Has the theory of evolution been proven, I keep seeing religious people say it hasn't been proven yet?
2015-10-27 12:43:12 UTC
Has the theory of evolution been proven, I keep seeing religious people say it hasn't been proven yet?
133 answers:
2015-10-28 03:49:11 UTC
theories don't get proven in the way that you mean. they either work or they do not, in which case they are disproved and have to be modified or rejected. The theory predicted a number of things including genetic transfer of material from parents that have been shown to exist, so in that sense it is "proven". The theory also predicts some things that cannot be shown except over very large time frames so the proof is still lacking in a sense.

But whether or not the theory is faulty, the facts indicate that evolution occurred. That is the part of the story that the "religious" people you mention fail to understand. It doesn't matter whether the explanation (the theory) is right or wrong, because the theory only exists to explain what we see. What we see is, and has to be explained; there must be a reason for it. Those people you mention appear to think that by proving the theory is inadequate, the make evolution untrue. That is not correct. Evolution happened and appears to be still happening; the evidence is overwhelming.
2015-10-29 03:15:41 UTC
A God fearing man had a theory and many ideas and wrote a book. That was in 1859 observing what he called "natural selection."

The Origin of Species. Since then it has taken on meaning in minds of people who never read it.

50 some books about creation and man, and Man were written.and compiled including many perspectives of the same truth.

Some were chosen and called the Biblical Canon.

Some were not included, some were not yet known

Changes were made, by several influences.

Most people who get so opinionated about religion are speaking from what they are taught without deciphering it.

When you find it has a Large point for a different subject?

You might get interested in what it says to man, and then to you.

Sure, the Truth is in there, but some things it lacked seemingly, were later discoveries. In Mark 13 it says "Behold I have foretold you all things", but it does not specifically say where or by what method or media. and in what context. Can you judge it?

You must read it first, Try the Companion Bible and a Strong's concordance.

But faith is something we ask for, like wisdom, as we lack it.

The manuscripts can reveal as you decipher the language and look at the translations.

There was a series where a pastor and his wife, who were both scholars

not only did all this for us, but televised it.

When he passed away, she continued it.

She shows you the meanings, the translated differences, and brings you back to what each important point was, is, and is foretold.

She explains the origins of the text, the changes, and has the evidence in print to prove it as it comes up.

None of it has anything to do with God's creation of man as you compare it to animals.

This is why I think it is like apples and oranges to compare a man's theories and measure it against a message of love and faith.

Scientific origin was never the point, If you havent read it, or been taught by someone who has, there are other great teachers you can still see, who keep it a little interesting. Like the two instances of God creating Man tells us some were set apart and separate, for God's purpose. The whole point. The others populated the earth before. See Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:7

I find all these documentaries currently being shown, full of omissions about what the texts really did say.

They jump from one dude to the next, we dont know who they are or why their opinions should matter. Then the switching around without

ever making a point and asking the audience to fill in the gaps ?

You can learn elsewhere, but it is not acted out in such drama.

are these things proven? That's where the documentaries can take you to the place to see that the place is still there, and what it was like, as they dig up truth and the Truth almost daily it seems.

Yes and moreso in more ways everyday it seems.

Why don't you actually read both books, so you can know what to read next?

Then you decide if you can take a ruler to God ? and measure Him for your own purposes?

I do not think you would, after.
2015-10-28 15:16:58 UTC
While evolution in the scientific view has been proven to be more correct than religion, it can't be proved that it wasn't caused by God. Many Christians believe it took God 6 days to create the the Universe and the world we live in. What could have taken billions of years to create the universe could be as simple as 6 days in God's point of view. It is widely believed by scientists that the universe is still expanding after all this time. Therefore hasn't completely finished it's creation. There are pros and cons on both sides.
2015-10-27 12:59:51 UTC
It is proven fact that evolution occurred. It is proven that all life is derived from earlier life, and that species change and adapt over time to form new species. The 'theory of evolution' is concerned with the mechanism, or explanation, of how it happened.

For example, it is a fact that there is gravity, but the 'theory of gravity' posits an explanation of why there is gravity and how it works.

To call evolution unproven is a lie. To suggest that the theory of evolution is "just a theory" only proves that the speaker doesn't understand evolution... or science in general.
2015-10-29 03:19:18 UTC
No, but then again is anything proven? We have scientific laws that are claimed to have been broken, for instance, as phenomem. Some scientists may claim that evolution is factual. But I don't have proof of anything. Maybe they do. I doubt my own senses. Our senses are flawsled and subject to interpretation error. Nevertheless, the evolution theory is strong. BUT...that doesn't mean certain animals became other animals. There r several theories of evolution within evolution itself. Not all evolution believers believe that we came from apes for ex. I believe in evolution and god. I think we are always evolving and adapting. We change a little bit for our environment. There is also such a thing called epigenetic. Why would this exist if change did not occur? Some people speculate that change is evolution. It is also subject to definition.
2015-10-28 09:06:10 UTC
In order for a theory to be "proven" or elevated to scientific law, it must be "proven" under various conditions all over the world. We know gravity is a scientific law because we've found it on every planet or star that we've observed. However, since the Earth is the only planet we know that contains life and since evolution on a large multicellular scale has not been observed in the present, the theory itself is simply and educated hypothesis on the "origins of species."

