Evolution false or not??
2015-07-16 11:46:14 UTC
If “evolution” was happening right now, there would be millions of creatures out there with partially developed features and organs. But instead there are none.

I found it in a site and i demand explanation.
65 answers:
Big Bill
2015-07-16 13:15:40 UTC
You don't seem to understand evolution at all.

Evolution is a series of small adaptations by each species to the environment the same exist in as that environment changes remembering that all living things, plant, animals, insects, mammals, birds, etc. are all in a process of adaptation and change.

Look at bacteria and viruses, as examples. They change so much in only a year's time that each year a new flu vaccine has to be developed, or they change so much that we have difficulty controlling them....

All creatures do not successfully adapt or change and many have died out. Some of them have left fossil remains that have been found. In those records, we can see how they were developing and adapting.

We even have fossils of creatures that were beginning to develop lungs as their gills changed, which eventually allowed animals to move onto the land.....

Some creatures adapted so well to their environment that they are now basically the same as their ancestors, such as sharks, jelly fish and others.

This is all explained in basic evolutionary biology courses with a lot of hard evidence of a reliable, verifiable and measurable nature. It has been discovered as a part of a systematic, methodical and self correcting exploration called science.

One of the most interesting things about evolution is that it does not deny any deity. In fact, it seems to show that it would be possible for there to be some controlling factor of development that could conceivably be guiding the same. Most theist don't seem to understand that and they demand that their god be limited in how they allow it to do what it might chose to do and how it can do it... If a god wanted to use the natural process of evolution so as to create and develop living beings then who are those same beings created by evolution to say that said god can't do it that way?

By the way, you are more likely to receive polite answers and be pointed in the right direction is you ask for an explanation rather than demanding answers....
2015-07-19 08:42:27 UTC
I don't think you know anything about what evolution is. Evolution is a process in which living things undergo small changes gradually to better adapt to their environment. These changes can be behavioral or physical. You may not seed this evolution clearly in elephants for example. However, evolution can definitely be seen in viruses- some evolve so fast that in one year, the current vaccine is useless. Similarly, weeds can evolve to resist herbicides quickly within a 10 year period. Here you can see evolution clearly. You could also try asking politely rather than demanding answers. We should all respect each other's religious opinions, but science is science.
Tyler L
2015-07-19 00:36:28 UTC
Well humanity hasn't been around all that long. In fact in the time we evolved into what we are today we only recently came into the interest of evolution. Now civilization has been around for about 10,000yrs give or take but in that time may species we've came in contact with we've killed off or destroyed so much of their habitat they evolve is difficult to do in such small numbers. Granted if humanity survives a couple more tens if not hundreds of thousands of years then yes we would see evolvution over time but sadly humanity just hasn't kept an eye on what they do around it until recently. They organs and features on animals now will be different 100,000 yrs later but it's not a shirt you can just notice in a couple hundred years.
2015-07-16 12:14:17 UTC
Clearly you do not understand how evolution works. It's absolutely not about an individual organism becoming another kind of organism during its lifetime. Evolution is about how, over a great many generations, successful mutations produce more offspring than unsuccessful mutations. Gradually, a population becomes more like the successful mutants and less like the unsuccessful mutants. Every organism contributes their individual genome to the aggregate population by successfully reproducing. The larger the population, the more slowly the genome of a species evolves, because the "normal" organisms greatly outnumber the mutants.

More than anything else, you need to understand that it is only the aggregate genome of a species which evolves. Individual organisms don't evolve, but can produce mutated offspring, and the gradual incorporation (or not) of those mutations into the aggregate genome of a particular species is evolution in action. Populations evolve, individuals don't evolve, but can produce mutant offspring.

Better you should learn what evolution actually is before you make a complete fool of yourself by stridently claiming it's impossible.
2015-07-20 04:13:36 UTC
There are many existing "in-between" creatures.

Even within humans, some individuals are more evolved than others, even on a really minor scale. For example, people with shorter toes are more evolved, because people with long toes are closer to the apes we evolved from that had long, finger-like toes.

