You DEMAND an explanation?
When you ask whether evolution is false or not, and say If “evolution” was happening right now, there would be millions of creatures out there with partially developed features and organs, but instead there are none, I presume you are referring to this stupid, idiotic, dumbass, crap-filled creationist web site.
Here is a quote from that dumbass web site.
"What evolutionists claim to be transitional forms all have fully functional parts. A true transitional form would have non-functioning parts or appendages, such as the nub of a leg or wing."
The person who wrote that is a total IDIOT who has absolutely NO understanding of evolution. What he is saying, if I understand him correctly, is that the ancestor of a transitional form in bird evolution would have had fully functional limbs, but the transitional form all of a sudden had nubs for limbs on the way to becoming wings.
In the first place, it is clear now from the fossil record that the theropod dinosaurs, if not all dinosaurs, had feathers ranging from simple fuzz to full feathers. It is also clear that dinosaurs were at least partially endothermic, if not fully so, and feathers likely initially evolved for insulation.
The image below is of one of several fossils of archaeopteryx, which dates to 150 million years ago. Click on it to enlarge it. Note the feather impressions. Its skeleton, with its long, boney tail, teeth, and separate fingers, is more similar to that of a theropod dinosaur than to that of a modern bird, but it had an early transitional form of wings.
The illustration in this link and below compares the skeletons of a theropod dinosaur, an archaeopteryx, and a modern bird. Click on the image to see it larger and undistorted.
The wing of the archaeopteryx represents a stage before the fingers fused as in modern birds.
One other thing. No fossil of ANY present-day type bird has EVER been found in the same strata, or any other strata of the same age, as that in which archaeoperyx is found, nor for a LOOONG time after that time.
So, I have met your demand for an explanation, and I think I have shown quite well whether evolution is false or not, and why "instead there are none."?
It is only total IGNORAMUSES, as in that web site, who say evolution is false. The real evidence shows evolution to be true.