It is important to be knowledgeable on the subject however, I wouldn't place too much faith on the theory since many scientific theories have been disproven or revised throughout the centuries. A Good example would be the geocentric theory of the universe which was generally accepted by the scientific community since the ancient greeks. Until Copernicus provided the computational model of the Heliocentric solar system, the scientific community frowned upon, and discouraged anyone who opposed the common view.
2015-11-01 01:24:09 UTC
What would you consider proof? You will likely find that there simply is not anything which religious people would consider proof. We have directly observed evolution in the form of speciation in the laboratory, which was what religious people said they would consider to be proof in the past, and the religious merely hypocritically moved the goalpost. Also, evolution isn't very complicated. Once you actually understand it, it is impossible to imagine how it even couldn't be true. If you put 10 types of animals in a box, then leave the box alone for 1,000 years, when you check the box again, are there going to be more animals which are the weakest at surviving in the environment of a box, or the ones which are the strongest at surviving in a box?
2015-10-29 09:06:22 UTC
It hasn't technically been proven, but neither have theories like gravity. As a religious person myself with an academic history in religious texts, it is totally okay to accept evolution as fact. "Religious" people don't always know how to reconcile what they are told the Bible says with science, but I've never encountered anything anywhere in the Bible or even non-canon sources that contradicts any scientific discovery. Very few people who actually study the Bible instead of just reading it subscribe to literal 7-day creation.
2015-10-28 04:42:35 UTC
Religious people will say that because they are playing around with semantics and the scientific method. No reputable scientist will say, "I have proven ..." because we know in science that achieving an absolute proof like mathematicians can is not possible. A good scientist always remains sceptical. We have to accept that there is always the possibility that one day an extremely good experiment will produce results that disprove something that has been accepted for a long time.

However, in science, for all practical intents and purposes, we can consider certain things as good as proven. No one, not even creationists, argue with the atomic theory (everything is made of atoms), the theory of gravity or the germ theory of disease. Scientists know they have to accept these things always have the possibility of being disproven. No serious scientist, however, anticipates that we will one day discover there are no atoms, no disease casuing germs, no gravity or that the Earth does not orbit the Sun.

Evolution has the same standing as those other theories I mentioned. Evolution has been tested countless number of times. It always passes the test. Evolution like everything else in science must be accepted with scepticism and an anticipation it may be disproven. But, no reputable scientist thinks it ever will be. It is as good as proven as anything in science can be. Creationists may latch on to that but they really are clutching at straws.
2015-10-27 20:02:04 UTC
You're right it essentially has been proven. Religious people who say this are often either uneducated, don't understand evolution and have not examined the evidence and out of religious convictions refuse to seriously consider it, or are simply deluded and goose to believe and ancient outdated metaphysical system of beliefs rather than a modern methodically proven one backed by repeated collected data and observation. Trust me, I grew up in the Bible Belt, my dad was a conservative preacher, and I have seen and deal worth all of this horse crap ignorance on a daily basis. I live within the shadow of Mordor (what I affectionately call Liberty University) so I know what I'm talking about.
2015-10-27 13:12:46 UTC
I keep seeing religious people say it hasn't been proven yet?

- fundies say donkeys can talk.

Has the theory of evolution been proven

- It is the most proven concept in science, more so than gravity or electricity.
2015-10-30 07:16:06 UTC
The short answer is no. Bashing "religious people" is no better than bashing atheists or evolutionists. It is still bashing.

If you believe the world spontaneously generated from nothingness, you are practicing just as much faith as if you believe God spoke the world into existence. If you believe the moon is 4.5 billion years old then you have to ponder how, if it is moving away a couple inches each year, could it not have been so close to the earth a million years ago that nothing could have lived here. If you believe life suddenly emerged from a wet rock in a caustic "soup" in an atmosphere devoid of oxygen, you have to question why all of the rock layers on earth have oxygen and why have all the smartest minds never been able to recreate something that supposedly started on its own? There still are no missing links, and there still is no evidence that a dog can mate with a cat or give birth to a horse.

At the same time it requires blind faith to believe that 4.5 billion years of time could pass in 6 days, that a single spoken word ("uni-verse") could produce light, or that all the bad things that people do every second could have been forgiven 2,000 years ago.

None of know, but we all have to believe something. Evolution really is substantiated only by radiometric dating. Everything else is highly suspect. The science behind radiometric dating is solid, so if you want to stake your beliefs on that, then that is your free will at work.

You can also reason that if there is a God then why would He give all knowledge to us? We certainly can t handle it. One way or another you will have to put your faith in something.
2015-10-29 12:54:31 UTC
It pretty much has been proven. There is A LOT of hard, factual evidence that proves evolution, while 'God making the Earth in 6 days' has no evidence whatsoever, and no, a book written hundreds of years ago, long before people started finding answers, doesn't count as evidence. The same way the Twilight books don't prove the existence of vampires.
2015-10-30 14:37:38 UTC
Religious people can't even prove that god is real, but they say it is, tho they have no evidence, except 2 books that mean nothing.

While science has tons of human, animal, plant fossils to prove evolution and evidence that it's still happening, how our planet is adapting to climate change.

Human anatomy, instincts, biological and chemical processes in our bodies can only be explained by evolution.

