Since you have already graduated high school, I went ahead and deleted the part of my answer that pertained to what you should do in high school. :) I will assume that you are attending a community college, or planning to, and go from there. When you are looking for 4-year universities to transfer to, try to apply to those with vet schools. Veterinary school is THE most competitive professional school in the nation - more competitive than nursing school, law school, and medical school. This is because there are so few vet schools in the nation, and so many applicants. If you go to a school with a veterinary college for your undergrad, you are more likely to get into their graduate program (because they pick from their own students before they accept outside applications.) Most schools that have veterinary colleges are large, competitive schools like UPenn, UF, LSU, UC Davis, Kansas State, etc. so you have to keep a high GPA in high school to be accepted to these schools. Fortunately, schools like UPenn, UF, LSU, etc. are also public institutions, so the out-of-state tuition (if you don't live in those states) isn't as bad as some private school. When you're in college, you will have an academic adviser who can help you schedule all of your pre-requisites for vet school, and help you decide what your undergraduate degree will be in. Some schools offer a "Pre-Veterinary" major, but many schools have eliminated the pre-professional majors in ALL areas (pre-med, pre-vet, pre-law) and instead require you to earn an entirely separate B.A., and complete a series of independent pre-reqs for the vet school. I would suggest a degree in something like Animal Science, as that would obviously be of help for someone going into veterinary medicine. During your senior year of college you will apply to the graduate program at the vet school, and with a lot of hard work and a little luck, you'll get in and be on your way to becoming a veterinarian!