Let's put it this way, the biotechnology / pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries would not work without it.
Now, here's a copy and paste of one of my standard answers for questions like this.
Some "evolutionist" scientific achievements since 1961 -
1961 Crick, Brenner et al discover that three nucleotide bases are needed to code for amino acids, confirming a suggestion by nuclear physicist George Gamow.
1963 Effective measles vaccine.
About 1964 Har Gobind Khorana and others work out the genetic code.
1969 Arber and Meselson confirm that restriction enzymes cleave DNA.
1969 Rubella vaccine.
1971 Measles, mumps, rubella combination vaccine.
1972 Berg produces the first artificial recombinant DNA molecules.
1973 Boyer and Cohen make the first transgenic organism.
1978 Riggs and Itakura make the first genetically engineered insulin.
1978 Fred. Sanger et al publish the dideoxy chain termination analysis of DNA.
1980 Frank Fenner oversees the eradication of smallpox.
1980 Robert Gallo et al identify the first human retrovirus.
1983 Recombinant insulin placed on market.
1988 Kary Mullis et al publish the polymerase chain reaction.
1988 Richard Lenski begins long term Escherichia coli experiment.
2000 Craig Venter et al publish a rough draft of human genome.
2005 Rough draft of chimpanzee genome published.
2006 Final draft of first human genome project completed.
2007 Horse genome completed.
2007 Anti-herpes vaccine.
2012 Richard Lenski's long term experiment continues, having demonstrated evolution of citrate metabolism in E. coli.
Thousands of patents in various forms of biotechnology outlining useful or potentially useful inventions.
In 1961 creationist Henry Morris founded the Institute for Creation Research. In 1978 Ken Ham and a few others founded the Creation Science Foundation, which broke up to form Creation Ministries International and Answers in Genesis about 2006. Others have also started their own organisations. Taken together, these ministries have hundreds of employees.
Some "conservative Christian" scientific achievements since 1961 -
About 1970 Henry Morris misrepresents the probability of producing a protein.
1970s Duane Gish lies about the laws of thermodynamics.
1980 Barry Setterfield lies about the velocity of light.
1980s The Creation Research Foundation lies about a fibrous mineral being paper.
1982 Duane Gish lies about the Australopithecus fossil "Lucy" and Lord Solly Zuckerman. Though corrected on at least four occasions through the 1980s, he continues to lie about the matter until at least 1995.
1985 Duane Gish lies about Eugene Dubois, the Wadjak skulls and Java man.
1961 - 2015 Creationists persistently lie about what biological evolution actually is.
No identifiable patents. Creationism has led nowhere except an orchestrated litany of lies.
Matthew Chapter 7, Verse 16. "By their fruits shall ye know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?"