And officially the church acknowledges evolution, but they say that god started this process, that he is the reason all the cosmic events started. So, the people who are arguing that evolution didn't happen, are ignorant close minded assholes, who think that everything outside the normal is a sin and that things like being gay is a choice.
Castiel Cassie
2015-10-29 18:37:57 UTC
Technically nothing can be 100% proven as people all have different theories, 'evidence' and genuine differences on how they perceive things. There is a lot of evidence to back it up and I would recommend going by cold hard facts like fossils and genetics and dna and other stuff like that but you can never fully understand anything or dismiss another view on a subject. I personally believe in the theory of evolution. The majority of the religious people I know disapprove of the mention of the big bang, the theory of evolution and anything like that. But, they have no physical evidence to back up their points apart from a book supposedly made by God through humankind or whatever. No one has ever seen God yet people have seen genetics, dna samples, compared dna samples and fossils. So, it is kind of hard for myself to see how some, not all, religious people object to anything to do with science. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as they don't shove it down my throat or I'll shove my fist down their throat =D
2015-11-02 17:05:38 UTC
Theories are never proven. A theory is an explanation. The theory of evolution posits that the species who live on the Earth now or the descendants of species that lived here in the past. What alternate explanation do religious people offer?
2015-11-01 11:44:31 UTC
Well,no,but nether has The standard modelThere are a lot of areas of science where we don't have all the answers yet .When we take all the facts in a given theory,and it gives us the right answers in tests we make,and when others do the same tests and they get the same results.This tell us that we are on the right trackNow when we look at the theory of evolution,sure there are some holes in it but it is the best we have right now.For now we need to stay on target,and follow it where the truth takes us.It is the truth that tell us that we are asking the right questions,and its is peer review that tells us that we are not fooling our selves.
Barney Google
2015-10-28 14:37:11 UTC
The myths about the Creation in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament bible are beliefs and also theories, as an explanation of the basic processes by design. Of that there is no doubt. If we didn't have those myths, there would be no competing "theories" And so it must be because as much as we want to feel that science isn't acceptable, the simple facts of life state that we have facts, provable strategies of environment and species, relationships and mating rituals, for example, and are the measureby which to estimate the value--or the Truth(!!!) of evolution.
2015-10-29 16:39:34 UTC
It's been proven that evolution is a reality. Which is to say, the basic mechanisms for inheritance, natural selection, and mutation are well-understood, and there's no other known explanation for how traits are passed (or not) from one generation to the next. All known species on earth seem to be descendants of earlier species, which themselves seem to have descended from still earlier ones.

There's still a tiny shadow of doubt, though, that evolution ENTIRELY explains life on Earth. The earliest lifeforms might have come from somewhere else. Some sort of intelligent designer/overseer might have guided or influenced evolution at various times. I don't think it's very LIKELY that this is true, but some religious people use such possibilities (which can't be disproven) to argue that the Theory of Evolution might not be sufficient.
2015-10-28 21:32:59 UTC
A theory in science is simply a phenomenon that has not been proven wrong. Evolution has been proven in many ways. All evolution is, is physical and social adaptations to a new environment, if evolution did not exist, you could not be in Death Valley in the Summer, and Siberia in the winter and still survive, if evolution did not exist, we would not be able to adapt and we would die very quickly upon arrival to the new environment. Genetics have also proven evolution; we can look at DNA of Hominin skeletons that we have found in the ground and through DNA testing, see that there are many genetic similarities and base sequences that we share with them, proving that we evolved from them. Also too, the theory of evolution is supported through current people; people native to Europe and some parts of North Eastern Asia have light skin to obtain higher amounts of vitamin D at higher latitudes (furthest from the equator) of the Earth. People Native to Sub-Saharan Africa have broad nasal passages to cool air down before it enters the lungs and dark skin to protect from harmful UV radiation being at low latitudes (nearest to the equator). Asians have an Epicanthic Fold in their eyes as an adaptation to really cold weather and glare from the sun hitting the snow. Nature can provide many other examples of evolution aside from humans, how do some gazelle get eaten by Lions, and others do not? It is because some Gazelle evolved to be stronger and faster than other gazelle to outrun the Lion. If evolution did not exist, ALL humans would look exactly the same and all all gazelle would be eaten by Lions because there would be not chance that some of those Gazelle would adapt. The many things about evolution that many fundamentalist religious people are so skeptical about is that the very concept of evolution defies their very knowledge of religion (the book of genesis in the bible) and that is not something that they can allow, also evolution most often takes a very long time, ergo, is exceptionally difficult to observe directly aside from the examples that I have given you.
2015-10-29 21:25:15 UTC
nope hasn't been proven. Theories are never really proven. People override these ideas over time, but from our studies it has been possible, that theories can be accepted, but a theory can never be proven because there is always something better to take it's place
2015-10-28 15:55:09 UTC
The theory of Evolution has NOT been proven; and not all people say this because they are "religious".

Evolution is not proven because we have no prove. We do not have LIVE evidence of evolution, and an evolutionary experiment would take a very long time.
2015-10-31 17:29:31 UTC
No it's not proven lol. Why do you think it's called the theory if evolution haha... Anyone who says it's a fact has poor ideas of what science is
🤔 Jay
2015-10-27 12:49:32 UTC
Some religious people are Science deniers...

There is not one fact or observation from any of the sciences that has ever been found to contradict evolution. This includes Anthropology, Biology, Botany, Geology on through to Zoology.

For 150 years all Sciences have been cohesive in their demonstration of Biological Evolution by Natural Selection, Genetic Drift and Mutation.

More recently, the discovery of DNA as the basis of genetic transmission took the understanding of evolution to a much higher level, well above what Darwin comprehended. "Darwinian evolution" is already history. It's only one the roots of Man's understanding evolution and Natural Selection.

It's high school Biology 101.
2015-10-27 13:03:44 UTC
Well, it hasn't been proven yet, but we also haven't proven Islam is the most violent religion around.

We're just looking at the facts.

Oh wait.
2015-10-29 15:32:28 UTC
The concept of a theory in science is fundamentally different than a theory in colloquial English. In colloquial English, a theory refers to a mere hypothesis that has yet to be proven. In science, a theory is a very well supported explanation for why something happens. Gravity is also a well supported explanation for why some things happen, but it is very predictable, so it is classified as a law, whereas evolution is based on random chance.
2015-10-29 16:39:59 UTC
" such people have an active interest in seeing modern science fail. They also have no interest in understanding science, and so, always get it wrong."

So. Much. Wrong. Here

1. Many scientists have practiced a variety of religions. Some of the greatest scientific minds in history have been people of faith: Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Werner Heisenberg, Rene Descartes, Michael Faraday, and Louis Pasteur-just to name a few. Some modern scientists include: Raymond Vahan Damadian, Eric Priest, John Lennox, and John T. Houghton.

