There is within the DNA of animals large amounts of un-used information. ====> Mutation is not the only driving force in evolution. Natural Selection can select for un-used genes converting them to used genes and changing a species.
Good example of this is the Artificial Selection of canine genes by humans to make all the varieties of dogs.
There is within the genome of Gray Wolves (Canus lupus lupus) genes for: small, long, silky fur =====> Yorkshire Terriers are not the result of mutation, but Artificial Selection of genes that are not used by wolves.
There is diversity within a population. if the environment changes to make one trait (say fur color) better for survival, that trait with become more common. No mutation required.
Also facts are facts. Please explain the following facts without invoking evolution:
1) The DNA of humans and chimpanzees matches up at the 99% level. That is sufficient proof for a court of law that we are related.
2) Humans have 23 chromosome pairs and the rest of the Great Apes have 24 pairs. If we look at human chromosome #2 we find that it is a fused pair that matches chimpanzee chromosome #2 + #13 AND ALL THE MARKERS LINE UP, INCLUDING TELOMERES IN THE WRONG POSITION (Basically, the “end of file” markers normally on the end of chromosomes. In humans there is a set in the middle of chromosome #2).
3) Both humans and chimps have identical sets of damaged DNA in identical locations caused by extremely rare chance encounters with viruses who became endogenized into our own DNA and rendered harmless. These endogenized retroviruses (ERV) not only proved our ancestry with chimps, but are revealing our connection to other more distant cousins like the gorillas, gibbons and lemurs.
Anonymous 1 hour
This isn't proof of evolution. We expect that similar organisms would have similar genomes. This is logical reflection of intelligence."
Yes, it proves 1 of 2 things:
When you add the random EVR DNA at the identical locations in human and chimp genomes. 40 of around 45 identical markers in identical locations. You are stuck with:
A) God placed those markers and the fused chromosome to confuse us (God is deceptive) or
B) Those markers and the fused chromosome are the result of evolution.
Do you really want to believe in a deceptive god?
The YouTube clip above is by Kenneth R. Miller, PhD, Professor of Biology, Brown University, and co-author of the most widely used high school Biology text in the USA. Dr. Miller testified in support of teaching evolution at the Dover, PA trial. The clip is a re-cap of part of his testimony.
The interesting thing is: The trial was run under the Rules of Civil Procedure. That means that the Dr Miller's testimony and the above evidence he planned to offer was known to the Intelligent Design/Creationist side through his depositions and interrogatories in preparation for the case. They knew what was coming and yet their experts provided no counter argument to his evidence; he was not cross-examined on that testimony. If they had a rebuttal, they would have offered it. They did not. In addition, the Federal Judge (a conservative, strict constructionist) that had sent people to prison on the basis of DNA evidence would have laughed the ID/Creationists out of his court if they had tried to argue that DNA did not prove relationship.