So Christians if evolution isn't real how do you explain genetics?
2016-03-24 23:39:08 UTC
So Christians if evolution isn't real how do you explain genetics?
69 answers:
2016-03-25 00:11:30 UTC
It depends on the way the wind blows: If your a creationist and so dumb you wear thongs because you can't tie shoelaces then evolution is rubbish and it was intelligent design. If you have the illusion you are more sophistocated and realise you can't deny the proof of evolution you accept it as a god driven event.

What they are both too stupid to realise is that, accept creation or evolution, the fact genetics exist proves that man can't be here as he exists now without their god being the most evil entity in the universe. Theists, see if you can figure out the undeniable truth why.

EDIT: Thank you for all the thumbs down. I was glad I could upset you so much and yet you were incapable of defending your god against the comment. (Mind you, with nothing to back you up, that's the norm.)

A little note here for the Christians who claim to accept evolution: Genetics prove there is at least three unrelated species of advanced, tool and fire using man existing simultaneously. That requires that your god made Adam1, Adam2 and Adam3 at the same time. So, good luck with your acceptance of evolution and retention of your god.
2016-03-25 13:57:46 UTC
Evolution is still just a theory that is only accepted on faith. Hmm why does that sound familiar? Oh right, because that's exactly what religion is. And based off of my faith, something tells me that if God can create an entire universe with 4 words, that he can probably design genetics as well. Also, you realize that Darwin realized his theory to be impossible right? For the simple reason that the bodies of animals are far to complex to have all evolved from a single, single-celled organism
2016-03-30 09:45:54 UTC
Because God is smarter than you so he decided to make it that way. Don't get me wrong, microevolution is very real and happening everyday. Genetics doesn't disprove or prove that evolution is real. In fact, we all use the same base pairs: ATCG, the difference in species comes from the arrangement of such. So who says that God didn't arrange those however he wanted? Science proves the existence of God, it doesn't disprove it. In fact there are many books out there by scientists that show you how science proves the existence of God. Oh and before I end this, the bible says that one day for us can be a thousand years for God or more. So when we talk about God creating the world in 7 days, we are talking millions of years. See? It all makes sense
2016-03-25 10:03:03 UTC
Most Christians I know believe in evolution to some degree. Micro Evolution (adaptation) and perhaps even Macro evolution to a lesser degree, don't necessarily negate what many Christians think. Many Christians think God created everything, and evolution was his High school Deviant art stage to brainstorm which Poke mon God was gonna keep, and which ones he was gonna let die off.

Like half of you on this page haven't done that with OC's.

Asides from the minority of Christians (who have disproportionately big mouths) that are superstitious, hate everything new, and add weird stuff to the Bible that ANYONE who's read half of it can tell you isn't true, yeah most Christians to a degree believe in some of evolution, they just don't automatically buy it hook, line, and sinker.

Why? Same reason you don't buy into religion hook, line, and sinker. It's followers are imperfect, and disagree on some of the little details of their dogma, meaning that different evolutionists disagree on different details of evolution the same way Church denominations do. The mentality of some people coming up with different variations of the theory of evolution can be dogmatic, elitist, and close minded-everything they hate in Christians and label all of them as, as we can see in your snarky question!

So sometimes we just want to sit back and give you a taste of your own medicine. Act like snarky little brats who are rebels blaspheming your central dogma, and now that you're in "charge" you can't take dissent, nor admit you did worse when you were going against the man.

Also, the fact that Christianity threatens you is enough proof there's some truth to it, technocrat.

Yeah, I called you a technocrat. I'm not a theocrat, but you probably are a technocrat, a liberal that never takes responsibility for his actions, sits there and imagines **** from all Christians like we're a united empire or something (when we're NOT, having a baptist mom and a Church of Christ dad taught me that REAL QUICK) and you sit in your little snobby college dorm or computer lab, thinking "look how smart I am, look how smart I am, I'm gonna take out my frustration on all Christians for a few bad apples cuz I gotta a chip on my shoulder and I wanna be the bully I met in school."

Yeah, you're the kind of guy who, when he was bullied, didn't hate the bullies because they were were just mad because you wanted to be the bully. You got what you deserved, then.

