1. Man did not evolve from monkeys nor apes. Rather, monkeys, apes and man all share a common ancestor. They have been many different groups of intelligent bipedal beings which have gone extinct. Neanderthals are the most well known. Man is the only line that survived.
The fact that there exists different types of monkeys and apes who have survived should show you that there were also at one point different types of man. Was the Bible speaking about Neanderthals or another species of man when it states "There were still giants at that time" and the fact that for most of us 10% of our DNA is Neanderthal.
2. Life from lifelessness is still the big question. As is how could there be sentience springing from the non-sentient?
3. Three centuries is a drop in the bucket in as far as evolutionary development.
4. The concept of the Big Bang is actually in the Bible. Genesis 1 states that, like the Big Bang, the universe had a beginning. Until this theory was generally accepted atheists were all saying that the universe has always existed. The Big Bang was not an "explosion" per se. Nor did it create the galaxies, solar systems, planets or moons. The Big Bang got the process started and then afterwards gravity did the "creation" as various things were created as they slowly developed due to the attractive force of gravity. Genesis 1 also states the same when it states "now the Earth was a formless void".
5. Again good question for which there is no responsible answer. Evolution did not occur over the 3.5 billion years that life has been on this planet. Rather for 3 billion years life still existed as single cell lifeforms living in colonies. Then over the cosmically short period of just 50 million years it jumped to complex creatures with complex organs. This period is called the "Cambrian Explosion" and even Darwin said that it could disprove his theory of natural selection. Even more recently (just 2 years ago for that matter) it has been discovered that terrestrial DNA contains within it a signal that could only have been done by a super-intelligence. This leaves only two possibilities... either it was encoded by a mega-intelligence from inside our universe (and alien species) or one from outside of it (God). (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019103513000791 )
The fact is that a guided evolutionary process does not deny the existence of God. You should stop looking at science as the enemy. If God is responsible for the creation of the universe ... in whichever way HE chose... then it logically follows that He created the science by which the universe runs. Therefore science can only tell us more about how God did what He did.