2. Obviously these people have dedicated their life and career to the sciences. Pretty sure that demonstrates an interest. It's hard to say they got it wrong when many of them were groundbreakers in their field. Ever had an MRI? Thank Raymond Vahan Damadian.

3. NO SCIENTIST is unbiased. They are people. They were raised with. searched out, or stumbled onto a set of beliefs-be that Christianity, Islam, agnosticism, atheism, or Buddhism. To assume that the atheist is unbiased and the religious biased is naive. Worldview impacts your perception of everything. Including science.
2015-10-28 19:56:55 UTC
If we evolved because we were inferior, why do imperfect beings still exist? I think that proves evolution hasn't been proven. Think about all the extinct animals, they didn't evolve. They went extinct because evolution is just a theory.
2015-10-29 10:56:01 UTC
Certainly parts of the evolution theory have been proven. Others have not, and probably cannot be proven. Much of the Bible has also been "proven" by historical and archaeological discoveries. It requires faith to believe in either evolution or religion. I'm a scientist and also a Christian. For me, neither side can ever prove with 100% certainty that their beliefs are founded in facts. We do the best we can to understand the world, both secular and Devine. I do not find it contradictory for me to have faith and beliefs about both. I definitely believe God created the heavens and the earth, and man. But just as in evolution, there are gaps in our spiritual knowledge, and our minds try to fill in those gaps. Sometimes we do that by finding new "facts", but more often we fill in the gaps with our faith; either faith in science or faith in God, or both.
2015-10-29 06:10:39 UTC
The very definition of a theory means it cannot be definitively proven, being merely, "The most reasonable explanation of observed facts." Scientists test proposed theories by using them to make predictions, or hypotheses, which may be confirmed or denied by reproducable experiments. Unhaooily the general public does not really understand the mechanisms of scientific inquiry, and too often come to accept the most harebrained theories as established fact while totally rejecting others shown by scientific observation to be basically sound. The theory of evolution falls into the latter category simply because it calls into question the dogmatically held beliefs of those who are not intellectually capable of understanding it.
2015-10-28 07:28:45 UTC
It hasn't been proven, no. However it does have an overwhelming amount of evidence. We have even found snakes in the process of evolving to live births rather than eggs.

But it doesn't matter what we prove to creationists because they will dismiss it. Even if we were to evolve to have wongs over the next three generations, they would deny it.
Elisha Abaddon
2015-10-28 01:35:27 UTC
Look .... everything evolves; at least on a horizontal plane. Adaptation is the part of evolution that is past a theoretical classification. Natural selection is the Darwinian category "adaptation" would fall. Natural selection to provide evidence of special jumps (species to species) will; however, never be proven....simply because that would be an utter impossibility. We have a great model to identify the problem that lays at that level even in a "simply cell" organism. It's called the "Irreducible Complexity" model. Go to Stephen Meyer for more info on that. Anybody with logical thinking can determine the evidence of intelligent design behind the functionality of our ecosystem. All things go from order to chaos and NEVER the other way around! That is the law of entropy at work in our fallen world. Personally, I would have never given up my ability to fly or breathe underwater if we have all evolved to this out of nothingness. Quantum Physics is a great field of study these days to learn about the relation of all particulate matter in our Universe (One Spoken Word). I'd suggest checking into Chuck Missler for some of his teachings. He is a genius rocket scientist that worked years in the defense field for our government and he teaches biblical Truth. Science and God are NOT a separate thing. That's the mistake people are taking into their limited brains! God has put His fingerprints all over for us to discover through science, and the two should never bother to be tried separately because .... frankly .... it just can't be.
2015-10-27 12:58:29 UTC
No, it hasn't been proven. A scientific law must be 100% correct. Natural selection (done in the wild) and artificial selection (as done by breeders) produce enormous varieties within the different kinds of plants and animals.

It has proved an impossible feat, however, to change one kind of creature into a different kind of plant or animal. The so-called “kind barrier” has never been crossed. Such evolution has never been observed.

Similarities in the structure found in living systems can be interpreted better as evidence for a common design rather than a common ancestry. In spite of billions of fossils being found, there are no unquestionable fossils that show a transition between any of the major life-forms.
2015-10-28 09:42:44 UTC
First, understand what a scientific theory is. Theories are never proven. A theory stands only as long as it is consistent with all available data. A theory is considered disproven if there is any piece of evidence that is contrary to it. A disproven theory may still be useful for making predictions or categorizing results, even though it is widely known to be disproven. Many disproven theories are taught to students as if they are fact, because they stood up to experimental testing in their fields for so long, they shaped the way science in that field is carried out. Evolution has shaped the way biologists have trained and the way they have conducted research for so long, it will continue to be taught for a long time, regardless of experimental results that disprove it or limit its valid range of applicability.
2015-10-29 09:42:51 UTC
If the Theory of Evolution is proven, why are there still species on earth that have not evolved? Wouldn't all life have evolved into something else?
2015-10-27 12:45:38 UTC
You need to understand that in science, a "theory" isn't a mere pie-in-the sky speculation or suggestion. It is something that is formulated because it is supported by all of the available evidence as observed and studied by experts. It's not just a hypothesis.

That's the case with evolution (and gravity and other scientific theories). In other words, it's been proven as much as it can be proven, on the basis of all of the evidence.
2015-10-30 08:45:55 UTC
A theory hasn't been proven yet, a law has
Brigalow Bloke
2015-10-27 15:27:13 UTC
Biological evolution is any change in the frequency of alleles in a population of organisms. This has been observed and counted, therefore biological evolution, as defined since about 1939 - 40 is a fact. Re definition has not been changed every 20 years or so, as one user here claims.

Now, which theory of evolution? Theories of evolution are about how evolution works, not whether evolution exists.

