“I do know that any of these chemicals in vaccines are in such small amounts that they will have little to no effects on injected individuals"
The above statement suggest to me that you really do not know the activities of the chemical and biological reaction that takes place after the administration of these elements into your system
If it makes no difference to your health then why vaccinate?
The reactions are at the DNA level, you should do more intensive research on how your physical body operates before you make final conclusions.
I don't even want to bore you with the important fact that all illnesses starts from within, can metaphysically respond and prove to any governmental body that want to take this up with me,
we are viewing he end result from a physical prospective, when we take this into the quantum zone you will be amaze to find that most of these external elements we are introducing into our physical make up are actually doing more damage than good, these elements are naturally manufactured by the human system,
By the way any element that can be introduce into the system through a system of immunization can also be extracted from food source,
From a quick glance at the composition of these vaccines, most of these elements where extracted from animals, I am a vegetarian and so are my family, how do we cater for this, do we simply ignore?
An illness is a programming; this programming is worked and processed through DNA and RNA system,
Therefore whatever programming you insert or upload into this system determines the outcome
Basically, crap in crap out,
you can actually create a program with your mind
How many of you knew that you can program your own cells?
This fact is not even metaphysical; it is rather physical and can be verified.
The so called chemical messengers are responsible for carrying these programs,
Therefore to cut a long story short, what programming do you require from the vaccines that you cannot naturally acquire?
If you cannot naturally acquire these elements that are necessary for your survival on this planet, then you do not belong here.
"Statistically, for a vaccine against almost anything, your children are at much higher risk from not getting the vaccine than if they do get the vaccine.
The government is very good at manipulating statistics, same government that is not informing you about the industrial waste called fluoride that actually damages specifics part of your brains system
This same government, will tell you that you cannot survive without their intervention
"Diseases that were unheard of in developed countries are making a come back because of vaccine denial"
Developed countries making these combat are actually the main course of this predicament you found yourself in, Mandy go back to nature.
I have lived in so called undeveloped countries, and I observed that even though they subject themselves to what we would consider a dangerous environment, they are way healthier than we in the so called developed countries,
"So you can not vaccinate your kid, but don't be upset when they get pertussis"
if I was Ole I won't because, I will never find myself in a situation where my child will contract such diseases as I am well equipped.