I pose a very, very simple question to you, relating primarily to point 4.
Why is human chromosome 2 clearly the fusion of two other chromosomes?
Why do humans and all higher apes share the same deletions in their l-gulonolactone oxidase gene (vitamin C sythase)?
Why do humans and chimpanzees share 14 retrovirus insertion events, given that the viruses insert randomly?
Propose any model that explains these observations. Then do an experiment to test your model.
This is how science works. This is what evolution does. It offers a model that explains all available evidence and forms a foundation for future work.
No other theory can do the same. Which is why there are no opposing models being discussed in the scientific literature. Since it works and has no competition, why would evolution not be taught in schools?
If you really want to challenge evolution, you need to stop sitting around and get data. Creationists simply do not try, while real scientists are compiling mountains of genomic data that all support common descent.
To quickly round out your other "complaints."
1: Not evolution, look up abiogenesis.
2: Given the full range of mutations possible, the observed creation of new genes, ect, combined with the unmistakable pattern across taxa, this is fully supported by evidence.
3: This isn't what is taught. No respectable biologist would forget the importance of genetic drift in speciation. Again, all genomic data points to this conclusion, which is independently confirmed by several other sources of data, most notably the fossil record.
5: Ignoring absolute dating, why are dinosaurs never found with any modern animal ever? Why are there several thousand complete ecosystems that are never found intermingled?
6: Uranium-lead, potassium-argon, and argon-argon dating are three of more than a dozen radiometric dating series that all agree on the age of the Earth being 4,500,000,000. Helioseismology provides a similar date for the sun's age. You think the earth is nearly a 1,000,000 times younger. How do you account for this massive amount of error in several different disciplines? Are we all lying to you?
That what all of this boils down to. You disagree with the findings of several million scientists over the last several centuries, so you claim we are all lying to everyone about everything....for some vague reason you never care to elaborate on.
That is why creationists are conspiracy theorists.
I also think its cute you have your clones answer and starring your question.
Edit: I tackled number 4 in my intro. Those 3 pieces of genetic data conclusively support the idea of a common ancestor of humans and other primates.
Edit: You are completely ignorant of genetics.
Why are those examples not just because of similarities? Simple. They are junk.
In the case of the GULO pseudogene, it is garbage. Genetic debris accumulated through evolutionary history. It is not transcribed, it makes no protein, it serves no purpose.
Those ERVs? Garbage. They are not transcribed, if they were your cells would be spewing out viral particles. They are dead. Why are the same exact dead viruses in our cells at the same location as chimpanzees? And they are quite clearly retroviruses, just gag, pol and env.
How do we know these are really junk? Because experiments have been done. We know what those sequences are and what they do, but they aren't doing that. They really are debris.
Now for the kicker, you claim the fused chromosome is an example of similar design? Then why not just have the same number of chromosomes? What is the point of putting telomeres in the middle of a chromosome where they cannot function?
Did the designer make our genome just look like we share a common ancestor with other apes to mess with us?
The design argument fails miserably if you have any understanding of the structure of the genome.
Edit: You are scientifically illiterate.
"This is irrelevant. How do you know they were created that way? When you create something it never gets better it gets worse, problems arise.
You do not know if they do not function, there have been a lot of new discoveries lately that show a lot of what they though has no function actually has a function."
So, instead of actually arguing against evidence, you dismiss it? You cannot offer a parsimonious explanation so you ignore it.
Human 2 was the result of a fusion. Any sane individual must admit this. "Similarity" cannot explain this, because it is unique, and quite useless. If you don't think so, find a use for interior telomeres. You have failed to defend your position once again.
Oh, and your hilarious claim that K-Ar dating misdating something by several million fold? A lie that creationists love.
K-Ar dating is only reset on the complete melting of rock. To illustrate how important this is, a group of geologists collected samples from the Mt. St. Helens eruption and dated them to several hundred million years.
They also included electron micrographs showing that there sample was riddled with xenoliths, chunks of rock that never melted in the lava.
They were warning geologists to remember to check for these. Account for them and the dating is accurate.
This is why the scientific community is so hostile to creationists. They lie constantly.
Also name one, just one, testable prediction put forth by intelligent design.
Here are your predictions, lets see if they are at all valid:
1. High information content machine-like irreducibly complex structures will be found.
2. Forms will be found in the fossil record that appear suddenly and without any precursors.
3. Genes and functional parts will be re-used in different unrelated organisms.
4. The genetic code will NOT contain much discarded genetic baggage code or functionless “junk DNA”.
1. Define information. Since the genome is just ATCG in various patterns mutations can account for reshuffling that can create new "information," to use your vague term.
2. ID is disproven. Nothing appears completely out of the blue. There are pre-Cambrian fossils leading up to the Cambrian explosion. There are microfossils before the first stromatolites. Then there is that distinct and telling pattern throughout the geologic comlumn.
3. That would be compelling, to find a gene completely out of the blue in an unrelated organism with no homologs in any closely related organism. That hasn't happened (barring some horizontal gene transfer in some prokaryotes).
4. ID is disproven. Ignoring your completely wrong use of the term genetic code, most of the mammalian genome IS junk.
How do we know this? An experiment was done of course, something creationists once again have failed to do. Two regions of the mouse genome, several million bases making up more than 2% of the total genome, were deleted. The result? Happy, healthy mice.
The genome is riddled with debris. You cannot escape this fact.
So, intelligent design has been disproven. Will you abandon it? I doubt it.
You also have yet to provide a parsimonious explanation for the fused human 2. Design makes no sense, unless deception was the goal.
And you completely missed the point about the K-Ar. It works, if you don't include older rocks in the sample you test.
When an eruption occurs, older chunks of rock get in the lava. Since the entire reason K-Ar works is that argon will bubble out of liquid rock, anything that doesn't melt will give its actual age, much older than the lava flow.
These chunks of rock are easy to detect, if you bother to look. The entire point of that paper was a reminder to geologists to check their samples before they data them.
Here is the citation for the paper creationists always misinterpret.
Go to a library and actually read it. Given the conclusions of the paper, claiming they showed K-Ar doesn't work is nothing short of lying.
Another question, why are several million scientists in every country all in some vast conspiracy when they have nothing to gain?
Edit: Now you are just being plain incompetent. Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees. We share a common ancestor. Not only that there is no new "information" between us. There are no uniquely human genes. You fallacious argument fails on its own.
You are quite right, disproving creationism doesn't do anything but disprove creationism. However, you think you can support intelligent design by attacking evolution. To illustrate this, I demanded testable predictions (which are required to be science) made by your model.
And your model was disproven. A million success and a theory will never be proven, but all it takes is one wrong prediction to destroy it.
You claimed the genome was designed with no "junk" DNA, but it is actually riddled with it. True, not all of what was once called junk is really debris, but a large amount of it is. This invalidates a prediction made by ID, which disproves your model. If you have any intellectual integrity, you would abandon it or modify it to fit the data.
If creationists were sincere, they would have done this experiment themselves, and when no viable mice were created, then their theory would have support. But they didn't. They never do. They simple do not do any science.
You also clearly have no idea what I am saying half the time. For example, similar genes are found in species that are related. You do not mysteriously find, say an avian cytochrome c gene in a bat. Find any, and I do mean any, gene so out of place in a higher animal and common descent would be shattered. From a design standpoint, why not? Both fly, surely they could have similar genes? But they don't.
In summary, you are an idiot who wouldn't know evidence if it bit you on the ***.
Animals change and adapt to the en