Because evolution is such a slow, gradual process, it's hard to find species that are in-between, because evolution takes millions of years to occur.

Evolution is happening all of the time; but if it's one organism in a species of, say, 2 billion individuals that carries to mutation that will take its species to the next stage of evolution, you're probably not going to find it.
2015-07-16 22:54:48 UTC
Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.

The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.

The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind

According to the Bible, God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.

The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.
2015-07-17 01:18:20 UTC
Because thats not how evolution works. Evolution works on what already is. There was an island that they populated with lizzards. They went back 50 years latter and those lizzards had evolved a stronger jaw and teeth as well as a gut better able to digest the plants on the island
2015-07-24 04:59:52 UTC
Evolution is as real as it can be.

Mutations are not based on intelligence but more on trial and error. I'm sure that if six fingers provided an advantage for survival, we would begin evolving the extra appendage. If we went by "divine creation" we'd all be a bunch of mass murderers preaching righteousness.
2015-08-02 10:53:17 UTC
There are millions of creatures out there with partially developed feature. In fact most creatures out there have partially developed features including human beings. Evolution is a process, it has no end. If you need to see something that has obvious intermediate development, check out the Australian and African lung fish or even the Mud skipper fish that can survive on land and even walk from water hole to water hole. Evolution occurs in tiny increments, you can't see it from generation to generation but it is happening all the same.
2015-07-16 11:54:17 UTC
False. I put my faith in fairy tales like the Adam and Eve story. That gives me all the credibility I need to be a critic of evolution. All I have to say, "I don't believe in evolution" and that magically negates all the scientific evidence that supports evolution.
2015-07-17 07:05:12 UTC
Your appendix is vestigial as is your tailbone.

Body hair by comparison to other primates is minimal.

Adrenal gland and hormonal output in Homo sapiens sapiens is lower than those of other primates.

Cerebral cortex functions and capacity (in general) continue to increase with each generation as the load of information required to survive in modern civilization increases exponentially. The more intelligent you are the more likely you will be able to succeed/successfully compete in modern society. Being big, violent, strong and fighting for resources is no longer desirable and sends you to jail -- which effectively takes you out of the gene pool. Using intelligence to buy stocks online for $7 per trade (evolved from buying from calling a broker at $100 per transaction -- now extinct ) like NETFLIX at its IPO price makes you a millionaire.

Evolution is not just developing something new over generations and time, but a loss of vestigial or less useful features over generations and time. Evolution for humans at this time is easily measurable by the ability for a species to adapt intellectually rather than physically.
2015-07-16 15:07:49 UTC
Darwin himself had doubts about his own theories ~ and that's what they are: Theories. Nothing more. Evolutionists are so anxious to promote evolution, that they confuse it with adaption. There is a kind of moth that camouflages itself. It was light-colored for a long time but then its habitat (due to pollution) became dirty and the trees where it lived became more darkly colored because of the smog and soot. So those moths who camouflaged as a part of their self-defense mechanism, began to grow darker in response to the change in the trees. Evolutionists proudly proclaimed that we were watching evolution in action. No, we were not. The moths simply adapted (were going through a long process of doing so) to the coloring of the trees. The evolutionists argued that the light-colored moths were no longer seen around that area anymore, and had to have "evolved" into dark-colored moths. Wrong. The light-colored moths (those who were still left) were easily seen now against the dark bark of the trees, so the birds caught them more easily and ate them. THAT is what actually happened. "Sebs," like so many others here, has not been able to understand that evolution is nothing more than a theory. He claims "it's true." Really? With what to support that idea? There IS nothing. There are no animals right now who are slowly becoming other kinds of animals. Horses who have to jump over things a lot are not slowly developing wings to make it easier for them to get over the hurdles. There are no "transitional" species out there. Evolutionists, no doubt, would argue the point. But they can never tell you where our present-day animals came from. They have tried, but it's all theory. It must be added that evolutionists are incredibly rigid people who are quick to ridicule anyone who refuses to chant "evolution is true" along with them. Many here on the forums have never questioned what the evolutionists have told us. They simply accept evolution as "fact," when it has actually never been observed anywhere on the planet. People promote evolution partly to make themselves sound "intelligent," when the reality is that they're doing nothing more than repeating what others have told them to say. How many here on the forum have actually done a deep investigation of the theory? Very, very few. Less in fact ...
2015-07-17 20:24:41 UTC
Evolution is a cornerstone of modern science, accepted as one of the most reliably established of all facts and theories of science, based on evidence not just from the biological sciences, but also from anthropology, psychology, astrophysics, chemistry, geology, physics, mathematics, and other scientific disciplines, as well as behavioral and social sciences. Understanding of evolution has made significant contributions to humanity, including preventing and treating human disease, new agricultural products, industrial innovations, computer science and rapid advances in life sciences.