Or perhaps you weren't bullied, and sadly you missing out on abuse never taught you how to NOT act.

All in all, you're not making any Christians sympathetic to your cause. Some christians could be sympathetic, tolerant, enlightened, even somewhat liberal or libertarian. But if you hate the far right traditionalists so much, and you want Christians to be "nicer" then you need to freaking stop pissing them off where they feel like the only people who would tolerate them would be the people you hate.

You acting like this would turn anyone against intellectuals.
Cosmos Jones
2016-03-25 09:59:36 UTC
I have been a Christian since my twenties and not once have I given a cluck about evilution or believed it shook my faith in God.

Seriously , I can vouch that no Christians I know , hang with care to dispute evolution. This is an old husband's tale based in the times when it was misunderstood and people only let stupid people talk. There is a bias in the press against Christianity and destroying the influence of Christians so if they interview a Christian , they always pick the dullest pencil in the box. I homeschooled. I can't see well enough nor do I care about proper grammar but we taught evolution to our kid and modeled faith in God.
2016-03-25 21:59:20 UTC
This is always a big ethics situation. However, everyone always thinks of evolution as "we come from apes" and do look beyond that. Evolution is so much more than that theory. Genetics, mutations, natural selection, adaptations and soo much more explain and support evolution. Also, the pope has even said that he is not against the idea of evolution or of research and all that as long as it doesn't mess with the soul =) instead of just thinking mace evolution how about learning a little about microevolution =)
2016-03-26 02:11:16 UTC
The OP is such a typical atheist closed minded moron. As if genetics and evolution depended crucially on each other! Plus, his Communist News Network talking point that Christians don't believe in evolution is getting tiresome. These dummies never learn.
Space Wasp
2016-03-25 01:19:02 UTC
The Christians who understand evolution are usually intelligent enough to realise that it occurs, the rest (and some of those who do accept evolution) DON'T explain genetics.

Francis Collins is one Christian who could offer very detailed explanations of many aspects of genetics.
2016-03-25 06:08:20 UTC
“written in your book” (Ps 139:16): g 8/15 5-6; g 11/11 4-5; lf 13, 17; w07 6/15 22-23

genetic engineering: g89 7/22 10-13

antibiotics: g96 2/22 11

appreciation for Awake! articles on: g01 5/22 30; g89 10/22 30

blue roses: g 10/07 26

disease testing: g 1/07 6-7; g00 9/22 8-9; g89 7/22 11-12

drug production: g89 7/22 10-11

mouse altered: g88 7/22 30

mussel adhesive: g01 9/22 22-23

pigs: g86 9/22 29

plants: g01 9/22 6, 11; g01 12/22 6; g00 4/22 25-27; g99 2/22 22

predicted application to humans: g00 9/22 3-11; g98 10/22 28

spider-silk production: g89 2/8 30

tomato grows in salt water: g02 4/8 28

how sex is determined: g93 6/8 30; g92 7/8 6

identification of people: g03 8/8 28

Jacob’s lesson: it-1 1244

nucleotides and nucleic acids:

probability of chance formation: g87 1/22 6-7

origin of mankind: w89 2/15 8-9

controversy between geneticists and paleontologists over: w88 4/15 21

DNA studies indicate one male and one female ancestor of all mankind: ct 98

gap between man and apes or monkeys: g03 12/22 29

prolonging life through: g00 7/8 20-22

selecting sex of offspring: g97 4/8 28

telomeres: la 21; g00 7/8 21-22; g00 12/8 18; w99 10/15 5

tree breeding: g92 10/22 25-27

Your Cells—Living Libraries!


Your Cells—Living Libraries!

IN 1953, molecular biologists James Watson and Francis Crick published a discovery that was critical to our scientific understanding of life. They had discovered the double-helical structure of DNA.* This threadlike substance—mostly found in the nucleus of cells—contains encoded, or “written,” information, making cells living libraries, as it were. This amazing discovery opened up a new era in biology! But what purpose is served by the “writing” in cells? More intriguing, how did it get there?


