Hormone: chemical regulators
Target cell:
Estrogen: sex hormone in women
Testosterone (androgen): men hormone for sperm formation
Progesterone: uteral hormone reglating menstrual cycle
Negative feedback: one hormone controling and lowering the efect of other hormone
Positive feedback: just opposite effect than the above
Oxytocin: stimulate uterus contraction and milk ejection
Prolactin: stimulate the production of milk in mothers
Ovarian cycle: the menstruation cycle with bleeding (mens)
Menstrual cycle: the process consist egg formation in ovary, ovulation( 14thday), and if not pregnent then 5 day bleeding
Follicle-stimulating hormone: stimulate in woman growth of egg in ovary.
Luteinizing hormone:woman's hormone connected with menstrual cycle(triggers ovulatio)
Chlamydia: .................
Gonorrhea: A sex disease caused by bacteria (in vagina and penis or urethrae)
Syphilis: sex contact bacterial disease( dangerous)
Genital herpes: ..............=sex organ parts disease
Genital warts: (papillomaviruses)---> part of sex organs disease affected
Trichomoniasis: Same as above
Candidiasis: vaginal fungus disease in women or bacterial disease
Contraception: prevention so you don't become pregnent
Birth control pills: Tablet you take not to become pregnent
Condoms: the rubber holding the sperm during intercourse
Diaphragm: A separation plate between the abdomen and chest--> your frontal top part under the neck with milk gland
Tissue: a group of body cell
Epithelial tissue: type of tissue found in various body part with protecting, covering, cleaning sensory function
Connective tissue: inside tissue connecting organs, also blood and lymph
Muscle tissue: found in muscles
Nervous tissue: in nerves and brain
Exoskeleton: outer bones
Endoskeleton: inner bones
Cartilage: thin and smooth bone like connective tissue( eg. in ear)
Ligaments: joins the muscle ends with bone to make stiff and workable
Tendons: part of muscle
Red bone marrow: reddish pulp producing red blood
Yellow bone marrow:
Spongy bone: a spongy type bone, not hard, protecting role
Compact bone: like in your hand,foot, strong and compact
Central cavity: mid-ro\ib hole in the centre
Contraceptives: taking e.g pills, using condons for preventing child birth
Zygote: a male sperm fuses with egg cell and forms zygote after fertilization, then a baby from it (embryo)
Anterior: in the frontal part
Posterior: back part
Dorsal: lower part front part
Ventral: back or upper part
Frontal: the first beginning part
Matrix: a formula to copy
Tissue: group of cells
Incisors: Type of teeth
Canine: as above
Premolar: as above
Molar: as above ( type of teeth0
Osteoporosis: disease releted with bone
Arthritis: bone joint disease
Antagonistic pairs: opposite pair
Sliding filament model:
Myofibril: the fundamental unit of muscle
Sarcomere: seen in muscle tissue with stripes ( bright and light)
Z-lines: a pfragment or part in sacomer
Thick filament (myosin): a muscle protein
I tried to give an general idea of these words. If want to know then look up in a site. THANKS
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