No theory is ever proved, since if it is proved it is no longer a theory, it becomes a fact. The theory is backed by trainloads of data and is as close to proved as any scientific theory has been.

Some parasites on religion lie about both evolution and the theory.
2015-10-29 16:06:38 UTC
You cant prove Creation or evolution

No one was there at the big bang or Creation

Besides isnt science supposed to question everything? Even the possibility of a God?

You have to look at both sides not just the Black and White part, Im christian and I believe in science. Real know an experiment that shows maybe a Bird evolving with extra sharp beaks to break into a Oak tree.

Other than that its Either

A: Death and Hell for not following god (Real)

B: We just die if evolution is right (God not real)

Your choice
Richard English
2015-10-27 13:28:54 UTC
That is because they are ignorant. Few know what a scientific theory is and even fewer know the details of the theory of evolution. Many confuse evolution with the origins of life; evolution as about the the change of lifeforms in response to external conditions, not about how life started.
2015-10-29 09:48:09 UTC
I believe in some Evolution and I'm Christian. I'm a personal believer though that God helped with Evolution. I think there is evidence for both sides.
Robert M
2015-10-28 13:38:51 UTC
THOSE people are BIBLE UNREALISTS! The BIBLE is NOT accurate! it is mostly the history of the jewish people from THOUSANDS of years ago! EVOLUTION happens EVERY DAY we live! The DINOSAURS were REAL and existed MILLIONS OF YRS before teh first BIBLE STORY! Even the FLOOD is a carry over from mesopotamian MYTHS! The BIBLE has cause MURDERS and KILLING for years and is NTO such a GOOD BOOK as such! READ BETWEEN THE LINES! DINOSAURS were here for MILLIONS of years before we were ever even THOUGHT OF! There was NO FLOOD over the WHOLE EARTH because they thought the world was FLAT and they wee the center of the universe! OF COURSE they were NOT SO! DINOSAURS died probably due to serious GLOBAL WARMINGS not cause by AUTOMOBILES! AUSTRALIA is NOT in the bible, nor is the NORTH or SOUTH poles, NORTH and SOUTH Amrica! The LAST book of bible was in about 300 A.D. BIBLE LITERALISTS just ANGER the hell out of me! There wer MILLIONS of DINOSAURS and even different FOLIAGE millions of years ago! MANY ahve DIED or morphed into something else! IT is most likely TRUS that BIRDS are the leftovers from DINO evolution! ALSO the ALLIGATOR, TURTLE SHARK and most fish are MILLIONS of years old! DOGS adn CAS evlove every time new ones are BORN! GOOD LUCK with BIBLE LITERALISTSA! Like JEHOVAH MITNESSES< theya re WAY off kilter and UNREAListic about thsi stuff! BYE NOW!
2015-10-28 17:28:52 UTC
science represents the reality of the material world to the christian spiritualist. they will deny the reality of the material world and embrace an idealistic-spiritualism.

so, biology does prove evolution, and most other religions do not have to deny reality to have a spiritual-reality which is real and works.

the christian religion has always split material-spiritual reality into two-separate things, an irreconcilable difference, which has slanted the development of western thought into an all-or-none approach.

other religions believe that the life we live is composed of a material and spiritual reality, and that a separation between the two is not even realistic.

it would be like removing your mind from your brain and leaving you with a material body and your life, then saying that that the reality of being a human-being exists. the opposite approach is also true.

try the analogy of a bridge. a bridge has a mind in its design, it has a body of concrete and steel, then it has a life; what is the life of the bridge, to get to the other-side.

without any one of these three, mind, body, and life, a bridge would not exist as the entity of a bridge.
2015-10-28 10:30:51 UTC
There are gaps in it I think, but I think that it is a proven thing. Religious people do say that we can't come from apes because apes still exist but I just think that is bs. In my opinion people use God to fill in the blanks of what we don't know.
2015-10-29 05:57:01 UTC
I have the short and true answer read the bible because is more logical the bible said the earth was round before people actually believed in it the bible explains about every question you have in a logical way like ghost and remember a theory is a theory it does not mean it's true do you actually believe that we were fish then a monkey?
2015-10-28 14:14:28 UTC
The preponderance of evidence shows that evolution has and still is occurring though it is NOT PROVEN. Religious wonks do not believe in it and say we simply appeared. There are also "middle men/women" who are religious and believe in "INTELLIGENT DIRECTION" meaning that EVOLUTION IS HAPPENING BUT GOD OR SOME OTHER DIVINITY IS GUIDING THE PROCESS. I am unable to buy the INTELLIGENT DIRECTION theory on the basis of DARWINS other theory which DISPROVES such guidance and that is NATURAL SELECTION aka survival of the fittest. If there were a DIVINITY guiding the PROCESS OF EVOLUTION than we would have evolved beyond killing one another, brutalizing our planet for its resources, and basically not being "good". PEACE!
2015-10-31 04:14:12 UTC
Religeion needs no proof, science relies on repeatable demonstration of a fact or proposition. The theory of evolution has shown to be correct by the repeated demonstration of it's ideas by investigation into the world around us. Without evolution we would be able to cure the common cold and influenza, but evolution allows these to change quickly ahead of our science that could provide a solution.