Have you ever wondered how a seed becomes a tree or how a fertilized egg becomes a human? Have you ever wondered how you inherited your traits? The answers involve the information found in DNA.

Nearly all cells have DNA, complex molecules that resemble long twisted ladders. In the human genome, or our complete set of DNA, the ladders have approximately three billion chemical “rungs.” Scientists call these rungs base pairs because each rung is made up of two chemical substances, of which there are four altogether. Using the first letter of each, these substances are abbreviated A, C, G, and T—a simple, four-letter alphabet, as it were.* In 1957, Crick proposed that it is the linear sequence of the chemical rungs that forms coded instructions. In the 1960’s, that code began to be understood.

Information, whether in the form of pictures, sounds, or words, can be stored and processed in many ways. Computers, for example, do this all digitally. Living cells store and process information chemically, DNA being the key compound. DNA is passed on when cells divide and organisms reproduce—abilities that are considered defining characteristics of life.
2016-03-26 03:47:32 UTC
But... but... evolution is a natural process for to accomplish a genetic program emerged from God! The reason of the existence of this Universe - as cosmic egg or a placenta - is to generate and nurture the son of God, from the Big Bang to the Big Birth, when the matter of this Universe will be discarded like the placenta. This process takes about 20 billion years (calculated by the time that consciousness emerges in a human embryo - 63% of embryogenesis - and the time that it emerged in the Universe ( 13,7 billion years), but how could be this process if not by evolution?

The right question should be: " If divine genetics isn t real how do you explain evolution?

But if you need the whole explanation why in this Universe is occurring a natural genetic process of reproduction of the being that triggered the Big Bang, it is at " The Universal Matrix/DNA for All Natural Systems".
2016-03-24 23:43:12 UTC
For the 1000th time, why do so many of you continue saying "Christians" this and "Christians" that. You must have grown up in rural Texas, or else you live in a sort of self-imposed internal exile. Christians are not this monolithic group of die-hard conservative, narrow-minded evangelicals. Remember, prejudices and stereotyping are supposed to be wrong. Practice what you preach.

And many Christians have no problem accepting evolution. Regular everyday science courses are taught in Christian universities. Georgetown, Notre Dame, Boston College, Fordham, etc etc.- those are all Catholic universities, not to mention all the American colleges and universities sponsored by Protestant denominations. The Vatican accepts evolution.

So enough with this silliness.
2016-03-25 12:01:12 UTC
God created genetics just like everything else. DNA is such a complex code that we can barely understand it ourselves and we learn more about it every day. We know the chances of the correct amino acids to line up in such a way as to create life is like flipping a coin and getting heads a billion times in a row. So it HAD to be created. And since I believe in God, I believe He's the one who did it. It certainly couldn't have happened by itself since something cannot come form nothing. All scientists agree on that anyway.

