How does your body "know" what features to develop/eliminate for evolution/natural selection?
George W. Bushâ„¢
2010-05-21 21:04:12 UTC
Okay, so one dire question:
How does our body (or any animals') know what features to develop and what features to get rid of because it is unnecessary? Is it just random picking (like one of the 5000 animals was a "mutant" and coincidentally got a feature developed/removed - which made them better suited to live and that mutant species replaced all the other "normal" ones?)

Please explain. Thank youu!
Six answers:
2010-05-21 21:37:07 UTC
I realize you put "know" in double quotes to show that it shouldn't be taken literally, so you already know that there is "knowing" involved.

It is simpler to explain losing a feature. There are fish that now live permanently in caves where there is no light. These fish have lost their vision because vision isn't useful to them. In these fish, their eyes start to develop but then fail to continue development. It is a basic fact of life that genetic mutations are continually occurring. Well, back when the fish lived in surface water with light reaching them, their eyes were useful, and fell under the protection of natural selection, which continually eliminated deleterious mutations as they occurred, maintaining functioning eyes in the fish. However, once the fish moved permanently into caves where there was no light, eyes were no longer of any use to the fish - eyes neither helped the fish survive or reproduce. Therefore, the genes encoding their eyes were released from protection by natural selection: mutations were free to accumulate, and the developmental program that produces eye was destroyed.

Gaining a new feature is, obviously, the more-complex task. Here natural selection also plays the biggest role, but in the opposite direction. It is a basic fact of life that genetic mutations are continually occurring. When a mutation that affects an existing structure proves useful to the survival and reproduction of its possessors, natural selection tends to retain and spread that mutation. In this way, structures can change over time, becoming better at their current task or even adapting to new tasks that arise under different environmental conditions. We now know that most new structures actually arise by modifications made to preexisting structures. Take our arms and hands, for instance. It is not like there were no animals with limbs and then suddenly, POOF!, one huge mutation created our arms and hands from scratch. No, our front limbs can be traced back to those of earlier primates, which can be traced back to ..., which can be traced back to those of "reptiles", which can be traced back to those of amphibians, which can be traced back to the paired pectoral fins of certain fish. The preexisting structure was the paired pectoral fins of fish: over tens of millions of years they evolved in the limbs that could support amphibians out of water, then over the course of another 300 million years THOSE preexisting structures continued to change until you end with the modern humans' arms and hands.

But, you may ask, where did the paired fins of fish come from? First, even if we could not go back any further wouldn't affect the fact that our limbs evolved from the fish's paired fins. Second, we do have some ideas: it is thought that paired fins of fish arose from a single median fin. And it appears that the unpaired, medial fin itself may have arisen from branchial rays (gill rays): even if that is not the case, it is clear that there are shared developmental genetics between paired limbs and branchial rays.
2010-05-22 00:50:52 UTC
Along the lines of GeoNic above:

The genes that you inherit come from a long line of evolution that culminated into your particular set of blueprints.

Evolution is a process of proliferation and extinction. A climate becomes lush, so many life forms develop and flourish, producing many mutations. Because the environment is diverse with many niches present, many mutations can be passed on because many diverse branches of life survive. then the climate changes, and niches change, some disappearing. Species that cannot survive with the adaptive qualities of their genetic makeup will become extinct. Whatever is left is the most successful set of species at that time. Nature continues to change, the climate and biome changes, and organisms continue to enjoy feast and famine. In feast times, many organisms that have mutations can find a place and niche to survive in. When there is famine, the number of random mutations that survive is fewer.

That is the mechanism of evolution. What happens is the blueprint of organisms is refined and streamlined and enhanced. So one of the most successful species on earth has five fingers, an upright posture, knock-knees, very little hair, and bears live children gestated in a placenta.

There are people with mutations who have six fingers, some who have gill slits on their necks, some who are blind, have a hole in their hearts, or other genetically blueprinted mutation that is not what usually appears, but at this time, these people with these mutations have a niche, and they can all survive. This is a time for plenty for these kinds of mutations to occur. Should this change and people with one or another genetic blueprint cannot survive, then the course of human evolution will follow the line of descendents with genetic blueprints to form the best-adapted evolutionary line of human being.
2010-05-21 21:41:28 UTC
well its not enirely random...

living things are born with mutations, little differences, sometimes those mutations help sometimes they hurt, and a lot of the time weather they help or hurt depends on how the thing lives, for example thicker fur may be good in the arctic but it would be bad in the desert. so ultimately these mutations, which are for the most part random, cause a creature to either live longer, thus having more children and passing on those mutations, or they will die younger and have less children. this is called natural selection, in that "nature" selects what mutations stay within a species, and what mutations are "filtered out".

there is no real choice in the matter.
2010-05-21 21:16:42 UTC
The most (well, one of the most) important things to understand about evolution is that it is not goal oriented. The development and removal of features is done over a very, very, very long time (longer than we can imagine) and is shaped by the forces of natural selection. For example, if longer limbs confer decent survival advantage to one organism, we expect to see longer limbed variants to be favored over time. Eventually, through natural selection, the animals with longer limbs will have a greater fitness (greater survival and reproduction) and the population will be replaced with long limbed individuals. As you can see, there was no end goal of longer limbs, it just happened through an increased rate of survival and reproduction of those with the feature.
2010-05-21 21:12:00 UTC
It is not that your body knows and thinks "oh fingers are useful, I'll keep those" It is simply that the organisms with features more suited for their environment live longer and therefore have a greater chance to reproduce so that particular gene is carried on. For example, if there are bugs on a leaf and one type is blue and the other green the green bugs are better hidden and therefore get eaten less by birds. When this happens the green bugs reproduce because they are still alive! So yes, you are correct there was a random mutation that happened to be better suited to the environment and was able to reproduce more offspring.
copenhagen smile
2010-05-21 21:14:08 UTC
This is an excellent and very thought provoking question, one of the best I've read in years I think, but i'll say that anyone who claims to have an answer for it is pulling your leg or full of crap. We usually speak of 'evolving' collectively as a group, in response to a globally unnecessary or extraneous feature or tissue or behavior...but a group can only change if it's constituents somehow change as well, in fact, the individual needs to change before the group can reflect any collective change, or evolution (resulting from a bunch of change, evolved individuals)...correct? So the way we hear and think of evolution (at least the way I have been) doesn't make any sense after reading your question.

I thank you for this question, deeply. Listen closely to your sensibilities when deciding on the 'best answer'....because nobody can answer it.



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