Many scientific theories are so well-established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms, or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics). Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence. However, like all scientific theories, the theory of evolution is subject to continuing refinement as new areas of science emerge or as new technologies enable observations and experiments that were not possible previously.

One of the most useful properties of scientific theories is that they can be used to make predictions about natural events or phenomena that have not yet been observed. For example, the theory of gravitation predicted the behavior of objects on the moon and other planets long before the activities of spacecraft and astronauts confirmed them. The evolutionary biologists who discovered Tiktaalik predicted that they would find fossils intermediate between fish and limbed terrestrial animals in sediments that were about 375 million years old. Their discovery confirmed the prediction made on the basis of evolutionary theory. In turn, confirmation of a prediction increases confidence in that theory.

In science, a "fact" typically refers to an observation, measurement, or other form of evidence that can be expected to occur the same way under similar circumstances. However, scientists also use the term "fact" to refer to a scientific explanation that has been tested and confirmed so many times that there is no longer a compelling reason to keep testing it or looking for additional examples. In that respect, the past and continuing occurrence of evolution is a scientific fact. Because the evidence supporting it is so strong, scientists no longer question whether biological evolution has occurred and is continuing to occur. Instead, they investigate the mechanisms of evolution, how rapidly evolution can take place, and related questions.
2015-07-16 11:47:37 UTC
If evolution via natural selection through random mutation could occur the fossil evidence would be rampant with ''mistakes'' and ''trial and errors''

there are absolutely none
Lighting the Way to Reality
2015-07-17 10:34:01 UTC
You DEMAND an explanation?

When you ask whether evolution is false or not, and say If “evolution” was happening right now, there would be millions of creatures out there with partially developed features and organs, but instead there are none, I presume you are referring to this stupid, idiotic, dumbass, crap-filled creationist web site.

Here is a quote from that dumbass web site.

"What evolutionists claim to be transitional forms all have fully functional parts. A true transitional form would have non-functioning parts or appendages, such as the nub of a leg or wing."

The person who wrote that is a total IDIOT who has absolutely NO understanding of evolution. What he is saying, if I understand him correctly, is that the ancestor of a transitional form in bird evolution would have had fully functional limbs, but the transitional form all of a sudden had nubs for limbs on the way to becoming wings.

In the first place, it is clear now from the fossil record that the theropod dinosaurs, if not all dinosaurs, had feathers ranging from simple fuzz to full feathers. It is also clear that dinosaurs were at least partially endothermic, if not fully so, and feathers likely initially evolved for insulation.

The image below is of one of several fossils of archaeopteryx, which dates to 150 million years ago. Click on it to enlarge it. Note the feather impressions. Its skeleton, with its long, boney tail, teeth, and separate fingers, is more similar to that of a theropod dinosaur than to that of a modern bird, but it had an early transitional form of wings.

The illustration in this link and below compares the skeletons of a theropod dinosaur, an archaeopteryx, and a modern bird. Click on the image to see it larger and undistorted.

The wing of the archaeopteryx represents a stage before the fingers fused as in modern birds.