Does that answer your question?
2016-03-27 13:31:15 UTC
Evolution does not make sense. How could something that cannot think, see, smell, hear, etc, know it needed to: Evolve a brain to think. It wouldn't know what a thought was. Evolve eyes to see. It wouldn't know what site was. Evolve neurons and cilia to smell. It would not know the concept of smell. Ears to hear. How would it know there was sound. All of these are complex systems. Even one cell is complex. A cell's skin is separate from what is inside. It just could not all happen by chance. It took a grand architect. He is God.
The Sexy Blond Guy
2016-03-25 16:37:05 UTC
Evolution is real but creation is real as well. You don't see half human half monkey looking beings walking around. Proof evolution is real, is how a tadpole turns into a frog. Proof creation is real, is how two beings come together, add ingredients and create a baby. Both Evolution and Creation exist, just Evolution is not as vast as many people believe it is.
2016-03-26 06:13:13 UTC
Your premise that if genetics can't be explained then creation could not have occurred is FALSE. BTW I am NOT religious but I also don't accept flawed reasoning.
Sagan Ritual
2016-03-25 00:03:30 UTC
Give some thought to the nature of a hypothesis or a theory. It can't be "real" or "true", because we know any theory can be proved false. The truth can't be proved false. We have theories because they're useful. It doesn't matter whether they're true. In fact, we love it when our theories are proved wrong. Remember the celebration when we found Newton was wrong about gravity.
Rebecca Gladish
2016-03-28 14:39:21 UTC
i like the way one person put it . suppose you were walking inthe forest and you came upon a rolex watch, would you say look at how time and chance and the earth made this no that would be silly but you are far more complex than that watch im sure some of you thank Darwin got it right after only spending one month on the Gallopilos islands but he was only looking at things outwardly weve made so many advances since the electron microscope.thats why so many top scientists even people who wrote the books on evolution are leaving because all life even down to how cells are made shows purpose and not random chance just the mathmatical impossibilty that that amino acids would form inthe right sequence to form protiens and the large number of protiens to make one cell looking at how one cell is formed is like a factory going on and non of it can be accomplished without DNA . For you christians satan is the author of evolution he wants you to dought Gods word ,did it take 4.6 billion years for him to part the red sea did it take jesus 4.6 billion years to turn the water into wine NO if satan can get you to dought Gods word on his creation then just dought everything else. maybe even your salvation.
2016-03-24 23:42:20 UTC
Evolution is a Hollywood movie that brainwashes the masses...its inconsistent, it lacks data, it contradicts itself, it's a wishful fairy tale of atheists, it will remain a theory & can never be proven as the 'Fact'
2016-03-28 11:59:54 UTC
The Christian Church (the real one) had already accepted evolution as a FACT, even before Darwin wrote a theory, trying to describe how evolution COULD work.

The reason that some so-called-Christians try to reject evolution, is that evolution (with or without Darwin's theory about how it works) is proof that Earth and life have been around for more than 6,000 years.

Even the real Church knows that.
2016-03-30 08:16:21 UTC
I am religious but some christians and atheists are just straight up foolish weirdos. Who the hell told you all Christians believe that God created a man and a woman from thin air. The bible might say so, but don't you think people are smarter than that to know that something cannot come from nothing? The big bang is somthing that did not come from nothing, so wither God made it or somehow things have always and will always exist.

Idk but please just stop trying to be a dick. All you atheists want to prove your point. We get it. But just shut up once in a while. A lot of atheists are snotty noit-alls anyway...
2016-03-25 20:33:36 UTC
Questioner, here's the thing. Christians don't feel the need to explain anything. Understanding our actual physical world is not something they choose to worry about. They are content in their ignorance, and lack of knowledge or curiosity.
2016-03-25 03:29:32 UTC
You have too high expectations of scientific laymen.

They can't even be bothered to study science, let alone get genetics.

The problem for the human race is that big democracies are controlled by the vote, which is given to everybody regardless of intelligence: hence, many of the decisions pander to the non-intellectuals and their biases.

So when we've f&*ked our own species, the current form of democracy is to blame.
2016-03-25 06:18:06 UTC
The point? People attribute information to intelligence, whether that information is in the form of symbols on clay or signals from space. They do not need to see the information being created to draw that conclusion. Yet, when the most sophisticated code known to man—the chemical code of life—was discovered, many shoved that logic aside, attributing DNA to mindless processes. Is that reasonable? Is it consistent? Is it scientific? A number of respected scientists say no. These include Dr. Gene Hwang and Professor Yan-Der Hsuuw.* Consider what they say.

Dr. Gene Hwang studies the mathematical basis of genetics. At one time he believed in evolution, but his research changed his view. “The study of genetics,” he told Awake! “provides insight into the mechanisms of life—an insight that fills me with awe for the Creator’s wisdom.”

