It is hypocritical to accuse 'evolutionists' of trying to rewrite Darwin ... and in the same breath you literally rewrite Darwin by misquoting him.
Specifically, you dishonestly omit something from that Darwin quote. (I include the full text in Sources below, so people can see for themselves.)
You omit (in that "...") Darwin's very next sentence:
"Consequently evidence of their former existence
could be found only amongst fossil remains, which are preserved, as we shall attempt to show in a future chapter, in an extremely imperfect and intermittent record."
In other words, Darwin says precisely what you claim "Darwin did not say" ... that the fossil record is imperfect. In fact, he devotes an entire chapter to it (chapter 9).
Darwin did NOT say there would be a "numberless amount" of *fossils* ... only that "numberless" intermediate *species* (or "varieties" or "forms") must have existed. So you are apparently unable to even read the sections you did bother to quote!
This is just flat-out dishonest.
It is a waste of time to debate the merits of Darwin's words, with someone who doesn't even have the integrity to represent his words accurately.
There are few more glaring examples of Creationist deceit, than the claim that they understand Darwin more faithfully than the 'evolutionists' ... when they clearly have never actually *READ* Darwin ... other than the carefully butchered quotations they and other Creationists manufacture for each other!
P.S. ... Thanks to Michael K for adding yet another classic bit of Creationist deceit ... the "Darwin recanted on his deathbed" story. The great thing about that story is that Creationists don't even have a quote they can butcher to "support" this absurd claim ... but they say it anyways! So apparently, in creationist circles, you can simply make stuff up, and people will both believe it, and repeat it.