Let me start with an analogy that should clarify this:
When did the hypothesis that 300-foot redwood trees grow from seeds ever go through Step Two? To wit: In what controlled environment was a seed observed to grow into a 300-foot redwood tree?
Since the hypothesis includes the idea that this can take a *very long time* (2,000 years), do we reject the hypothesis and say "since there is no way to have a controlled experiment from seed to fully-grown 300-foot redwood tree ... we should declare the hypothesis 'not proved' and reject it in favor of the idea that all redwood trees were created 'in their current form'."?
No. Here's what a scientist would say ... We can plant a seed and observe it for five years as it grows into a seedling, and then a sapling. And we can plant other seeds of other *faster-growing* trees and observe them grow to saplings in only 1 year. And then we go into the forest and look for the saplings with *features* (like needles or bark, or even do DNA samples) that resemble the features of fully grown rewood trees and infer that these are related redwood saplings. And we can find other redwood trees in various stages of growth and infer from them that all redwood trees do this. And we can find dead rewood trees and "date" them using the premise that that the number of tree rings tells us how old the tree is (a technique we can again test on faster growing trees). And we can make a secondary "dating" technique of measuring the diameter of a tree to estimate its age without cutting it down. And on and on.
This is called science by *INFERENCE*. We *INFER* things from observations we can make.
The theory of gravity was developed by *inference* ... it was not "proven." There is no way to "observe in a controlled experiment" that the same force that attracts an apple to the ground is the same force that causes tides to rise, or the moon to orbit the earth, or the sun to shine, or a distant galaxy to form. We conclude that the same force is in effect in all these cases by *INFERENCE*.
The cell theory of biology was developed by *inference* ... it was not "proven." There is no way to "observe in a controlled experiment" that ALL life must be based on cells. There is no way to say that we won't find some life form tomorrow that does not have cells, or does not have chromosomes, or does not grow or reproduce by cell replication. We conclude that cells govern all life by *INFERENCE*.
So how does inference work with evolution?
Well, a scientist would say ... because we can start with a population of bacteria and observe it for five years as it develops immunity to an antibiotic in its environment. And we can observe other *faster-reproducing* organisms (like fruit flies) and observe them separate into reproductively isolated species in only a small number of generations. And then we go into the lab and look for the organisms with *DNA* that match letter-for-letter the DNA of human beings and infer that these identical sequences are markers of common ancestry. And we can confirm that the patterns with which these DNA markers are found in nature correlate perfectly with the *tree-like* organization of living organisms (taxonomy). And we can find other species showing these features in various stages of development and infer from them that all species do this. And we can find dead (extinct) species and "date" them using a technique based on the premise that the depths of layers, and ages of rocks in those layers tells us how old the fossil is (a technique we can agin test using many different methods). And we can make a secondary "dating" technique of observing the presence of reference fossils that are always found in certain layers of certain ages. And on and on.
There is no NEED to do a controlled experiment from slime to Homo sapiens any more than we NEED to do a controlled experiment from seed to 300-foot redwood tree before we can conclude that redwoods grow from seeds!
Bottom line: If you have any interest in understanding WHY the overwhelming consensus of scientists in the world are absolutely convinced of evolution ... then don't START by rejecting it and wondering how scientists can be such idiots!
Don't *START* with the belief that evolution is wrong, and then develop an understanding of science that confirms that rejection. Don't *START* with a specific conclusion, and then work backwards toward understanding science. That will *guarantee* that you never understand science ... not just evolution ... *ALL* of it. You will misunderstand cells, gravity, atoms, the formations of stars, the behaviors of galaxies ... ALL of it!
Scientists do the opposite. They have an overriding knowledge of the scientific method. They live, eat, and breathe it every day of their lives *FOR A LIVING*.
Scientists FIRST understand how science works, and THEN set out to understand the principles of science as they are accepted by rest of their peers. Only then can they intelligently *CHALLENGE* those concepts. Many scientists have challenged those past assumptions ... and succeeded. But they *STARTED* by becoming scientists ... which starts by understanding concepts like inference.
If you start with a *rejection* of evolution, and then work backwards to understanding just enough science to justify that rejection ... then you will not only never understand evolution ... you will never understand science. Ever.