Looking, learning, logical deduction and a scientific approach.
Ellen o
2015-10-27 23:08:18 UTC
God created the earth and everything in it but evolution took over from there. Everyone should have a relationship with God and it shouldn't have to take away from understanding science. Look at it this way, if you ever planted flowers or vegetables you created your garden but evolution took over, weather, watering, etc. all took part of how they turned out. Usually each generation grows taller than the last. God created people but evolution took over from there.
2015-10-30 19:51:01 UTC
evolution as a science has huge holes in it. darwin collapsed in the 1960's, so neodarwinism by stephen gould (if i spelled his name right)

the problem is that darwinism fails on all points. none of the scientist have shown how a change in an allele has added genetic information into the genome.

that should end this foolishness except they persist with fantasies about UV light warming the ocean...if it were not for ozone, the UV would kill us, and it make life possible?, i digress

do critical thinking about what is taught and you have to reject darwin and any ideas of evolution as fairy tales.

i'm open to anyone that wants to rebut this
2015-10-28 09:09:25 UTC
Have all the religious theories been proven, we have however done pretty well with science. When a scientist claims something, the scientific community will evaluate every bit of the scientists conclusions. That will never happen whit religion.
2015-10-27 13:08:07 UTC
NO - the ToE has not been proven.

And what's more any evidènce claimed actually proves Crearion.
2015-10-27 23:17:26 UTC
Yes, it has, because in Evolutionism, the term "evolution" is just a re-expression of natural selection, which is just a re-expression of random mutation, in vitro, and during biological reproduction of organisms. In religious terminology, however, it refers to a denial of the existence of God (Who, I am sorry to say, is actually real. I know, painful, but you will find the concept of an ultimate being proven, if you leave your concentration to learn about more rationalist religious movements), and it threatens the religious industry, which is actually a form of huge moral support for people, so this concept has been turned into a game of argument, to maintain order. It is actually pretty pathetic, when you think about it, because the population of self-righteous assholes is so large, that to entertain them automatically translates to tyranny of the majority.
2015-10-28 21:20:56 UTC
It's not beyond the realm of possibility that we are amidst another flat earth vs. round earth moment in human history in the evolution vs God's Word debate.

Consider this verse.

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Job 26:7 KJV

Sounds to me like God formed a round earth and made it to float in space.

The book of Job was written long before the flat earth vs round earth debate ever occurred. God's word was written and compiled with truth. Without science the truth was written. That's amazing.
2015-10-29 17:39:35 UTC
There is proof of evolution in every species of animal. Natural selection is similar in some ways to the selective breeding of dogs- certain traits are passed on to the next generation whether it be because a human likes that trait ( certain fur colors) or because that trait will help the animal survive ( thick fur in a cold climate). It cannot be denied that animals evolve as there is proof in the way that animals have adapted to their environments and become new species.
2015-10-27 17:29:40 UTC
Nope it hasn't , that evolution occurs is beyond doubt ,as to why and how it occurs and how it occurs there are still questions A bumble bee can fly for a good period no one could understand why , in fact theory said they couldn't We all knew they could just took time to figure out how.
Doug Freyburger
2015-10-29 12:47:35 UTC
Genetic engineering works. That proves that evolution is fact.

Science never proves anything. Science disproves incorrect statements. It's a nonsense word game by certain fundies. Since the can't dazzle you with their brilliance they baffle you with there manure.
2015-10-28 17:21:59 UTC
It has been well proven for decades now. The Republicans, in their magnificent stupidity, continue to believe that evolution somehow is at odds with the "bible"'s views that God Himself/(herself? has to be given all the credit, and not environmental and biological reasons!!!duh...
2015-10-30 12:40:16 UTC
Scientific Theories are never proven----we only have evidence. And also how do fundy Christians know that their INTERPRETATIONS of the Bible are correct? After all, they were interpretations of men who lived hundreds of years ago . The Bible must be interpreted in terms of what we know to be true TODAY. Not the vision of the world in the 16th century. God may not change, but the understanding of his word does.
2015-10-28 03:43:27 UTC
Some scientist make simple thing just complicated.

We couldn't see how we born to world. But we can understand that. We come first from our father to mother's womb and then to world.

Parents give us life by natural way.

Parents knows us first then we know our parents, Whatever we believe our parents or not.

Should we believe our parents that they are our parents?

The One & Only Creator God has created all others, human being too.

The One & Only Creator God knows well about all the creations. Whatever we believe it or not. We couldn't see how we created or how first human being created, we just heard that.

If The One & Only Creator God wants to create human being from monkey or other animal the god can do that but we heard from god that most of living things created first couple of Male & Female and whole generation of specific types of living things from the same living things from first couple of Male & female.

We also know that in a age, The God has given some human being punishment evolution to different types of animals as punishment for their Worst Sin. You may search about that from Religion Books.

Evolution is always happening and possible but not that what we know wrong information and misguided by some unsuccessful scientist or philosopher.

Specially the theory of evolution is a try to know how whole creation had happened by scientifically even no scientist or philosopher had seen that. So how can they very much sure about that. why we should believe them or their theory where we dont see any perfect example.

Do we see any half monkey half human being or did so cold scientist make any hybrid animal/human being by breeding human being with monkey.

I request you to be dare to have do that, even you yourself can do that.

But it will be sin if you believe in God.

I could discuss more with you if you want just natural way.
2015-10-28 18:20:53 UTC
Evolution is simply the change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time. It's not "OH ****!THESE CRAZY PEOPLE SAY WE EVOLVED FROM SNAILS HUR DUR!!!" That's not evolution, that pure bullshit counterexamples they are trying to use that make no sense
2015-10-28 15:33:14 UTC
It is absolutely and completely impossible to take the Darwinian theory of evolution into a scientific laboratory and conduct an experiment and write a scientific report which concludes that is true and that one species can produce another species.
SSP Bowl Dude
2015-10-27 15:20:24 UTC
It would be called the "Law of Evolution" if it was proven. Hence, it's still a theory.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-10-28 08:35:04 UTC
Everyone has their own "beliefs", and will not change them. Proven, or dis-proven is up to the individual, especially in the USA. The original horses had 3 toes on each foot; EVOLVED !
military supporter
2015-10-27 12:53:36 UTC
When speaking of the Theory of Evolution , it is a fact, not a hypothesis. DNA shows the theory is consistent with what the facts shows.
2015-11-03 22:45:50 UTC
It has been proven. Religious people can't argue against biology or science. They believe in a super natural being.
2015-10-28 04:20:43 UTC
the theory of evolution hasn't been proven... When they find fossils of a half bird half pig than i will say it has been proven. They havent found crap that proves we evolved from apes and that apes evolved from ... God knows what
Entirely of This World
2015-10-27 12:48:45 UTC
It depends what you mean by proof. In the case of mathematical theorems, proof is pretty straight forward in most cases. In the case of Evolution there is a preponderance of evidence that suggests that the account given for the origin of life in any given religious scripture is unlikely to the extent that there is an infinitesimal chance of any of them being true.
2015-10-27 12:46:46 UTC
Not proven.

