2012-06-16 01:02:30 UTC
Wile, Jay L. "Exploring Creation with Biology." Apologia Educational Ministries, 1998. Print.
Biblical creationists (such as creationist pastor Gary E. Parker) ("Fossil Record") see most of the fossil record as a record of the burial of creatures during Noah's Flood, wherein the creatures dwelling on the seafloor were buried first, then other marine creatures, amphibians, slow-moving reptiles, faster-moving mammals and birds, and finally, humans, the most able to escape the floodwaters the longest.
"What Does the Fossil Record Teach Us About Evolution?" Christian Answers Network, 1995. Web. 16 Jun. 2012. http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c006.html
Atheistic paleontologists (Collins), geologists, and evolutionists believe that the fossil record is a record of the evolution of life on Earth, with the oldest fossils, those of the earliest and simplest creatures, being at the base of the fossil record, and more recent and more advanced creatures higher up. This assumes no folding or bending of the geological strata.
Collins, Allen G. "Geologic Time Scale." U of California Museum of Paleontology, 26 Nov. 1994. Web. 16 Jun. 2012. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/help/timeform.html
Fossils are usually not able to be directly dated by any radiometric dating method. Carbon dating can only be used if carbon remains, which is not the case with most fossils. Most other dating methods work on volcanic rock, whereas most fossils are contained in sedimentary rock. Instead, fossils are often dated by evolutionists according to ages that have already been assigned to various rock layers. Radiometric dating may be used to narrow this down, by dating available volcanic layers above and/or below the fossil-containing layer. However, radiometric dating is not a reliable method of dating fossils, and is rejected by creationary scientists.
Organic matter has been found in some fossils. In 1997, Dr. Mary Schweitzer of Montana State University reported finding red blood cells inside a Tyrannosaurus Rex bone (Wieland). And in 2005 the same scientist reported finding blood vessels that were still "soft and stretchy" in another Tyrannosaurus Rex bone claimed to be 65 million years old (C. Wieland).
Wieland, Carl. "Sensational Dinosaur Blood Report." Creation.com. Creation Ministries International, Sept. 1997. Web. 16 Jun. 2012. http://creationontheweb.com/content/view/606
--- "Still Soft and Stretchy." Creation Ministries International, 25 Mar. 2005. Web. 16 Jun. 2012. http://creationontheweb.com/content/view/3042
It is well-accepted that biological matter cannot last anything like 65 million years ("Squirming Squishosaur").
Wieland, Carl. "Squirming at the Squishosaur." Creation Ministries International, 16 May 2005. Web. 16 Jun. 2012. http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/3427/
Creationists argue that this constitutes evidence that the fossils are not that old (Wieland; C. Wieland), whilst evolutionists argue either that this constitutes evidence that it can last that long, or that the apparent blood cells (which passed several tests for blood) were not really blood cells.
Charles Darwin noted the "transitional fossil" problem and it still remains. The evolutionary family trees in textbooks are based on imagination, not fossil evidence. Famous Harvard paleontologist (and evolutionist), Stephen Jay Gould, wrote, “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology.” Other evolutionist fossil experts also
acknowledge the problem.
Gould, Stephen. "Evolution's Erratic Pace." Natural History 86 (1977): 5-14. Print.
Bates, Gary. "That Quote! - About the Missing Transitional Fossils." Creation.com. Creation Ministries International, 2006. Web. 16 Jun. 2012. http://creation.com/pattquote