One other thing. No fossil of ANY present-day type bird has EVER been found in the same strata, or any other strata of the same age, as that in which archaeoperyx is found, nor for a LOOONG time after that time.

So, I have met your demand for an explanation, and I think I have shown quite well whether evolution is false or not, and why "instead there are none."?

It is only total IGNORAMUSES, as in that web site, who say evolution is false. The real evidence shows evolution to be true.

Cal King
2015-07-17 11:09:55 UTC
Partially developed features and organs by definition cannot function. Non-functional features simply cannot work and they never existed. Morphological features and organs take energy and resources to develop, so organisms cannot afford to waste energy and resources on them, in anticipation that they will one day evolve into functional traits and organs. In fact, scientists have pointed out that every intermediate stage in the evolution of a trait must be fully functional. Therefore your argument is a misrepresentation of evolutionary theory.

Take for example, Longisquama feathers. Longisquama insignis is a late Triassic archosaurian reptile and the only known reptile to have feathers. Its feathers are unlike modern avian feathers, because it is a solid sheet, not one with interlocking filaments found in avian feathers. Longisquama feathers is therefore an intermediate stage between reptilian scale and avian feathers. Yet it is not a partially developed feature but a fully functional one.Another example of a fully functional intermediate state is the brain of Homo erectus. It is larger than the brain of an ape, but smaller than ours. Yet there is no reason why it should be partly developed. Real life examples therefore contradict your argument. However, since you are a dogmatic person, as all creationists are, you are going to insist that you are right even in the face of opposing evidence.
2015-07-18 12:05:15 UTC
Evolution is true even if we didn't have all the information we have now about evolution Dna alone is proof that evolution is fact
2015-07-16 12:31:19 UTC
Thank you for showing that you have no idea what evolution is or how it works...

So we can now ignore your posts...

Willful ignorance is NOT a virtue...

I suggest that you find a site that actually teaches evolution and learn what it is and isn't...

2015-07-16 11:58:33 UTC
But, there are.

Just one (or three, really) example(s), look at the flying squirrel, colugo and sugar glider.

Aren't patagium (the flaps of skin that allow for gliding but not true flight) really just partially developed wings?

Isn't any feature or organ that could be improved in any manner partially developed in perspective of a fully improved feature or organ?
2015-07-17 06:59:41 UTC
You don't understand the concept of evolution. Changes take place over THOUSANDS of years, not 50-100.
2015-07-18 06:21:44 UTC
anything with a mutation that gives only a partially developed something is likely to die before or soon after birth. Partial body parts don't work properly, in case you hadn't noticed.

But typically nothing is made "partially", it would be made differently. There is a lot of that around, we call it variation.
2015-07-17 06:45:40 UTC
Perhaps both. Is it not out of the realm of possibility that live was intentionally planted here to evolve and guided until we reached a point where were aware of the consequences of our actions. And at that point in the history of human species development, we were indwelled with a spirit. Perhaps this is the creation point discussed in Genesis. Perhaps "Let "us" create man in our image" does not mean the physical form that evolved through countless evolutionary changes, but in the spiritual image of the creative "Us" beings. I don't think science and spirituality need be separate things - we just need to open our minds a bit wider.
Harlee Quinn
2015-07-16 11:47:36 UTC
Evolution is fact, it's true.

Study it a bit maybe, it doesn't happen right before your eyes, it takes millions of years, we aren't going to notice mutated people walking around.
2015-07-16 11:48:56 UTC
Who says so? Your silly cult preachers? Or are you just a troll.

Maybe you should learn what evolution actually is, and what it isn't so you don't convince everyone you are just stooopid.

Evolution IS the changes in the frequency of alleles (gene pairs/sequences) in populationS of organismS over multiple generationS.

Since it is unlikely that creatures with "partially developed features and organs" would survive long enough to reproduce, you are either a troll, or an idiot.

Added for the simpletons:

Pick up a book on organic chemistry. You won't understand it, but glean this one fact: All living things are made up of carbon, calcium, and a host of other minerals --- aka "lifeless chemicals."