Because "proof" is not the standard being dealt with.

What is 100% certain..... is that alternate theories regarding evolution and discoveries stemming from the theory have been tested countless times, entire fields of science have been developed from the theory (genetics, gene therapy, GMO programs etc.) ... and NOT A SINGLE FINDING has conflicted with the theory.

That's as close to proof as you will ever find. But science doesn't deal in "proof" it deals in likelihood/statistics/falsifiable questions.
2015-10-29 08:54:01 UTC
Theories are called that because they cannot be proven.

Evolution is a working hypothesis until it is refined.
2015-10-27 12:49:18 UTC
People confuse theory and hypothesis. A scientific theory is a way to explain facts. Evolution has been proven and we can see it happening. And we are still learning about it and making new discoveries.
2015-10-28 07:01:41 UTC
The earth was created by beings over a very very very very long period of time. Evolutionary things were probably being used. If i was making the earth id probably make changes here and there or create things to change at specific points and times for various reasons.

I know this place was made because they showed me it was made. Are they out of their minds? Maybe.

Science can save all of our lives and give us immortality. "Spirits" know them some science.
2015-10-28 05:50:58 UTC
No but the chances of it being proven is phenomonel and it might as be %100
2015-10-30 10:18:04 UTC
If one is not religious, he does not really believe in the one and only principle of evolution. Evolution of a living thing only works if survival is "perceived" as good, and destruction is "perceived" as bad. Religious people are intent on adapting and then surviving in another world.
2015-10-27 13:24:55 UTC
If someone does not want to believe in something no amount of evidence will change their mind , the open mind will keep changing its beliefs as science advances , evolution is self evident so is God when you know what you are looking for .

seek my answers
2015-10-27 13:58:49 UTC
I am a Christian. God has not revealed to what extent he used evolution in the creative process. Nor do we know how long it took to create the earth since the word "day" is used for different time periods in the bible. Therefore, Christians need to get out of this nonsensical fight. Also, God created all things spiritually before he created them physically. The creation story in Genesis is the spiritual creation, not the physical one. You can see the importance of this distinction.

The following verses from Genesis chapter 2 is a discussion that happened after the creation story was completed. Read it carefully:

"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the DAY that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field BEFORE IT WAS IN THE EARTH, and every herb of the field BEFORE IT GREW: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and THERE WAS NOT A MAN TO TILL THE GROUND. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground (OR ELEMENTS OF THE EARTH), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (OR HIS SPIRIT); and man became a living soul (THE SOUL DOES NOT EXIST UNITL THE SPIRIT IS PLACED INTO THE BODY AND ADAM DID NOT BECOME A LIVING SOUL UNTIL AFTER THE CREATION STORY WAS FINISHED).".
2015-10-27 13:13:14 UTC
Of course it has, over and over again!

Only those indoctrinated by the American extremist sects and cults to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools reject evolution!
2015-10-30 11:33:57 UTC
If something is still classified as a theory, that means that it has not yet been proven.
2015-10-30 14:47:22 UTC
So, when something is a scientific "theory," that means that scientists have been unable to "disprove" that thing many, many times, because the purpose of the scientific method is to disprove your hypothesis, and if you can not, and no one else can, for an extended period of time, then it becomes a "theory" because scientists know that technically anything is possible.
2015-10-27 12:46:57 UTC
Evolution does happen, that's a fact. The Theory attempts to explain how/why it happens.
2015-10-28 06:45:56 UTC
Are we trusting man’s imperfect and changing ideas and assumptions about the past? Or are we trusting God’s perfectly accurate eyewitness account of the past, including the creation of the world, Noah’s global flood, and the age of the earth?
2015-10-28 11:39:37 UTC
2015-10-28 12:59:04 UTC
just because you don't know everything doesn't mean you don't know anything. A scientific theory is not just an idea.... you know I can't be bothered. Look it up.
2015-10-27 12:44:28 UTC
Evolution has been proved. That's why it's a scientific theory and not still a scientific hypothesis
2015-10-28 18:30:47 UTC
It has been proven. We are are the children of Batman. Batman came from within a asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. How do you think the asteroid was so strong? BATMAN! Batman is the answer.
2015-10-27 12:56:26 UTC
scientifically a theory can never be proven, it is either supported by the current evidence or not
2015-10-28 01:37:17 UTC
Yes David Attenborough says evolution is a fact and if Sir David says its a fact then I believe him.
2015-10-31 17:53:15 UTC
2015-10-27 15:00:36 UTC
Of course it has, years ago, which is why the vast majority of religious people accept it. It is one of the most proved ideas in science! Even more than gravity in fact.
2015-10-28 23:37:20 UTC
I believe in the theory of gradualization. One thing slowly (very) leads to another, as soon as the new birth considers it safe to grow
2015-10-27 16:51:10 UTC
A theory is a "best guess" to explain a number of observations.

any and ll theories can change with new information and knowledge.

