You are a thinker, and I like that.
How vastly possible is this theory of evolution, which postulates that present day organisms
underwent drastic evolutionary changes which today is why some organisms (including man/woman)
are the way they are today?
Some even theorize that after these organisms developed some body-tools, which made them at an advantage above their original state, they couldn't mate with their original mates any more.These kinds of positions only brew more confusion, instead of a thorough organised form of knowledge (what science is about).
Evolution took place alright, but it's not as drastic as Science thinks it was. By drastic I mean the situation whereby ammonium salts, or methane, water, and oxygen went on to form other organisms and then Man? That's like adding too much drama to the plot.
There's more to evolution than just theories. The orchestrated organisation from the minutest non-living crystals to the most complex of living machines is no accident. It wouldn't be too much to say man was MAN from the days of before-yore. He did not 'sprout' from great apes. Rather, he only did away with those things he did not need, and groomed those things which he needed as a result of constant use. Of course territorial organisation and civilisation also contributed to our advancement. It is imperative to know that higher forces were involved (and have always been involved) in the activities of living things. But I wouldn't like to venture into the religious, now, so as not to make some of us feel G-d is not perfect.
Okay, if we agree that our bodies were formed by evolving processes, how about the 'life force' in us? Did that also evolve with our bodies?
Considering the logic of natural selection, I think if it was the 'best of us' that is left in the world today, there shouldn't be much of the diseases and health disorders that plagues us in today's modern world. Though we might want to hide under the cloak of science and technology making us more sedentary and less fit, it still is not a plausible reason.
If majority of our forbears were the ones that had better 'genes' than their mates, then we shouldn't be this weak. We'd be a generatiion of super men.
My point, magic, is that your question already has its answer in it. For example, you used the wingless bug becoming winged. What I think is that there were winged bugs and there were wingless creatures. What most likely happened is the wingless bugs remained wingless while some wingless mated with the winged ones, thereby giving rise to winged and wingless ones. As can be sure, the 'new generation' winged ones had a slight advantage over the wingless ones. This made room for better survival of a majority of them over the wingless ones as a result of better body-tools of escape from predators and disease. You can as well finish the story by saying 'and the cycle continues'.
People who can think for themselves are what our world needs in order to make a better world. Not ideas that are rammed down one's throat, even when it is poked with holes.