Professor Yan-Der Hsuuw is the director of embryo research at Taiwan’s National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. He too once believed in evolution—until his research led him to conclude otherwise. Regarding cell division and specialization, he said: “The right cells must be produced in the right order and at the right places. First they assemble into tissues that will in turn assemble themselves into organs and limbs. What engineer can even dream of writing instructions for such a process? Yet the instructions for embryo development are superbly written in DNA. When I consider the beauty of it all, I’m convinced that life was designed by God.”
2016-03-26 01:36:19 UTC
You ask a well educated Christian. But not me because I don't have time to explain things to you all I know is their is a God up their live how you want but you will answer one day.
Brigalow Bloke
2016-03-25 14:28:39 UTC
The young Earth creationists will just lie about it, the rest of Christianity will understand the link of genetics to evolution. Don't confuse Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans etc with the American peasant Bible worshippers.
2016-03-25 17:32:39 UTC
I'm a Christian and believe in evolution. No not that we came from monkeys but that animals and even humans have adapted to our surroundings and evolved.
2016-03-26 07:27:36 UTC
Who told you that Christians do not believe in evolution? Evolution is already found all over in nature. Everyone of us evolves from a mere fetus to a fully grown adult, as well as frog evolves from a mere tadpole to a leaping animal and so on. You do not need genetical studies, to know that evolution exists, O.K.? The problem lays in your misinterpretation of what Christians are saying. Christians believe that God is the very source of our existence or being, that has nothing to do with disbelieving evolution. Christians are speaking about spiritual things which are beyond the physical things and world which we see and experience directly. The spiritual is just as real, but is beyond our natural senses. Thus do not be confused.
2017-02-25 05:24:55 UTC
the christian church (the real one) had already accepted evolution as a fact, even before darwin wrote a theory, trying to describe how evolution could work...

the reason that some so-called-christians try to reject evolution, is that evolution (with or without darwin's theory about how it works) is proof that earth and life have been around for more than 6,000 years...

even the real church knows that...
2016-03-25 23:21:58 UTC
How the hell would you get genetics if out of a rock in the first place you ignorant arrogant prick? It describes creationism quite perfectly if you will. And by the way, the methodology: natural selection, adaption are just ways of how, not by who or for what reason. So you are digging, but you are digging very shallow, and don't want to realize how full of **** atheism is.
2016-03-26 05:42:57 UTC
Your question is really too silly to answer properly, but I'll see if I can. The fact that I walk on two legs and monkeys walk on two legs sometimes means that in our genes, we have a similar DNA. All mammals breath oxygen, also giving us a similar DNA strand. But you saying that animals and plants have similar DNA is simply false. Your DNA can "literally" stretch from Earth to the moon and back, and is so complex that only computers can truly break it down. Your implication that we have similar DNA to plants is actually not true at all. Some plants have an almost equal number of chromosomes to humans, but that has nothing to do with evolutionary status. When forensic science can tell one human apart from millions of others through DNA genetics, but can't tell the difference between a tulip and a human, then your implication that God did not create the Earth or that evolution is indeed true comes off pretty stupid :/
2016-03-25 10:21:40 UTC
Our understanding of science depends greatly on the assumptions we start with.

Assumptions such as

- There is a God OR there is no God

- Something set all this in motion OR everything just naturally came into being

- Intelligent design OR unintelligent happenstance

It is unscientific to ignore our assumptions or pretend they don't exist.

It is unscientific to not question our assumptions.
Bryan H
2016-03-28 16:45:36 UTC
If god could create a universe with out breaking a sweat, he could figure out a way for things to work out. You can believe anything you want in America. It's a free country.
2016-03-26 13:40:22 UTC
Evolution and "genetics" are as far apart as the east is from the west. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Your question makes about as much sense as the Common Core math...
2016-03-24 23:44:14 UTC
They cannot because most of them cannot.

Most Christians should believe evolution. It is the official teaching of ALL mainstream Christian denominations that evolution is true and the account of creation in Genesis is a story. Of course, they are still wrong because they believe that their god started evolution, and some believe that he or she still intervenes in the process of evolution.
Dave D
2016-03-24 23:44:43 UTC
Another child-atheist who likes to lump 2.4 billion people into one basket. How does the fact that the vast majority of Christians accept evolution (including the Pope) affect your understanding of Christianity? If that fact does not change your view about the Christian understanding of evolution then it is you, not the Christians you criticize, who is the closed-minded one.
2016-03-25 12:51:10 UTC
Don't ask them that, they can't explain anything...