"evolution" means "change"

do not ask a "believer" about proof! nobody can ever "prove" a belief. it can disprove some obviously false beliefs.
2015-10-28 03:13:42 UTC
So, would you tell me an ameoba was your for father billions of years ago, c'mon evolution is crap. Still believe we were created from a super natural force!
2015-10-27 19:14:35 UTC
If it was proven, it wouldn't be a theory.
2015-10-27 13:02:45 UTC
If it had been proven, it wouldn't be called a "theory."

So no, obviously, it remains a theory.

--- (A Yahoo! User)
2015-10-27 12:48:28 UTC
Evolution is the strongest fact of science, supported by thousands of powerful evidences from DNA sequencing and other branches of science.

Anyone who denies the established truth of evolution is an uneducated moron (Christian retards and Muslim scum).
2015-10-27 12:47:06 UTC
Here we are using computers that use liquid crystal displays and light emitting diodes and communicate through fiber optic cables into a vast network of databases and information stores like out of some kind of science fiction movie.

And then theists come around and use that same technological marvel to say things like, "SCIENCE IS A LIE!"

What a farce.
2015-10-27 18:03:45 UTC
To many it will never be proven unless God himself came down and told them it was so. They would then argue about the bible.
2015-10-27 12:45:19 UTC
can you prove the air or gravity? the answers are yes. its the same with the theory of evolution.
2015-10-28 13:20:08 UTC
Religious people are intellectually bankrupt, and rely on emotional appeal as opposed to facts.
2015-10-27 12:45:22 UTC
It has not been proven yet, and I don't think it ever will be proven.
2015-10-27 12:45:14 UTC
Religious people hate science. They read crap, like the BuyBull, and believe it because of brainwashing. They start to read real science, and hate it, because it wrecks their cult beliefs, so they claim it is bunk, so their whole cultist world isn't wrecked by it.
2016-01-10 13:52:27 UTC
It is considered fact, by many scientist. but not confirmed.

much like the structure of an atom.

we cannot see an atom, but through tests we are able to determine what it would look like
2015-10-27 12:47:04 UTC
It has been proven extensively over many years and hundreds of experiments.
2015-10-28 22:36:20 UTC
Religious people believe only in scripture of their religions irrespective of what is proved or not.
2015-10-27 12:50:19 UTC
its been indoctrinated into people and supported enough that it is accepted as fact .. so have many other things in the past that were blatantly false and changed later .. usually by a single dissenter or very few .. imo the facts are that the facts, especially in light of what has come to the surface recently, simply dont support evolution as an explanation of the origins of species OR the age of the earth .. you can buy it if you want to, theres a sure peer support waiting for you to fit right in, settle down, and stop thinking ...
2015-10-27 12:46:51 UTC
It has been observed from looking at fossils. That does not necessarily mean its proven. If it were proven then it would not be called "theory" of evolution. I'm not saying that evolution isn't real. I'm just saying that it is still considered a theory.
2015-10-28 09:56:32 UTC
no it havent been proven yet but they're close !!
2015-10-29 13:52:59 UTC
I think it's not proof yet.
2015-10-27 12:53:15 UTC
The evidence supporting it is overwhelming, but creationists are not allowed to learn about any of that evidence.
2015-11-02 18:00:47 UTC
And I keep hearing kids joking that the moon is made of cheese. So does that mean it is?
2015-10-27 16:18:28 UTC
The fact of the matter NO evolution is just a theory of what man thinks happen, that we evolved from something, be we never evolved from nothing, because if we evolved, then we would keep on evolving and that is not happening, if anything we are devolving because from the of time we were created by God perfect, then we fell from grace and ever since we have just been devolving into sin after sin. that is why once you start to sin it is so hard to stop sinning unless, God Jesus Christ saves you No exceptions. as it is written No man comes to the father but through the son Jesus Christ, he did all the work before the foundation of the world, that is why he is called the lamb slain before the foundation of the world. The only thing that has been proven is God word the bible and all of it prophecy are coming true and all will come true before the end of the world.
2015-10-28 13:46:20 UTC
in your lifetime or even in recorded history, have you seen evolution in any form

have you seen one fish that evolved into a man, or one that has been recorded?
2015-10-28 04:38:08 UTC
Most of them do not believe evolution, therefore they are inferior.
2015-10-28 09:54:29 UTC
Yes, and they're wrong.
2015-10-29 06:24:10 UTC
No, and it never will be because it's stupid.
2015-10-27 12:44:06 UTC
Evolution is a fact.
Dogstar Ascendant
2015-10-27 12:44:43 UTC
Nothing in science is ever "proven". Proof is for mathematicians and distilleries.
2015-10-30 00:36:59 UTC
We havent the records to prove it.
Tad Dubious
2015-10-29 07:38:08 UTC
Yes it has. Those folk are clearly misinformed.
2015-10-27 12:52:36 UTC
No. You can't prove fantasy.
2015-10-29 04:17:29 UTC
"Evolution doesn't have eyes, but it can develop them if needs be" CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS.
2015-10-29 10:21:11 UTC
To them it never will be - unless they spontaneously, transmute.
2015-10-27 19:39:53 UTC
naw it ust makes sense to us
2015-10-29 09:15:55 UTC
2015-10-27 18:42:15 UTC
Yes evolution Is proven in humans idk but if other animals can evolve so can we
2015-10-27 13:27:34 UTC
Not hardly.
2015-10-29 07:50:06 UTC
2015-10-28 23:48:01 UTC
2015-11-01 19:53:48 UTC
nope, it wasn't!
2015-10-29 13:19:47 UTC
Jesus loves you. You are forgiven.
2015-10-29 03:50:49 UTC
not proven!
2015-10-27 12:54:13 UTC
which theory? all theories for evolution have failed
2015-10-29 14:36:44 UTC
no it hasnt it never will be
2015-10-30 14:08:20 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.