Pick up a book on physics. It will probably be way over your head, but here's a simple fact: Everything in the universe, all matter, is made up of "lifeless" atoms, molecules, elements, etc. and matter is just bonded energy (in very simple terms).

Now a book on genetics will no doubt be too hard for you, but here is an essential FACT: Before DNA there was RNA, and before RNA there was TNA, which are in the simplest terms, acid molecules the T, R, and D referring to the particular type of sugar. The DNA you hear about consists of 4 amino acids, which we share will all other living organisms. Now, your stooopid cult preachers like Ken the Ham and convict Kent Hovind, make absurd claims about the "number" of chromosomes, or the "number" of genes having some relationship to the organisms "complexity" and this is just more b.s. that convinces anyone with a brain how retarded they are.

So here's the thing --

Human beings have been using artificial selection for centuries to turn wolves into chihuahuas and grass into corn, among other things. So if your god is not smart enough to use natural selection to turn lower life forms into human beings, then your god is incompetent -- like you.

If you want to use your bible as a spiritual guide or whatever, fine. If you want to use it as a science textbook, then you will fail -- miserably.
2015-07-16 16:46:13 UTC
whats the ploint demanding an explanation when oyu are too stupid to understand what evolution says in the 1st place?

(if you did you would not make the stupid claim "there would be millions of creatures out there with partially developed features and organs"

besides - how do you know there are none? have you examined them all?

and just cos you dont see them dont prove they dont exist
2015-07-17 16:20:59 UTC
Whilst stamping your foot and "demanding" like a spoilt child let us put your question into context. Evolution does not work in the manner you claim. You back up your statement with not a single citation or reference.
2015-07-18 03:08:51 UTC
If evolution is false why did God plant the evidence of it?
2015-07-29 09:41:58 UTC
Answer this... The whole idea of Evolution is to "evolve", right? Then why aren't apes/monkeys evolving into humans now? I thought this was about gaining not loosing parts. Also, the big bang theory states that it was a "BIG EXPLOSION" and as a result of that "EXPLOSION" or "BANG" everything had life and was created, correct? Then tell me... why or how is it that when something explodes it kills and destroys...yet in the bang theory it created life???!!! explosion destroys not creates!
2015-07-16 11:47:06 UTC
Evolution isn't false, it's true.
2015-07-18 14:43:00 UTC
its breaking science news time again:

recent discoveries show a feathered dinosaur with wings that do not allow it to fly.

Feathered cousin of famous movie star dino unearthed in China

Date: July 16, 2015

Source: University of Edinburgh


A newly identified species of feathered dinosaur is the largest ever discovered to have a well-preserved set of bird-like wings, research suggests. Palaeontologists working in China unearthed the fossil remains of the winged dinosaur -- a close cousin of Velociraptor, which was made famous by the Jurassic Park films.
2015-07-16 16:29:44 UTC
Not true. Evolution develops very slowly. the lifespan of a human isn't long enough to see the change.
2015-07-16 11:49:45 UTC
Not at all how evolution works. Try again.
2015-07-21 04:12:31 UTC
Evolution is false. Creatures do not develop into one another or modify.

If evolution was true; it would be continuing even now, as you said.

Creatures, esp man was created at its perfect state by God.

Imagine eyes over knees, nose over belly. It would be difficult to accept the fact that small changes have made man complete by structure now. If that is the case, we should have been able to find altered structures of human fossils.

Even the concept coiner, Charles Darwin himself denied that he has made a mistake by telling humans and other creatures evolved over a period of time.

God had created all creatures perfectly.

Evolution is false.
2015-07-17 07:29:45 UTC
Although evolution can not be proven as fact there is more information that evolution was most likely true then it is not. To put it simply there are fossils that display very similar characteristics to modern animals. There are many species of homo sapiens. It is the belief that they are out relatives. We can tell the date when theses species survived as well as their location.

