc,. I personally have known women that were so fed up with the male relationships in their lives , their history with men , that they chose to become lesbian. Felt more unity and understanding , etc,. In this instance , it is a clear choice , as opposed to genetic wiring. I won't go into what my personal feelings are , because they don't matter. I don't have to deal with this issue. I don't hold some one's choice against them , knowing the person first is what it is about for me. When my two gay friends told me how scared they are from the attitudes they get from people , etc I felt very bad for them and sad. Knowing them , I thought , " how would any one treat Johnny like that , he is such a sweetie , nice man , kind, sincere and non indulgent. " They confided in me their dilemma's .. One not caring whilst the other was more fearful. I totally felt for them , and looked past anything I could see myself maybe being prejudiced against. I don't like feeling prejudice. I don't like judging. When we get into the aberrant side of human sexual proclivities , that is where I draw the line. Straight and gay. Mess with kids, I hate you. Agenda and groom unknowing young people , no. Too many times our culture sexualizes our youth and puts demands on them , they aren't developmentally prepared nor ready for. Pedophilia , etc,. needs to be wiped out. That is where the real sinning is. And this pertains to both gay and straight. Children , the young are OFF LIMITS. There is a push to accept pedophilia as a sexual orientation. It may be , but some where along that line , the wiring and morals and parental involvement in teaching your children , about what is sexually legal , and what is not , and what is most reprehensible and incurable is the propensity to develop a sexual desire for children. This needs to stop . Children cannot consent even if they say okay. Gay , straight , age of consent needs to be kept. Child pornography , child trafficking , child sex trade is where the slimiest of humans are. This needs to be brought to the forefront and taken on just like war on drugs , or equal rights. With that much fervor and dedication. Why the human race has not championed for the weakest of us all , with a louder voice , I don't know. Breaks my heart. When you want to get into sinning and who's what ever doing wrong , and then quote God as saying "Bad". People of age have the right to choose what they want. sin or no sin. . Let's talk about what He says about pedophilia. Jesus Christ mentions , offending the little ones. and if you do , it is better that you put a millstone around your neck and cast yourself into the sea than offend one of His little ones. We have no right to judge some one who chooses legally different than what we straight folks would. However , if little kids are being sexually exploited abused , etc,. it's time we unite against this.