¢σяя вℓιмєу
2012-12-21 17:51:47 UTC
The truth is, our DNA is nothing but a library within a cell and regardless of what information our DNA contains, a specific gene will only ever be activated once an environmental situation occurs that triggers the creation of that gene.
Our DNA resides Inside the nucleus of a cell and each DNA strand is covered by a protein and this protein will only reveal the specific strand of DNA to be created once an external environmental source has binded to the protein.
In other words, you could be born with a cancer gene in your DNA but this gene will only become activated when there's been a change in your outside environment that triggers this activation. So, even with a cancer gene, you could very easily go your whole life without cancer as its not an indication of your destiny.
DNA is not self-activating, it cannot turn itself on and off.
The mainstream media has promoted our DNA as being the human operating system but this is totally wrong. Our DNA is more like our hard-drive that contains all of our information to copy, it's like a human back-up drive that contains the blue-prints for everything to reproduce when the environment we're in demands it.
In my opinion, this very simple, basic truth highlights why the human genome project was massively over-rated in its importance. Of course, DNA is still very important but its not the holy grail of life it was initially thought to be.