As we discover more relics we can make pretty accurate assumptions. For instance an older species of homo sapiens would just die and no tools were around them. We then found a more modern species that buried their tools with the dead carcass. This showed that they had more appreciation of life and death because it would be best for survival to keep the tools but they decided to leave them with the owner. Showing either respect or belief in afterlife.

Modern humans are believed to have part Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. But anyways Neanderthals were pretty intelligent. They made clothing during the ice age, and even believed in an after life. The thing they lacked is being able to think a head. They could kill an animal, take it's fur, but they would not realize they would be present in the future. An example is that a Neanderthal will pass a river and drink till he's full. A homo sapien will drink till he's full and save some for later in case he needs it.
James O
2015-07-16 19:32:14 UTC
Evolution is true

and just look at dog breeding to see it happing before your eyes
2015-07-17 07:44:51 UTC
We are here to enjoy evolution if we have the patience to do so. If not? I guess some miss it by passing through it too fast to take the time to understand it.
2015-07-17 05:04:36 UTC
this question says to me that you know nothing about take a very long time for changes to happen..
2015-07-16 11:49:33 UTC
Whales have useless little hip bones.

Humans have appendixes and wisdom teeth.

Horses have remnants of unused toes.

The list goes on and on.

I would recommend getting your information from more than just one website.
2015-07-17 15:57:44 UTC
There are millions of creatures out there with "partially developed" organs. Flying squirrels don't quite have wings. Euglena don't quite have eyes. Snakes don't quite have ears. Humans don't quite have webbing on their fingers...
2015-07-16 11:48:04 UTC
I think that the existence of millions of creationist is a clear example of a partially developed brain in some humans.
2015-07-17 07:00:37 UTC
Hey retard, I'm not surprised you hide behind "anonymous". Evolution is the strongest fact of science you uneducated moron.
2015-07-16 11:46:40 UTC
Evolution is true
Just Lissa
2015-07-21 19:31:16 UTC
EXCELLENT Question, because no matter how long you stare at a monkey he Won't become a man lol. Which is WHY There are Still monkeys
2015-07-18 16:01:59 UTC
Not false. True. Anyone who claims otherwise does not understand Science or how it is done.
2015-07-21 19:24:37 UTC
Scientists say they have found mountains of evidence for it but it still has it's unsatisfactory short comings.
2015-07-16 12:17:28 UTC
It doesn't happen in a day you idiot it happens over millions of years with tiny changes
2016-07-12 15:10:59 UTC
Probably false as God seems to have made it, but never know!
2015-07-16 11:47:49 UTC
You're like scary smart.
2015-07-21 19:51:24 UTC
there is enough tangible evidence to evolution to make it a viable religion.
2015-07-16 15:39:45 UTC
Possibly but I doubt it. I'm a Christian though.
2015-07-16 19:18:24 UTC
Very true. Similarly I believe.

It was only a thesis that was written which was never proven, ever.
2015-07-16 13:47:09 UTC
Yeah! The oldest human ancestor would have been nothing but a finger!
2015-07-16 16:17:33 UTC
evolution is a lie.....and REAL Science refutes it daily
2015-07-16 12:19:10 UTC
We usually regard those as birth defects these days.
Dogstar Ascendant
2015-07-16 11:47:47 UTC
Obvious Poe is obvious.
2015-07-16 12:06:05 UTC
There are I suppose. Contact a zoologist.
2015-07-20 04:56:47 UTC
you don't understand evolution.

please educate yourself and come back with a sensible question when you know what you're talking about
great knight
2015-07-19 19:51:18 UTC It is a lie. They still use admitted lies like "biogenetic law" to try to force it on people.
2015-07-16 12:03:13 UTC
its false
2015-07-16 14:18:38 UTC
You will only get excuses and abuses from them, if they answer at all.
2015-07-16 12:17:27 UTC
You "found it on a site"?
2015-07-16 11:56:38 UTC
You "found it in a site." What an idiot.
2015-07-16 14:28:22 UTC
i demand explanation.

- The site was absurd and you are an idiot.
2015-07-20 11:31:16 UTC
it's real
2015-07-16 14:22:29 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.