2013-02-10 22:07:36 UTC
Ok, i studied wiki to find out the origin of white skin.
There are 2 theories about the origin of white skin?
-Theory 1 (main stream): white skin is due to lack of vitamin D. Tens of thousands year ago, black people migrated into cold area which had less sunshine & therefore less vitamin D. Blacks lived there for many thousands year that made their skins were gradually paler & paler until it became white. This theory said that there was no mutation from black skin to white skin.
-Theory 2 (more simple): white skin is due to overnight mutation. Many white people will say "what a hell u talking about? How come black skin turns to white skin overnight?".
The answer is that you can see this symptom (albinos symptom) at current time. This symptom happened to black people for thousands of year. The black people can have white babies (100% true), & some black people can turn to white (Michael Jackson is 1 example). 1 out of 20 black people has a "CF" gene which's responsible for producing the babies who lack of melanin.
-In my opinion, the Theory 1 is quite complicated.
-->Why it's complicated?
-It is because it can not be tested?
if u test it, you gotta wait for 10000 years to see the result. This is impossible until u invent a time machine.
Ok, check out this thought experiment, let put a group a black people (about 20000 blacks) into a house that has no sunshine & feed them food that has very little vitamin D. Then 10000 years later, you open this house to see if all these black people turn to white?
But if we adopt the theory 2, we don't need to wait that long to see the result, maybe after 10 years we can see a small community of white people there (they are albinos children of black people).
But theory 1 depends, albinos people have very weak eyes, & not healthy & can die at early ages. But there a good chance that some Abinos people had a fixed melanin level, so they could survive but they simply couldn't live in sunshine condition, so they managed to migrate to colder region. Also, many black people discriminated the Albinos. This is still happening in African nowadays. The African often skills, tortures, & cuts Albinos. Many thousands years ago, the fixed melanin Albinos moved to colder region to avoid being killed by the black.
But Theory 1 depend, the nose of the black people is not like the white. The answer is that white people could be the Indian albinos since the Indian black people have a high nose like the white.
Theory 2 is much more simple cos it can cover other cases such as "why white people have so many different color of their hair + their eyes". This is cos of albinos symptom. The Vitamin D does not explain why there blond/red hair & blue/green eye in white.
The Scientists (mostly white people) say that blue eye is due to mutation but they rejected the origin of white people was the albinos.
Also if black people lived in cold condition, they could get vitamin D from fish & other food source.
Also the Chukchi/Eskimo people living in a very cold condition but their skins're not white.
So the theory 1 is quite weak now since it could not cover more cases as the theory 2.
Based on the Occam razor philosophy, within 2 theories, the simpler theory & the theory which covers more cases should be considered first. A 10 years old kid can ask question "is white people came from black albinos" if he saw a picture of albinos even he doesn't know biology.
The white people, after living in central area for thousands of years, now acquired a quite stable melanin level & have a good health. So they can live in sunshine condition but with the condition that they need to wear clothes.
So They tried to visit back their home land to revenge the black who tortured them before. The Aryan race (who have blue eye, blond hair & white skin) attacked back India (Indus Valley Civilization) about 2000 to 1500 BC.
Also at that time a group of Aryan went through Iran, & Middle East to Egypt (possibly to pray their parents). Some of these whites people gradually stood up & fought for their right & gradually got accepted by the Egyptian. That why you see many white people in Ancient Egyptian drawing. What happened after that was recorded in the history text book.