you ask a question based on a religious assumption then say lets put religion aside
thats stupid - it also shows the closed mind of somebody who has already selected what they believe and aint interested in any answers that conflict with their "religious" beliefs
"By bashing on me and telling me I'm dumb or stupid then by default you have already lost the argument by failing to answer my question"
You do make me laugh
You ask a question based on a false premise then claim that somebody telling you its stupid has lost the argument cos they aint answered the question
(and by the way - it aint an argument)
I ask YOU
"when did you stop beating your wife/girlfriend/whoever?"
If you say this is a stupid then I will assume you are still beating them cos you aint answered MY question.
(there aint such thing as a "transitional fossil" - this is a creationist invention
every species is a species in its own right. If there is a fossil of that creature then THAT is a fossil of a creature in its own right.
looking for a "transitional fossil" is like asking for a "transitional number" between 1 and 2
its no good saying "1.5" is a transitional number, cos 1.5 is not a "number" between 1 and 2- its 2 numbers,1 and 5, that indicate a value between 1 and 2
The ONLY numbers we have are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
a "transitional number" would be something like say "@" where "@" has a value of 1.5
so the numbers would then be 0,1,@,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
But then a creationist would ask "where is the "transitional number" between @ and 2?"
And so they go on demanding "transitional numbers" ad-infinitum, when none exist and have NEVER existed)