They can't even explain why they don't follow 100% of the "rules" in the bible but only the ones that they agree with and are easy for them.
Ray G
2016-03-24 23:57:09 UTC
A Christian named Gregor Mendel explained genetics a long time ago. Look it up.
great knight
2016-03-26 23:03:30 UTC
You are being deceived. Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king James bible and believe. Read Romans chapter 1 and 5 and 8 and 10. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1. Study the Word of God. You realize genetics show bible correct and lie of evolution wrong again. For hundreds of years evolutionists lied and said one race more ape like than others! Genetics showed bible correct again that all races very closely related as family as bible says! Why isn't that Fact in textbooks! Wake up. Jesus loves you.
2016-03-25 08:20:35 UTC
Luke 6:44 For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.

Genetics tell us that dogs reproduce dogs and cats reproduce cats and that people reproduce people.
2016-03-25 05:31:18 UTC
Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms. It is generally considered a field of biology, but it intersects frequently with many of the life sciences and is strongly linked with the study of information systems.
2016-03-25 06:32:59 UTC
Genetics only applies to most of the world whereas Christians evolve through inbreeding.
2016-03-25 20:05:09 UTC
It is God's Miracle that such a small adjustment can result in something totally different.
2016-03-25 12:38:01 UTC
If evolution is 'supposedly' real why are there still monkeys and apes?
2016-03-25 12:42:04 UTC
It's magic.
2016-03-26 05:56:52 UTC
Christians are genetically prrprogrammed to think that way.
mike s
2016-03-25 13:14:15 UTC

You don't have to be Christian or even believe in God to know that you really do not want to know.
2016-03-26 10:54:30 UTC
Eh, I just believe in both , at least up until the point where they contradict each other, and just don't really care what others think.
2016-03-26 03:15:28 UTC
Because faith opts you out of thinking. It's a big complicated universe we live in and it is just too much for some, so we will shelter in our faith.
2016-03-25 03:31:51 UTC
They cannot because they have been indoctrinated by the extremist sects and cults to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools!
2016-03-30 14:42:47 UTC
2016-03-25 03:54:44 UTC

Genetics is one of the best examples of a designer you can get.

Even Dawkins admits life "appears" to have been designed.
2016-03-25 00:57:56 UTC
They only acknowledge genetics when they want to ban stem cell research.
2016-03-26 15:55:48 UTC
Evolution is real
2016-03-25 01:25:46 UTC
Why address this question to Christians?

Did you genuinely not know that Darwin was a Christian?
2016-03-26 21:02:00 UTC

Genetics: they are within the body of men when they first came from the dust. They must be inherited along with sin after the Fall.
2016-03-24 23:54:31 UTC
Um, because God designed it that way, not counting the devolution from the effects of 6 thousand years of sin.
2016-03-25 05:05:55 UTC
DNA is real but I believe there is a God in Heaven who created it all
2016-03-25 02:21:42 UTC

That's the best answer you can get, which is as good as "because, magic".
2016-03-25 01:56:40 UTC
Check it out
2016-03-25 18:59:39 UTC
I explain it the same way you do, according to what I was told in school.
2016-03-26 13:57:55 UTC
Some things are evolution, because we do evolve to adapt to our environment. But you are an idiot if you think we evolved from monkeys.
2016-03-25 07:18:51 UTC
how do you explain genetics?

- Not easily.
2016-03-25 11:42:50 UTC
2016-03-25 16:23:56 UTC
Good question.
2016-03-24 23:45:00 UTC
evolution isnt real and genetics prove it
2016-03-25 21:41:11 UTC
god **** on the ground and grew your *** out off the fungi
2016-03-28 11:47:51 UTC
It is highly illegal and unethical to genetically alter people over several generations using nitrous oxide gas to switch off vitamin b12 synthesis and using vitamin b12 lowering pharma drugs in order to induce precocious puberty in children as young as three and to cause six month old babies to have a false puberty for the purpose of ritual sexual abuse and is in fact a war crime .

Nitrous oxide gas , wto unsuspecting mothers during child birth not only switches off vitamin b12 synthesis , which can be permanently causing pernicious anemia but it also causes neurological damage to the developing brains of babies , causing neural connections to ger cross wired , effecting sexual development . Vitamin b12 deficient mothers tend to have pre term or premature babies , born with a low birth weight which causes them to have an unnaturally early puberty . Forcepsused during birth damage the optic nerve causing optic nerve neuropahy / atrophy and optic nerve hypoplasia whiunction of the brain which controls temperature and effects the pituitary gland ( master gland ) which controls sex hormone and bahaviour . No wonder we have a " problem with paedophiles " . An imbalance in sex hormone causes precocious puberty . The x-raying of babies heads causes learning difficulties and precocious puberty .

Nitrous oxide gas was first isolated in 1772 by Joseph Priestly , four years before the birth of the "Illuminati " and before the 1st Reich of the Holy Roman Empire . By the 3rd Reich in the second world war , many generations had breathed this deadly gas which lead to inborn errors of metabolism .

The normal b12 serum levels have been set unusually low in the UK , compared to medically advanced countries who are not using this vitamin deficiency to groom babies and children for ritual sexual abuse , who have set the normal b12 serum levels much higher . A patient in the UK has to be nearly dead before their GP will be able to treat with vitamin b12 and even then , will only be able to use hydroxycobalamin , which is an inactive form of b12 and will not work on those who have had their vitamin b12 synthesis switched off with nitrous oxide gas or who have an inborn error of metabolism . These patients need the active form of b12 , methylcobalamin , which , lo and behold is not available on the good old NHS and has been reserved for the private sector by those involved in the Nazi style child protection report which was endorsed by the BBC , Ed Balls and Andy Burnham from Tony Blairs Illuminati Neo labour Party .

If a patient want to try to reverse some of the genetic damage which has been caused with the use of nitrous oxide gas and vitamin b12 lowering pharma drugs , they will have to pay privately . Many doctors have left the good old NHS or have taken early retirement , some , to take advantage of the methylcobalamin monopoly and cash cow which has been created . Some private doctors are now charging upwards of £100 per dose for methylcobalamin , which is worth 70p .

People with Scandinavian ( blonde blue eyed ) Indo European (PIE) and African ancestral DNA have a genetic mutation which prevents them from producing intrinsic factor which is needed for the absiorption of vitamin b12 . The intrinsic factor test is unreliable due to sensitivity . The Nazi`s said that the blonde blue eyed people were the superior race but this had nothing to do with being white and was entirely for the purpose of the ritual sexual abuse of babies and children . They even had a breeding program using blonde blue eyed women to produce babies . In the UK , generation after generation of fair haired , blue eyed babies and children have been taken into care where they have been raped , tortured and even murdered . LOcal Authority "Children`s Services " health assessment forms ( IHA-YP ) forms have a section about hair colour and eye colour . I even watched a program called "Inside Isis " and heard men talking about swapping the children they had abducted as though swapping football cards and were saying that they should take children as young as nine to sexually abuse and that the blonde blue eyed ones were worth more .

Hundreds of years ago , millions of midwives were accused of being witches and were burned , hung or drowned for giving iron rich herbs to pregnant women to prevent them from having pre term babies , born with a low birth weight , who would then have an unnaturally early puberty , in an attempt to protect them from sexual sadists hiding behind their opressive religion .

"Child Protection" is based on policies used by Adolf Hitler . At the Nazi war crime trials in Nuremberg , Hitlers " yes " man , Hermann Goering said that they had the victims of the holocaust taken into "Protective Custody " and accused them of crimes in the future . "Child Protection " have been able to use ` danger of future emotional harm` as an excuse to steal mostly blonde blue eyed babies and children like the pied piper .

During the holocaust , sadistic , neurologically damaged child murdering Nazi doctors justified experimenting on their victims by saying that they were " weak " , " unhealthy " and " work shy " . They had pernicious anemia caused by the use of nitrous oxide gas , as did the victims of the Magdalane laundries , Harold Shipman and as do the babies and children who have been stolen by the "Child Protection " regime . These children have been hidden and prevented from seeing their parents while they die in care of undiagnosed and untreated pernicious anemia caused by nitrous oxide gas . All they need to live is methylcobalamin active vitamin b12 . LA`s are refusing to let these children have methylcobalamin , even if their parents buy it and pass it to social services themselves .
2016-03-25 13:38:13 UTC
god created it
2016-03-25 00:14:52 UTC
God did it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.